《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 11_Meeting


After Yin left the girl that he saved he didn't bother to look back and continue walking.

The girl's house.

???:" That boy. He doesn't even know me and still saved me. Weird, everyone knows me but he doesn't. If i see him again i have to thank him properly"

She was thinking that the way she handled that conversation was a bit unprofessional.

She could have just talked to him normally but she put her dignity first in the line and the boy was seems irritated by her attitude so she wishes to change that.

???:" Yin..."


A day had past since Yin accidentally met the spirit that's very prideful.

And right now he is taking a nap on top of the school roof.

Miyuki attended all her classes like usual and Kurumi didn't even bother to show up at school.

Yin:" Why does she have to be so hostile towards me? It's not like i did something wrong to her."

He was still thinking of the spirit and the way she behave in front of him.

Yin stayed to the rooftop after all classes were over and he woke up when the sun was already setting.

He just woke up from his sleep and was alerted immediately after the spacequake alarm rang.

Yin:" Perfect timing. Might as well check this one out"

He stood up and searched for the location of the spirit.

Yin:" An auditorium? Haah why does she have to be there"

He said to himself and teleported right by the entrance and saw that the place was so dark and only the lights on the stage can be seen.

She started singing and i noticed instantly that sometimes her voice releases some spirit power.

She looks familiar and her voice feels nostalgic, i feel like I've heard this voice before but i don't remember where.

I kept listening to her and the way she sang every lyrics feels kind of... Empty.

Everytime i kept listening to her i feel that she is not really singing it from the heart.

It's like she doesn't understand the meaning of loving someone.

Yin:" A singer doesn't present their voice to the audience, they resonate their souls"

I then noticed the door opening slowly and the one who entered was the playboy

Yin:" I don't like where this is going"

Listening to his conversation with the ear piece i quickly learned the name of the spirit

Yin:" Izayoi Miku"

She was still singing on stage and he suddenly made a noise that echoed loudly inside here.


Yin:" This idiot, always causing trouble"

Miku:"Oh, did someone come to watch? Where are you? If you wouldn't mind, I'd really love to talk to you."

Yin:" Yeah right, I highly doubt that you would want to talk to that audience of yours once you know their gender"


He slowly walked back stage and entered her field of view.

Miku:" Oh, thank you for coming all the way up here. Good evening. I'm..."

Shido:" H- Hey"

After she saw him she immediately changed her expression and her spirit power suddenly began rising up.

She uses her voice to create sonic waves that blasted him and almost fell of the stage.

Miku:" That's strange... Why aren't you down there? Why aren't you a pile of goo? Please be gone... From this stage, from this world, from this standalone universe, right this instant!."

He kept struggling to get up the stage

Shido:" What do you..."

Miku:" Why are you talking to me? Don't get your spittle on me. Don't get your breath on me. Can't you see the air around you becoming more and more polluted? "

Shido:" Uhh. Are you —"

Miku:" You naughty, naughty boy... Can you tell me why I'm not crushing your hand and sending you tumbling toward your demise? It's because the bottoms of my shoes are too good for you."

Yin:" Damn she really hate him that much huh. That was some heavy emotional damage"

A few minutes later the wall above Miku exploded and revealed the AST girl and her squad.

Miku looks up and saw them.

Her face changes from hatred to delight.

Miku:" Oh my. How wonderful! That's the spirit! Nothing like an excited audience!"

She disappeared from the stage and appeared behind the AST girl.

She tried to cut her but missed so she fired missiles at her but she was unaffected and Miku kept teasing her.

I also saw some new members with them and they were on standby.

Yin:(*sigh)" More trouble, great"

I was walking to the playboy when he suddenly got teleported out of the stage.

Looks like they retreated for now.

I look up and saw Miku creating sonic waves with her voice and then she vanished.

Yin:" Well, that's my cue to also get out of here."

I teleported back to my house and went straight to my room and slept for the night.


I am now outside wandering around the city.

It's been a while since I have been alone by myself.

The last time i was alone was before i met Tohka and the others.

Well... Not that it matters anymore though.

I kept walking and saw someone who looks so familiar.

Yin:" Blue hair, brown eyes, acting, easily panics when girls talk to her. That's the playboy isn't it? The heck is he doing?"

I saw him enter a room with a sign off limits.

Yin:" Strange... I feel another spirit power inside that place."

I ran to the nearest restroom and transformed into my spirit form.

While i am here i should probably put invisibility again since it is very useful for sneaking up and spying on someone.


