《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 14_Familiar


I am currently standing behind Shido and listening to their small talk.

But i'm still quite surprised that even this prideful woman would help someone she hated.

Well I don't think the reason would be because of her selflessness which I don't think she have

Shido:" Don't tell me, it's about that promise?"

Miku:" Please don't get the wrong idea. I don't care about that promise one bit! I came here because i thought i'd add another spirit to my collection."

And she started walking ahead of him

Shido:" Miku, thanks. I owe you one"

Ugh why are you even thanking someone who came here for selfish reasons.

Sigh, might as well watch over him for a while.

While they were walking to the next floor of the DEM base, some of its soldiers came to apprehend the intruders.

They pointed their guns at them but Miku manipulated a soldier's mind and left the other ones unconscious.

Miku:" Hey, will you tell me where Tohka is lock away right now?"

DEM girl:"Th-That's classified information..."

Miku:"If you don't tell me. I'm going to hate you..."

DEM girl:" N-No, big sister! Sh-She's in the quarantine area on the 18th floor! If you use this ID, you'll be able to get in. So please, big sister, have mercy! Have mercy on me!"

Shido and Miku made their way to the staircase to go and rescue Tohka on the 18th floor.

I'm still following behind them though with my invisibility still active.

When they took a turn they encountered 3 armed DEM soldiers.

The DEM trio fired at them with Shido almost being hit on his left leg.

Miku looks at Shido annoyed and then used her voice with spirit power to knock back the trio.

Miku:"Do you really think that attack is enough to stop me? You underestimate me."

Just then i heard footsteps coming from behind her and saw 3 more soldiers about to open fire but i interfered and decapitated them without a second thought.

Yin:" Miku, you're overconfidence is bound to get you killed someday"

Shido:" Yin!"

Miku:" You're..."

Yin:" No time talking. Shido!"

Shido:" Yeah I know"

And he starts walking away to rush and save Tohka.

I am now left alone with Miku staring at me intently.

Yin:" Miku—"

Miku:" Why are you helping him?!"

Yin:" Huh? Why shouldn't I? I'm just doing what i want"

Miku:" But he's just using that spirit for his own good"

Yin:" The same can be said about yourself"

Miku was taken aback by what i just said.

Miku:" You don't know me"

Yin:" Care to enlighten me about what i should know about you then?"

Miku:" hmph, you can't keep up that act forever!"

I don't even know what she's talking about anymore at this point

Yin:" Whatever do you mean by that exactly?"

Miku:" You're 'kindness' is. Isn't it just an act?"

Yin:" I think you've got the wrong idea. Humans aren't all like that..."

Miku:"Shut up...!"

Miku:" Humans are just playthings! Men are my slaves! Girls are my cute dolls! That's all humans are worth! And besides you're not even human so how do you know what I would feel!?"


Yin:" Then answer me this. Why do you hate men so much? Why do you treat girls as toys? What made you to come see humans in that way?"

Miku:" Huh? Isn't it obvious? That's just what humans are—"

Yin:" Even though you were once human yourself?"

She gasped in shock. You think i don't know the difference between pure spirits and not.

Miku:" How did you—"

Yin:" I've known since the first time i saw you"

She quickly glared at me maybe because i told her, the secret that she's been trying to hide.

Miku:" You... What do you know about anything?!"

Yin:" Miku... What happened to you before you became a spirit?"

She avoided eye contact with me and i can see that she doesn't want to experience that again.

Miku:" So persistent."


Miku:" I was just a normal singer... A human one, of course. My name was Tsukino Yoimachi. All i had were my songs. So, i was truly happy that my songs were reaching many people. Everyone praised my songs. They said they loved them. One day, after i had become somewhat popular, my manager told me a producer from a certain TV station liked me, so i should be nice to him..."

Yin:"By 'be nice to him' you mean..."

Miku:" Yeah, it's what you think it means. Of course,I refused. Because my desire wasn't to be on TV... I just wanted everyone to hear my songs. But then a scandal about something i had no idea about was published in a weekly magazine. No one, not even my agency, protected me. But what hurt most was the reaction of my fans... No, the people i thought were my fans... Even then i had my songs. As long as they listened to my songs, I thought they would understand. However... I was diagnosed with psychogenic aphonia. I lost my voice because of those terrible men... I lost everything. Even my parents because of an accident. I wanted to disappear so i tried hanging my self but someone stopped me."

Yin:" I see... I'm sorry for your lost"

Miku:" it's fine, i've gotten used to it"

Yin:"But you said someone stopped you from hanging yourself right? Do you know who it was?"

Miku:" No, it was very dark that day and i didn't really care what happens to me but that man... He is different from other men. He cared for my well being even though I don't know his name. I wanted to know him better but i felt drowsy and my eyes were starting to close but i still heard him mutter a few words and i would never forget the words that he said to me that night. ' Even if the world rejects you, even if your voice is lost. Remember that there will always be someone listening to your songs, just like me.' after i heard him say those words close to my ears i cried and slowly fell asleep right in his warm embrace. When i woke up, the only thing on my mind was him. I looked everywhere in and out of the house but i couldn't find him. I really wanted to thank him but i can't clearly remember what he looks like and that was when someone gave me a crystal and was reborn as a spirit."


These events... It all sounds too familiar with me.

