《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 5_The Date


We can see two figures attracting the attention of the crowd inside the mall.

All of them have fixed their eyes on these two and some of them followed wherever they go into.

They both ignored the stares and proceeded on continuing their date.

Miyuki:"Yin. Let's go to a water park!"

Yin:"Water park? Why?"

Miyuki:"hmm... I just want to see a new scenery"

Yin thought for a second and agreed to go to the water park.

They were walking to the water park when they suddenly sense someone following them.

They felt this one was different because it has spirit power in it.

Miyuki/Yin:" Come out now or things are gonna get ugly."

The figure lurking in the shadow was surprised but composes itself and it revealed its identity to the two.

Kurumi:" ara ara~ that's so cold of you Yin. Didn't you say that i can come to you if i need something?"

Yin:" Yes i did. So what is it i am kind of busy at the moment but i can at least hear you out"

Kurumi looked who was beside him and saw Miyuki listening to their conversation.

Kurumi:(*smirks)" Ara~ going on a date are you?... Well maybe i will tell you another time. I don't want to disturb your date after all."

Yin:(*sigh)(*smiles)" That's fine by me but next time... Please do it when i'm not busy."

Kurumi blushed as she turned around and left. Miyuki noticed her blush but decided to ignore it.

Miyuki:(*sigh)" At least she's not here to cause trouble. I don't really want to start an argument with her"

Yin:"Oh?! Were you jealous that i was talking to her?"

He said this while he started getting closer and closer to her face.

This made her blush and turned around out of embarrassment and started walking to the water park.

Yin on the other hand chuckled when he saw her reaction and started following her.

When they arrive they saw a lot of people having fun but Yin saw some guys staring at Miyuki and he glared at them.

The guys that were staring at her looked away when they saw the glare Yin was giving them.

Yin:(*sigh)"humans lust for women sure is strong huh."

Miyuki:" Well it's not everyday you see a beautiful girl on a public park, though i can't say the same for you"

Yin:" ugh let's just go. I really don't want to start a fight in this place"

And with that the two left and enjoyed the tour.

There were some guys that tried to hit on Miyuki or take advantage of her but the said people were either beaten up secretly by Yin or were threatened by him.

After those little incidents they continue to enjoy their time at the water park.


After a while of walking Miyuki noticed another spirit nearby.

Miyuki:"Yin. I sense 3 no 4 spirits nearby but the 4th one seemed familiar. Its like a combination of the two spirit they are with."

Yin:" hmm... Then he is probably here as well then."

Miyuki:" Him?"

Yin:" The playboy"

Miyuki:" I want to watch them"

Yin:" Are you serious? We might get discovered you know"

Miyuki:" That's fine. I want to see how this end"

Yin:(*sigh)" If you're this determined then i won't stop you"

Miyuki was surprised that he isn't complaining or trying to stop her but she didn't think too much about it and went to watch Shido and Kotori's date.

She saw Shido and Kotori were having fun and they looked happy.

There were also 2 girls with them. The 2 girls saw Miyuki and noticed that she was a spirit.

This made them wary of her and put their guard up.

Shido and Kotori saw them in a fighting stance and they looked around to see a girl with white hair and heterochromic eyes.

Tohka:" Who are you? Why do i feel spirit power from you."

This alerted Shido and Kotori and prepared themselves to fight Miyuki.

While this was happening, Yin was watching her from behind with his invisibility activated.

Yin:(mind)(*sigh)" Just like i feared they noticed her existence."

Miyuki:" How rude of you. Before asking someone's name you should really give your own first"

Yin:(mind)" déjà vu?"

Tohka:" You littl—

Yin:"Her name is Tohka, the playboy is Shido, the red hair is Kotori and the one with the puppet is Yoshino."

Everyone except Miyuki was shock to see Yin and this only made them more wary of them.

Miyuki was pouting because Yin ruined her moment and she lightly hit him on the chest and he just chuckles because of her cute attitude towards him.

This surprised Shido and the others because they just saw him letting Miyuki hit him.

Yin:(*pats her head)" There, there. (*Turns to Shido) Sorry about her, she might act aggressive sometimes but she's a sweet girl so you don't have to worry about it."

Shido:" Tell me [Silent Shadow] is she a spirit as well?"

Yin stared at him for a while and this made Tohka and Kotori get in front of Shido.

Yin:" Who knows. Figure it out yourselves we're getting out of here"

Shido was about to ask something else but Yin already teleported from his spot.

Reine:(*ear pod)" Shin continue your date Kotori so you can seal her."

Shido:(*ear pod)" Yes i know. But what was that really a spirit? I haven't seen or heard of her before."

Reine:(*ear pod)" We can talk about that later after you've finished your date. Your first priority right now is Kotori."


Shido:(*ear pod)" Right!"

Shido and Kotori continued their date and were having fun the entire time that they spent together.

