《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 12_Amusement


Yin:" Are you...a singer?"

Miku:" Why... Do you ask?"

Yin:" Your voice sounds familiar, i feel like i have heard it before but i can't remember it clearly"

Miku:" i see... Yes i am a singer though i would like to ask you something as well"

Yin:" Go ahead"

Miku:" Did you hear me sing before?"

Yin:" Indeed i have. You're voice sounds good"

Miku looked at me surprised.

Miku:" Can i ask you something. No, I'm gonna ask you this anyway"

Yin:" Hmm~~?"

Miku:" Are you a spirit Yin?"

I see so she noticed that her little manipulation technique didn't work on me.

Yin:" Yes I am a spirit, and i also know that you're a spirit as well"

She stared at me shocked that i know her little secret.

Haha you can't hide from me girl, you're not strong enough.

Miku:" How...did you know?"

Yin:(*sigh)" I saw your performance inside Tengu Arena and how that playboy wanted to talk to you. I also know a lot of things but i won't pry too much into it"

I should probably peek into her memories when she lets her guard down.

We both continued our conversation however i changed the topic because there might be someone eavesdropping in on our conversation.

Just like a certain cross dresser.

The food things we ordered was served to us and we immediately finished it up and got up.

Miyuki:" Tell me something before you go"

Yin:" Just ask away"

Miyuki:" Can you... Also seal spirits"

She looked at me in the eyes and i said to her what i honestly want to tell her.

Yin:" I'm just going to tell you this, Yes i can seal spirits and the way i uses it is different from the playboy"

Miku:" What's the difference?"

Yin:" The other sealer kisses the targeted spirit and their power is sealed but my own way of doing it is... Very complicated"

I seriously don't want to seal her but if she overuses her power then i will have no choice but to do it.


After Yin answered her honestly. She blushed hard when she heard that she needs to be kissed in order to seal

She also understood one thing.

He cannot be manipulated and he is stronger than her in every way.

Miku:"I see... Okay that's all"

Yin:" Well then... Good luck on your upcoming performance my dear"

She stared at him for a couple of seconds and then looked down.

Miku slightly blushed by his encouragement and she felt something warm inside her chest.

She was having a little conflict with herself thinking of why she feels this way towards him.


On the sidelines, Shido is stalking them and listening to their conversation.

He was surprised to see the man hater blushing in front of someone who is actually a boy.

Shido:(*mind)" How did he do that?"

Meanwhile, Yin was looking at Miku and was a bit confused as to why she suddenly went quiet and was a bit worried that he might have done something to upset her.

Yin:" Are... You okay? You've been quiet for a while now. Did i... Say something that might have upset you?"

Miku:"E-eh n-no. It's nothing. Anyway make sure to watch my performance okay"

Yin:" Sure..."

Miku left to prepare for her performance and was smiling.

Shido saw all this and was amazed by how Yin was able to talk to Miku casually without her insulting or humiliating him.

He also reported what happened to Kotori and she was shocked to know that their feared spirit appeared at the festival and was not being ridiculed by the

Shido gave the details of what he knows during Miku and Yin's conversation and some members from Ratatoskr were dumbfounded because there is someone else capable of sealing spirits.

They also don't know his spirit ranking and that what worries them.

One can say that he is definitely higher than AA-class spirit but without knowing his full power or his complete fighting style then his rank won't be determined.

He also doesn't have any past records of destruction which seemed strange for a spirit of his caliber.

Kotori:" As long as he doesn't destroy anything then it's fine...for now"

After hearing Shido's information on Yin, she ordered Shido to not follow him and only focus on Miku for the time being.

Kotori knows that Yin only interferes if the situation calls for it and he won't hurt the spirits unless necessary.

She tried finding Yin and monitor his movements but no matter what they do they could not track him down.


Meanwhile with Yin

After saying goodbye to Miku, he took a stroll around the festival and remembered that his school is also participating in a contest.

Yin:"Let's change into our human form, i wanna see how Shido will outperform Miku this time... If he can that is"

He went to a less crowded place and teleported to the restroom and changed to a human with his spirit power concealed.

Yin went back inside and started making his way to the venue where the contest will be held in.

When he arrived there, the audience was just too massive that he already hate going.

The crowd was too much for him to handle so he teleported to a less dense place inside the venue and was finally able to relax for only a little bit.

He waited for an hour for the performance to start and when it did he didn't really think that the other schools were amazing.


The last two schools left were the ones he is expecting to see.

