《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 13_The Helper


After Kurumi left me on top of the building i moved a bit to find a good space to sleep.

Realizing that she might take a while i closed my eyes and awaited her return.

I know that she can take care of herself so i don't really mind her going off on her own and besides, i am quite okay being alone in this world.

While i was counting stars in my imagination, i got too comfortable and slept for the whole afternoon.

It is currently night time and i can see a lot of people roaming the city

Yin:" Did something happen?"

I was quite curious about this phenomenon and went towards the person inside the building.

Yin:" Hey!"

He looked at me with a look of wanting to give up and after he realized who i was he quickly changed his attitude towards me.

Shido:" What do you want"

Yin:" I want to know what happened to all those people out there"

Shido:" They've being controlled by Miku"

Yin:" She what! Damn it i shouldn't have saved her that day if this was going to happen"

Shido:" What are you talking about?"

Yin:" Nothing, anyway what are you going to do now?"

Shido:"I... I'm going to save Tohka!"

Yin:" Hm~ are you going alone then?"


Yin:" With Yoshino and the Yamai sisters in that spirits hands and Tohka in DEM's hands, you are completely out of options."

Shido looked at me surprised that i know what happened to them.

Shido:" How did you-"

Yin:" I have my ways"

Shido:" Wait! You're not being manipulated by her?"

Yin:" Oh please, a power like that can't control me"

Shido:" Yin. I need you to do something for me. I want to save Tohka, and i need your help to do it!"

Yin:" Oh! "

Shido:" I know that you dislike me but right now...please... I don't have any choice, Yin. You're my last hope!"

Yin:" (*smile)" What a pleasant surprise. Sure I'll help you out!"

Shido:" Really! Then can you take me to where Tohka is now?!"

Yin:" Not yet... Don't you want to convince that spirit first before saving Tohka?"

Shido:" I... Is it even possible?"

Yin:" It is, though i don't think i am enough to protect you so i'm calling her to help you out as well"

Shido:" her?!"

I feel bad treating him as a hybrid but i guess its about time i change my ways.

Yin:" Kurumi! I know you're there can you come out now!?"

Kurumi:" Ara~ so you knew?"

She said as she slowly reveal herself from the shadows behind me

Yin:" Since the beginning, anyway, can you help him out this time. I can't help him too much since I'm gonna be fighting some people"

Kurumi:" Didn't you say you don't like fighting?"

Yin:" The situation demands it so i have no choice"

Kurumi:" Very well."

Shido:" Yin..."

Yin:" Don't worry she won't hurt you"

Shido:" Then what are you going to do?"

Yin:" I'll be the decoy while you go and save Tohka. Oh and if i'm done with my work I'll join you there so rest assured. I won't abandon you"


Shido nods with the look of determination in his eyes and followed Kurumi outside the building.

I was left alone inside with one thought in mind

Yin:" Shido, if you really have the power to save them then show me your courage, strength and bravery on this battlefield"

I then teleported on top of the building and saw a lot of Bandersnaches.

Yin:" Time to have some fun!"

I grin and flew right to the middle of the these Bandersnaches.

I feel my power rising slightly as i destroyed them one by one with my punches.

The Bandersnaches fired laser beams at me but i simply dodged and reflect some of them with my hands covered in spirit energy.

They came and slashed straight at me on the same time and i tried blocking it but there was just too many of them and they are overwhelming me with their quantity that they were able to pin me down to the ground.

I was having a hard time fighting them because I'm not using all my strength and its not even half my full power.

Reasons to why i wanted to struggle is because i want to experience how helpless people feel when they don't have the strength to fight.

And after having a taste of it, I kind of understood why they hold grudges now.

At first i thought that these machines were not really a big threat to me but after fighting it for a while i realized that these robots are built to fight spirits.

I really want to use my full power but it might destroy the city so i decided against that.

These Bandersnaches are getting annoying and they're trying to crush me to the ground.

They weren't able to touch me since i put a strong barrier in front of me.

I was thinking of how much power i should use to get out of this situation and then it hit me.

I raised my hand and summoned my angel.


I raised my voice which gained the attention of all the people on the sky.

An object appeared in front of me and was floating.

It took the shape of an octahedron and went closer to me.

Yin:" Ramiel. Can you materialize yourself into a weapon and blast these things off of me?!"

As i requested a sword that radiates sparks of lightning emerged in front of me and every Bandersnaches that pinned me down was destroyed and it created a huge crater underneath me

I slowly got up and picked up the sword and as i touched it, lightning strikes have emerged which sent vibrations on my surroundings

Yin:" Thank you Ramiel. For answering my call."

Ramiel created sparks of lightning probably responding to what i said.

Yin:" Looks like I have to put in more effort if i want completely annihilate these machines"

I then put my gaze on a DEM soldier and she flinched, realizing that I looked at her.

I wasted no time and appeared behind her decapitating her without a slight hesitation or nervousness.

I then teleported in front of a Bandersnaches and sliced it in half.

The others looked at me dumbfounded by my sudden appearance and attacked me all together but i simply just swung my sword and it created a wave of thunderbstrikes that electrocuted some DEM members and ultimately kill them.


Some Bandersnaches were also hit by this attack and they exploded right after five seconds of contact.