But of course all good and fun things must xome to an end when Origami attacked Kotori while they were sitting on a bench.


Yin and Miyuki observed them being attacked by Origami.

After they teleported earlier, Miyuki insisted that she stays and watch their date.

She looked at Yin with hopeful eyes and he agreed to let her stay and watch as long as he is there with her.

While she was having fun watching their lovely date.

Someone came and ruin their date which made Miyuki upset.

Miyuki:(*sigh)" It was just getting to the good part too"

She stands up and was about to go and interfere but was stopped when she felt her hand being grabbed by Yin.

Yin:" Now, now. Let them handle this for a while. Who knows, maybe we might see something unexpected here."

Miyuki was about to say something but didn't continue and just watch them from the sidelines.

Miyuki and Yin saw everyone running away because of the explosions caused by Origami.

But both of them stayed in their place watching Kotori change into her astral dress.

Origami uses on Kotori and launch missiles at her however this didn't affect her at all.

She was about to strike back but halted and held her head looking like she is trying to hold herself.

Origami saw this as a chance and caught her by using and then deployed followed by a cannon attack called .

Yin and Miyuki were almost hit by the reflected blast but luckily Yin stood up and uses a barrier of his own protecting both of them from the attack.

Kotori got in front of Origami and attacked her equipment.

She began retreating but Kotori held on and continued attacking her. Origami deployed to protect herself however the impact from each strike still affected her.

Kotori:"Oh, where did your earlier confidence go? You were going to beat me, were you not? You were going to kill me, were you not? Then fly quicker. Point your sword... Your guns at me. Otherwise, you'll die before i do."

Shido:" Kotori, stop this!"

The that Origami deployed was destroyed after Shido shouted for Kotori to stop

Miyuki:" uhh Yin, i think she lost her mind"

Yin:(*sigh)" Quite a troublesome bunch."

Miyuki:" Are you going to step in?"

Yin thought for a bit and then answered.

Yin:" No, i don't really care about that AST girl so i won't interfere this time."

Miyuki:" if you're not going to step in then I'm going."

Yin:" Okay. Just be careful out there"

Miyuki:" Will do"

Yin waved her goodbye and watch how Miyuki is going to fight her.


Kotori was shocked to hear that she killed Origami's parents and was taken a back by this.

Origami quickly stood up and was about to catch Kotori again but was instantly stopped when Miyuki came in and cut the left part of her equipment.

Miyuki:" Whew just in time, I should've asked Yin to teleport me here"

Origami:" W-who are you"

Shido:" It's you. The girl who was with him."

Miyuki:" Ah, hai hai~ my name is Miyuki by the way don't forget that. Now then, (turns to Origami) ready for round two?"

As she said this she appeared in front of Origami and tried to cut her again but was blocked by .

Origami was having a hard time defending against her because of her relentless light speed attacks.

This easily broke her and went for an areal sword combat.

Origami:" Tch... Just what are you"

Miyuki:" oh, right i didn't get to introduce myself properly. But one thing is for sure, I'm a spirit"

Origami then launches some missiles on Miyuki but everything is just being cut off like it was nothing.

Origami:" Tch then die! "

She uses her sword to slash her but missed.

After a while Tohka and Yoshino arrived and saw Miyuki fighting and overpowering Origami.

Tohka then ran beside Shido and ask if he is okay.

Tohka:" Shido, are you alright?"

Shido:" Yeah, she saved us"(*pointing at Miyuki).

Yin was seeing this and was impressed on how much Miyuki had grown.

He shifted his gaze and saw Shido and the others just watching Miyuki.

Yin:(*sigh)" He is so slow. Why not seal her now and be done with it"

Yin was disappointed at him for being so naive and slow.

Yin:(*telepathy)"Miyuki can you tell the playboy there that he should seal that spirit and be done with it?"

Miyuki:(*telepathy)" Ehh. Why don't you do it, i'm kind of busy here"

Yin:(*telepathy)(*sigh)" I would love to but i don't want to reveal too much about myself"

Miyuki thought for a bit and accepted it.

She quickly flew to where Shido and the others were and tells him to finish the seal and be done.

Shido:" O-oh right"

Miyuki:" And you two,(*turns to Tohka and Yoshino) go and stall her"

The two looked at each other and nodded and then went to fight Origami.

Shido on the other hand was sealing Kotori and Miyuki left them alone and ran back to Yin.

Yin:"So... Did you have fun?"

Miyuki:" Yes i did. I really wanted to finish her off but..."

Yin:" that's fine. If you did finish her off then the others may hate you and start to hunt you down"

Miyuki was relieved that she didn't kill her.

After Miyuki left, Tohka and Yoshino was defeated by Origami and went to find Kotori and Shido.

When she found them she saw Shido's injured back being healed by fire.

After a while of talking with Shido. She passed out.

Yin and Miyuki also left the place and teleported back to their home.


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