Yin:" I wonder who is going to win between them"

He likes seeing unexpected results because it made him think that the talented are getting carried away and are very arrogant and proud of their abilities which he dislikes.

Yin thought about enjoying the show for the whole day but was interrupted when he sensed someone fighting midair.

Yin:"Why do they always have to get in the way of my fun"

Kurumi:" Maybe because trouble comes to you"

Yin look behind him and saw Kurumi and noticed that it wasn't the main body and that it was only a clone

Yin:" More like i get dragged into trouble by those guys"

He said pointing at the stage showing Shido and the other spirits

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ aren't you glad that you were able to get out of your boredom my dear?"

Yin:"Yes i am glad about that but you know fighting isn't really what I'm after but entertainment"

Kurumi:" Ara~ then can you entertain me later tonight i wonder?"

Yin:(*smirk)" Oh! Is that an invitation I'm hearing right now?"

Kurumi went bright red after hearing his response to her teasing and Yin chuckles at her cute reaction

Yin:" I think it's better for you to go back to your main body right now. I sense danger coming closer here"

Kurumi nodded and went to the shadows.

Yin:" Now then, Isaac Westcott, i wonder if you have the power to amuse me"

He said to himself as he transformed into his spirit form and teleported outside the arena and appeared on top of a building.


I am currently on top of the high building and i can clearly see the AST girl fighting the new members of her own team.

Yin:" That girl is sure is brave. Fighting a group all by yourself is quite suicidal"

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ you're not really one to talk about that right?"

I look behind me and saw Kurumi on her astral dress coming out of the shadows.

Yin:" I... Have no excuses for that"

Kurumi:(*giggles)" Well anyway i want to talk to you about something"

Yin:" Go on"

Kurumi:" I want you to accompany me for a bit"

Yin:" Why?"

Kurumi:" hm~ just thinking that it would be nice to spend time with you for a little while"

Well it is true that i haven't been spending much time with her for quite a long time now.

I guess i have to oblige with her little request

Yin:" Sure that would be nice. We haven't been spending much time together for a while anyway so this might be a good opportunity"

Kurumi smiled and walks beside watching the fight between these reckless fools.

Yin:" I feel like I've seen those flying machines before but i don't quite remember when..."

Kurumi:" You've probably seen them back on that island where you saw ellen aka adeptus one"

I thought back to the events that transpired on that day and remembered that i had extracted her memory.

Yin:" I remember now, i think they're called Bandersnaches"

As i was talking to myself i saw a huge yellow beam attacking the AST girl's enemies and the Bandersnaches exploded on impact with the attack

After the smoke cleared someone flew down and went to the AST girl's side.

Yin:" Hey isn't that, the girl you shot multiple times and almost died?"

I look to the woman beside me still watching the fight

Kurumi:" Ah yes, i shot her vital spots on that fight though i'm surprised she survived that"

Yin:" Haha maybe the playboy's other sister did something to make her able to move"

Kurumi:" Well, i can't deny the possibility of that happening"

We moved on and continued watching the fight and it was quite fast.


Mana:" it's been a while, Sergeant First Class Tobiicho. My, my, if it isn't Jessica"

Jessica:" Adeptus two... Why are you attacking us?! "

Mana:" I believe that's my old code name. Sorry but I'm getting the heck out of DEM"

Jessica was angered by this and raised her gun and pointed it on Mana.

Jessica:" Are you going to betray Westcott-sama?!"

Mana quickly flew in front of her and slashed her gun and then moved behind her to slash the jet pack that's helping her stable in the air.

Jessica uses her broken weapon to hit Mana behind her but she deflected it and shot her on the gut

She was about to fall but Mana catches her by the hair while Jessica was unconscious.

Mana:" Vanargand... Not bad for equipment I've not even broken in."

She then throws Jessica to the other members of her squad.

Mana:" I'll let you of the hook this time. Take that woman and get the heck out of here"

She said to them in a demanding voice and the enemy retreated with their leader being carried by one of them.


Yin:" that was a fast fight. It didn't even last an hour"

I was honestly expecting a fight tht would last a bit longer but she completely overpowered her in skill.

Kurumi:" I'm going out for a bit, can you wait here for me?"


Kurumi:(*giggle)" Don't worry i won't be long"

She used her shadow and went out of my sight.

Yin:(sigh)" Waiting huh... Now that i think about it i should probably wake her up. Its been a long time since we last spoke."

Yes i almost forgot about the first encounter that i had in this world.

The angel of thunder



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