I once saved a singer from depression and said the exact same words and left without writing a letter to say that i liked her singing.

She seems to be of the same age as that singer i saved about a year ago but is that even possible? Is she the one i saved that night? I can't deny the possibility but if by chance that she is the one i saved a year ago then...

Yin:" Miku"

Miku:" What?"

Yin:" What year did you met this said man?"

Miku:" Huh? Why should tell you about him?"

Yin:" You've already told me your past anyway so what's the point of hiding it now"

Miku:" I...guess so... That was a year ago right after i lost my voice and was forced to leave the singing industry"

I see. So she was the one i saved back then.

Coincidence, fate and destiny is very scary sometimes.

I smiled and walked away.

Yin:" I'm glad to see you in good health. Miku Izayoi"

Miku looked at me confused and wanted to say something but i kept walking to Shido who was having a hard time fighting on his own.

Shido is being shot multiple times but his regeneration helped him survive the attacks.

He lift his sword up and slashes in their direction creating a sonic wave of spirit power.

The DEM soldiers used their barriers but it didn't hold on after the second strike.

I, along with Miku, walked towards him not caring about the people shooting at us with their guns.

Yin:" I was hoping that you would already be by her side by now but i guess you still lack experience in the art of fighting."

Shido:" Yin, what are you..."

Yin:" Go! We will deal with the soldiers"

He nodded and quickly ran to the next floor.

DEM 2:" Quick after him!"

She said and ran after him but before they could take a step forward i halfheartedly swing my sword at them creating a lightning strike that electrocuted them without too much of a resistance.

Miku:" I don't understand"

Yin:" Hmm? What?"

Miku:" If you're this strong, why didn't you just save Tohka instead of letting him save her?"

Yin:" Ah that!... I want him to show me his determination"

Miku:" Determination?"

Yin:" I have my expectations that he is going to be strong and what he needs right now is to experience growth."

Miku:" Hmph. He's just acting"

Yin:" No, he isn't acting Miku. Just like him, you also don't know his story."

Miku:" How do you know about him?"

Hmm how isn't really the best word to describe that it's more like what.

Yin:" That's gonna be my little secret for now dear~"

I said teasingly and surprisingly she blushed and looked away, avoiding eye contact with me.

We started to catch up to Shido after dealing with these soldiers and what i saw next surprised me.

Tohka and Shido were facing each other but there seems to be an invisible wall in between them that's preventing them from touching each other.

I stayed back on the door to see the events unfold while Miku walk towards him and didn't even notice that i stayed behind.

Just then, a man i believe to be Isaac Westcott appeared behind Tohka a few meters away.

Isaac:"I don't believe we have met before. I'm Isaac Westcott from DEM industries."

Shido:"So you're Isaac...?"

Isaac:" Good job making it here, Diva. And...Oh? What are you? No, don't tell me... There's no way..."

Shido:" I am Shido Itsuka! I have come to save Tohka! Let her go now!"

Isaac:"Shido Itsuka? You? Hehe. A boy who can handle the power of Spirits? I didn't think it was possible, but i see. Hahaha how amusing! This is all according to that woman's plans, I see!"

That woman? Another enemy? I don't like the way he said that.

Miku:" What's wrong with him? That's why I don't like men."

No, no , no. I don't think him being a man has anything to do with it, though.

While Shido was talking with Westcott I left them and teleported outside and saw Kurumi still fighting an army in the sky.

Mana, who i think is Shido's biological sister, just finished fighting the red head and the AST girl lost consciousness after Ellen flew to the DEM base where Shido, Miku and Tohka are in.

I jumped from roof to roof to find Kurumi's main body and ask her about something.

While i was searching for her, i saw something that seems to be a spirit, hiding away from the chaotic battlefield on the sky.

I wanted to approach her but she quickly disappeared right after i took a step.

It was... Strange but i think i scared her since I'm still holding Ramiel in my hand when i tried approaching her.

I shook my head and continued searching for Kurumi and after a while leaping from roof to roof.

I found her just beside the DEM base.

Yin:" Hey!"

Kurumi:" Ara~ I thought you were helping him. What are you doing here?"

Yin:" Ah i did help him, i think. Anyway, found anything about the captive spirit?"

Kurumi:" No, not yet. It looks like she is not in this facility so i'm thinking of trying outside the country for a while."

Yin:" Hm~ i may have an idea as to where she might be. But I can't guarantee that she will be there"

Kurumi looked at me surprised that i have some information regarding the captured spirit and told me to give her the said location.

I complied of course and told her the location that i think she is being held in.

Kurumi:" Hm~ this place... In a forest outside the city... And it is hidden quite well... "

Yin:" So when are you going there?"

Kurumi:" As soon as possible... But i think it's best if we stay here for a while and help him"

Yin:"That's fine by me"

I turned around and was about to leave but Kurumi appeared beside me and kissed my cheek.

Yin:" Uhh... "

Kurumi:" Just a little reward for giving this information"

I smiled and looked unto where i left Shido and saw the top floor of the DEM building being blown away by a huge yellow beam.

I focused my attention to their location and noticed something that is similar to someone turning inverse.

When the yellow beam died down, Someone, more like Tohka was floating above the building but her attitude, look and attire are completely different.

This aura, this power and the vibe its leaking.

There is only one thing that comes to mind and I've experienced this myself years ago.

Yin:" Inverse..."


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