《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 7_Confession


Ahh seriously. This guys are annoying.

They keep asking me stuff about Miyuki, and it was getting on my nerve.

I looked at Shido and he just stared at us and listened to our conversation.

Yin:" Oi! Shido. You're not thinking of going after Miyuki, are you?"

Shido:" W-what makes you think that?!"

Yin:" It's obviously because every girl that transfers here, always got asked out by you"

I can hear my classmates gossiping about Shido.

Shido:" W-well i-i don't know what you're talking about"

Yin:" Heh! You're so bad in lying"

The other students started arguing about how Shido gets all the girls and they always choose him.

I left the classroom and started walking towards the rooftop.

Miyuki followed me to the roof after i left and she was being followed by Shido and co.

I wanted to ask her why she went and attended this school but decided not to because Shido might investigate about me.

Although i doubt that he is smart enough to do so.

I was cross legged sitting on the floor rooftop and started eating lunch.

Miyuki:" Muu~ Why didn't you invite me?"

Yin:" Well, i though that you would be busy considering the amount of people gathering on your desk"

Miyuki:" But they're not really that interesting though... Ahh~ except the blue haired boy and the girl that was clinging to him"

I can see Shido flinched when the description fits him perfectly.

Yin:" I would advice you not to talk to them. Shido is a playboy so it's better for you to avoid him"

Miyuki:" ohh~ are you jealous he might steal me away from you~?"

Yin:" No, i'm just worried for your mental health"

Miyuki pouted because she didn't get the answer she was expecting him to say.

I finished eating my food and relaxed for a bit.

Miyuki also finishes eating and came closer to me.

She then lay down her head on my lap and wanted to take a nap.

Yin:" Hey, its not good for your health if you lay down after eating , you know"

Miyuki:" I know but this just feel so comfortable"

Yin:" is that so?..."

Miyuki:" Yes!"

We stayed like this for a while until the bell rang.

Yin:" Come on, get up now we have to go back to class"

Miyuki:" hmm~ five more minutes~"

Yin:" Miyuki, we're at school not in the house."

Miyuki:" hmm~ fine"

She then got up and stretched out her hand to help Yin stand up.

He holds her hand for support and got up.


Yin sensed that Shido left and went back to the classroom so he decided to head back as well with Miyuki right next to him.


While class was in session Shido gave him a note saying that he wants to talk to him after school.

Of course Yin already knew what he was going to ask but decided to go along with him to see how he would approach this problem.

After school Yin talked to Miyuki that he is going to meet with Shido and that he wants her to hear everything that they are discussing.

Miyuki went to the rooftop while her invisibility is active and waited for Shido to come.

After a few minutes of waiting Shido arrived with Tohka which surprises them both due to the fact that he is being accompanied by a spirit

Yin:" You said that you wanted to talk but why is she here?"

Shido:" W-well she insisted that she wants to tag along so..."

Yin:(sigh)" Whatever just tell me what you want"

After i said that Shido and Tohka got serious expression on their faces.

Shido:" I have something to ask you, can I?"

Yin:" You just did"

Yin heard Miyuki chuckle after you answered Shido nonchalantly

Shido:" Anyway how long have you known Miyuki-san?"

Yin:' And why does that concern you?"

Shido was taken aback by this counter question but kept his composure

Shido:"J-just answer my question please"

Yin thought for a second whether he should tell them or not.

Yin:" No, sorry but that is something i am not supposed to tell you"

Shido:" Huh? What do you mean?"

Yin:" Playboy, we too have secrets that we don't want to share"

Shido:" I know but i have to at least know her a bit"

Yin:" So stubborn, listen to me and listen well"

Yin said in a cold and serious tone.

Yin:" If you want to continue living a peaceful life then... "

He said while walking to the door of the roof and then stopped in front of it and turned his head to face them.

Yin:" Don't pry into our lives"

And he left with Miyuki following him.



Shido looked surprised by his sudden aggressiveness that makes him wonder.

Shido:" Why is he protecting her?"

Tohka:" Shido? Are you alright?"

Shido:" Y-yeah, i was just surprised to see him act like that"

Tohka looked confuse on what he just said but decided to ignore it.

Tohka:" Anyway let's go! I wanna eat curry for dinner"

He look at Tohka being happy and cheery and he smiled seeing her and went to go shopping for ingredients for her request.



Yin and Miyuki decided to walk home together because Yin said to Miyuki that if he teleports them to their house then it would raise their suspicion on him which he didn't want happening.

When both of them arrive they quickly went inside and Yin interrogates Miyuki.