I flew in high speed and slashed another Bandersnaches and when on like this for a while.

As i was slashing these annoying machines i heard something approaching me at high speed.

It almost hit my neck but i was able to block it with my sword and we were in a stalemate.

I looked at the person trying to hit me and saw that it was the girl that i extracted information from and she was giving me a smirk.

Ellen:" You... Are you a spirit?"

Yin:" And what if I am?"

Ellen:("grins)" Then I'm gonna have you to follow me to -"

I interrupted her knowing that she's going to send me to that selfish guy.

Yin:" I refuse!"

Ellen:" It doesn't matter whether you refuse or not your still coming with me!"

We both back off a little and clashed swords again although her sword were a bit different than the other member of DEM.

I swung my sword from above and quickly brought it down with too little force and she was able to block it just in time before it hits her head.

We took a step back and reposition ourselves and then clashed once again.

She lunges her sword right at my chest but i saw this coming and parried her attack and it surprised her a bit before composing herself and backed away, launching laser beams at me.

I teleported behind her and destroyed the left side of her equipment.

She tried hitting me behind her but i already teleported back to my original position.

I slashed her side but was blocked by a barrier, i backed away knowing that she might isolate me and counterattack but it was still blocked, I continued hitting the barrier with each of my strike getting heavier and heavier and i hit her one last time using my sword that is covered in electricity with a lightning after effect and it broke her barrier.

Ellen:" You're strong... Stronger than anyone i've ever fought before"

Yin:"I didn't ask"

We dashed towards each other to do another slash but i stopped when i heard something else targeting me.

I moved a few meters back and saw that there was another woman with red hair shooting missiles at me and the look she is giving is like she has gone crazy.

I retreated a bit to see the incoming attacks but Ellen chased after me and flunge her sword right at my face.

I blocked that attack and i quickly used a lightning barrier to protect myself from being blown away by these homing missiles and it exploded right after it touched the barrier which made some smoke.

I quickly sensed someone charging right at me and it was ellen.

Using Ramiel after a long time was quite nostalgic and i raised my power again which resulted in my sword glowing beautifully in the night.

I haven't really fought anyone with effort before so this was a little amazing.

Yin:"Haha I haven't felt this excited in years!"

I then raised my spirit power to about below half my power and charged right at Ellen which she quickly responded by activating her barrier.

She kept up her barrier while i keep hitting it with a pressure getting stronger and stronger.

The red haired girl noticed ellen defending and tried attacking me but i simply teleported to her back and destroyed the right side of her equipment.

After i destroyed it i quickly teleported behind Ellen making her flinched in surprise by my sudden appearance.

I slashed her barrier again and this time it got totally destroyed.

She coughed out blood due to the intense impact i made when i destroyed her barrier.

I was about to finish her off when i heard shooting behind me so i looked back and saw that these beams were coming straight at me so i instinctively dodged it and it hits Ellen which made her fall to the ground on high altitude.

Yin:" I wonder how they're doing now"

I said as another laser beam attack almost hit me by the shoulder but i was able to avoid it thanks to my sense of danger.

I just dashed straight to the nearest Bandersnaches and was about to slice it in half when a hand was thrusted in its head.

I looked around and saw multiple Kurumi's destroying Bandersnaches left and right.

I approached the original and ask about what happened.

Yin:" Oh! Was it a success?"

Kurumi:" Unfortunately, no. She was too stubborn to listen."

Yin:" Who are you talking about?"

Kurumi:" Miku Izayoi"

Yin:" What about Tohka?"

Kurumi:" Not yet saved"

I see so they went to convince Miku to help as well.

Oh well. Might as well help him out since i just took out two people here.

Yin:" I'm going with him. Wanna come along?"

Kurumi:" No, since DEM is here might as well start looking for that captive spirit"

Yin:" I see. Well be careful to not get caught. I'm going"

I said to her and she simply smiled and nodded.

I teleported in front of the DEM building and saw two figures in front.

I can see Mana and Shido talking and someone interrupted their conversation.

Yin:" And here i was, thinking that i've finished her off."

Mana confronted the red haired woman and fought on the sky with sword in each of them.

I just ignored it and walked inside the building where Shido ran off to, to save Tohka.

As i was making my way to their location, i saw a bright light a few distance away from my current location.

I instantly knew that it was him since i only know one person that can summon Tohka's angel which is Shido.

I ran to where i saw the light with my sword in hand still emitting sparks of lightning.

When i arrived there i wasn't able to catch up to him and i only saw the defeated soldiers and Bandersnaches on the ground.

Yin:" Desperation can be quite scary sometimes"

Then suddenly i heard a loud noise from the upper floor.

It sounded like someone appeared on that floor because i can sense spirit power from it, there were also some spirits outside floating.

I quickly ran to his location and fought some Bandersnaches on the way which is not that hard considering that i completely annihilated most of them outside.

When i arrived there i can see Shido was about to pass out because of pain and exhaustion and an unexpected prideful woman was with him.

I activated my invisibility and hid my weapon as well so i can listen to their conversation.

Yin:" Now then. I wonder if you're going to help him out."

I said to myself as i walked slowly toward Shido.

With him not noticing that i was right behind him checking his condition which is not very good.


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