I walked out of the restroom and ran to the place where the playboy entered and immediately found them on stage talking to each other.

Yin:" A singer? Idol?... Diva might sound nice for her but why does it feel like i know this girl... strange

I looked closer and it was the girl that i saved back then and the girl who i think is Shido cross dressing was talking to her.

Maybe i should leave them be, I don't want to start an argument with someone like her again.


When Yin started leaving the place Miku noticed him in the corner of her eyes.

Miku:(*mind)" Was that him?"

She kept looking to the direction that Yin left and pondered if it was really him.

Shido:" Uhhm... Miku?"

Miku was brought back to reality when Shido called out to her.

He looked at her thinking of why she is staring at the door but decided to ask her anyway

Shido:" Is something wrong?"

Miku:" It's nothing"

She simply told him and left the stage with Shido still cross dressing as a girl.


A few days later the 25th annual Ten-oh festival began and Yin decided to keep using his spirit form to wander around the festival.

Yin wandered alone in the festival while Miyuki stayed at home playing some games that she recently bought and Kurumi wants to roam the festival by herself.

He was walking and buying food that he thinks he likes and kept going at it in a slow pace.

He decided that his next destination would be where Tohka is currently working so he started walking away again but was stopped when he felt someone grabbing him by his shirt.

He looked back to see that it was Kurumi holding on to him.

Yin:" Yo! Didn't think that we would see each other here"

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ i was the same thing"

Yin:" May i ask why you are here grabbing my shirt? "

Kurumi:" i just wanted to see how you would react to me grabbing your shirt. And i didn't get the reaction i expected"

Yin:" Hmm~ by the way have you noticed something strange lately? Especially with the AST? "

Kurumi:" Yes i have, I think they have new members. Though i think they came from a foreign country and were members of DEM"

Yin:" hmm i see... Thanks. Oh by the way how is the search coming along?"

Kurumi:" Hmm~ i have some of the locations as to where she might be but i haven't gone there myself yet"

Yin:" I see... Well just talk to me if you need backup. I'll come and support you if you need it"

Kurumi nods with a blush on her cheeks and she let go of his shirt.

Yin waved her goodbye and Kurumi did the same.

Soon after that Miku saw him walking alone and it surprised her that she actually saw him again.

Miku:" Wait Yin!"

She called out to him suddenly and Yin looked at her and then looked away.

Miku:" W- Wait i have something to tell you!"

Yin:" Don't wanna hear it. You're probably going to humiliate me so I would appreciate it if you keep those insults to yourself"

He said while still walking away from her.

Miku:" Just please wait!"

Yin stopped walking and looks behind him and saw that she was standing there alone

Yin:" What?!"

Miku:" I have something to tell you"

Yin:"You just did"

Miku:" That's not what i was supposed to say"

Yin:"Oh? Then what is it?"

Miku took a deep breath and slowly approaches him while Yin was just there staring right into her eyes.

Miku:" I wanted to thank you. For saving me that day..."

Yin was a little surprised that she can act polite to a boy.

Miku:" And I'm sorry for saying bad things about you before"

Yin:" No need for that. Well anyway I am going now. Goodbye"

Miku:"Where are you going? "

Yin:" Don't know. I'm just gonna keep wandering around the place and leave."

Miku:" Oh? Then how about i treat you?"

Yin:" Why? "

Miku:" Consider it as thanks for saving my life that day"

He pondered about it for a little while and accepted her offer.

Yin:(*mind)" This might be my chance to get answers from her directly "

They both walked into a maid cafe and Yin noticed that the twins, Tohka and Shido are here.

Although Shido is still crossdressing.

Miku saw Shiori/Shido but decided to ignore her for now.

They were talking about trivial things such as how their day was, how are they or what do they like.

When Shido came to their table he was shocked to see Miku talking to a boy so casually but what shocked him even more was the identity of the boy she was talking to.

Shido:(*mind)" Yin? Why is he here? And Miku is with him? I thought she hated boys, why is she talking to him so casually? "

They gave their orders and Shido wrote it all down and after they're done, he left to give the notes.

After he gave the notes he listened in on their conversation

Yin:" You hate talking to boys but you're talking to me. A boy. Why is that?"

Miku:"Well if i have to say. It's because i want to make a good impression on you"

Yin:" Oh? How kind of you though i would appreciate it if you act more like your usual self. By the way Miku i want to ask you something, may i? "

Miku:" Go ahead"

Yin:" Are you...a singer? "


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