Yin:" So? Why did you go to my school?"

Miyuki:" Because it looks fun, and that's where you attend school so of course i would go there"

Yin:" Let me tell you something about school"

Miyuki gulped after she heard Yin's voice sounding so serious.

Yin:" School is just seven cruel hours of our life, Class meaning come late and start sleeping which i usually do "

Miyuki looked at him dumbfounded by what he just said and decided to ask him.

Miyuki:" You... Just made that up right? "

He just stayed silent and looked away at her and she took his words a bit too seriously.

Miyuki:" Y-you're k-kidding right?"


Miyuki:" N-no way!"

He took a peek at her and saw that she looks horrified and regrets attending school.

Yin:" Pfft hahaha. Of course its not true, school is a place for humans to learn about the world"

Miyuki sighed in relief.

Miyuki:" Please don't do that again"

Yin:" Hmm~ okay okay i won't do it again. Anyways we should probably be more cautious from now on"

Miyuki:"E-eh? Why?"

Yin:" did you forget? The playboy is our classmate and if he saw you attending the same school as him then he would probably report it to Ratatoskr"

Miyuki nods at his short summary and made up her mind to ask him about something that's been on her mind since her little introduction in class.

Miyuki:" So umm... Is it okay for me to be your girlfriend?"

Yin:" hmm? Why?"

Miyuki:" W-well.. you know my little introduction this morning"

Yin:" So... You're okay with polygamy then?"

Miyuki:" Polygamy?(*tilts head) what's that?"

Yin:" it's when someone have multiple spouses"

Miyuki:" Chotto matte! What do you mean by that!? You already have someone you like? Who is she!?"

Yin:" My, you didn't know? I invited her here last time remember?"

She ponders for a bit and remembered the only person to have entered their house and it was...

Miyuki:"... Kurumi Tokisaki... But you didn't even say that you like her"

Yin:" Actions speaks louder than words Miyuki. You should know that by now"

Miyuki:" T-then what about me?"

Yin:" I love you of course although i don't know what you feel about m-mhhmp

Yin wasn't able to finish his sentence because Miyuki suddenly launches herself to him and smashes her lips to him.

His eyes widen in surprise that she actually kissed him without holding back.

After a while they broke the kiss and Miyuki spoke up

Miyuki:" it's okay for you to love someone else but you must give us the attention we need. Okay?"

Yin:(*sigh)" I guess that boy affected me too huh"

Miyuki:(*smile)" Well, you look more handsome than him so it doesn't count"

Yin:" I don't think that's how it works"

They both spent their time talking until lights out.


Everyone was just informed that Miyuki had transfered to Shido's school.

Kotori:" So? What's the deal with this guy?"

Shido:" Well... Kai and Miyuki look very close to each other. She even said something like °entrusted her future to him°"

Kotori:" Wha- isn't that basically saying that they're lovers!"

Shido:" W-well we can't ignore the possibility right?"

Kotori:" ahh whatever, Shido just ask her out tomorrow"

Shido:" Eh! But what about Kai? Won't he get mad at me"

Kotori:" he is only human so he wouldn't be much of a problem so just do it"


Their discussion ended with Shido being forced to date someone that might potentially harm them in the future

He was actually very nervous because of what Kai(Yin) might do to him if he asks her out.

He took out his phone and tried to text her but forgot that he didn't talk to her or even ask her number.

Shido:". Ahh sorry Kai, i don't really want to do this but i have no choice. I have to save her as well"

He deepened his resolved and readied himself for the worse that may happen to him

Miyuki:" I humbly refuse"

Shido:" E-eh? May i know why?"

Miyuki:" I don't want to date you. I already have someone i love so if you would excuse me, i have better stuff to do"

He was rejected without a second thought.

Shido:" Wait! Can you please reconsider?"

Miyuki:" No, i won't reconsider, do you want me to tell Yin that you are trying to force my power to be sealed?"

Shido:" w-well okay, thanks for taking the time to meet with me"

Miyuki:" un..."

And she left Shido alone on the roof.

Kotori:(*ear piece)" Well that was unexpected"

Shido:(*ear piece)" more like as expected"

He stayed there for a while, talking to Kotori through the ear piece.


Miyuki went home with Yin and told him about why Shido called out to her.

Yin:"hmm... I can seal your powers if you want to but that depends on you"

Miyuki:" okay, i will tell you if i want my powers sealed"

Yin:" that's good"

Miyuki:" Hey Yin, there's something that's been bothering me"

Yin:" What is it?"

Miyuki:" eto... What kind of spirit are you?"


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