《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 4_Troubles


I'm currently hanging out with Miyuki and it has been fun staying together with her.

She may have been born a few weeks ago but her growth is super fast.

Not that i'm complaining but it is very concerning since she sometimes go outside on her own.

It's a good thing though since she wants to do things on her own but i just hope she won't be discovered by the secret organisations.

Especially DEM and AST.

Well if they do capture Miyuki then i'm gonna have to go save her even if it might reveal myself.

We are currently in a restaurant eating together and if one were wondering where i got the money from...well i created it of course.

Miyuki:"hey Yin i forgot to ask this yesterday but what happened?"

Yin:"hmm... What are you talking about?"

Miyuki:"don't play dumb, i know something happened since you came home in your spirit form"

Sheeshh... She's sharp that it's kinda scary.

Yin:" It's nothing to worry about, i just fought a moving torch at school. "

Miyuki:(*tilts head)"... Huh? Torches don't just move on their own you know"

She stared at me without blinking and its making me feel uncomfortable.

Yin:(*sigh)" fine you win, i will tell you everything that happened."


I told her everything that happened at school yesterday.

How i saw the playboy trying to seal a spirit but failed. How the said spirit almost got incinerated and the said spirits goal.

Miyuki stared at me pouting and saying things like why didn't i call her and other unnecessary stuff.

Miyuki:(*sigh)"Next time, please call me too. I want to know how that playboy do the spirit seal"

Yin:(*smile)" Okay next time when i get the chance to see him again trying to seal a spirit."


We left the restaurant and headed back home.

The day when Kotori got out of control the entire members froze up when they saw Yin a.k.a [Silent Shadow] protecting Kurumi a k.a [Nightmare].

They thought of this as strange since up until the last spirit sealing he didn't appear and he didn't intervene.

But when kotori was about to kill Kurumi he appeared and defended her even saying that he will fight on her behalf.

This made the whole team tense up because they don't know anything about [Silent Shadow].

They only know that he is powerful and the common ability that he uses which is {Teleportation} and {Invisibility}.


But after watching him fight Kotori without a sweat this made the entire fraxinus team worried for their commander.

Reine on the other was watching this fight without showing not much expression but inside she is worried about Shido and Kotori and surprised when she saw Kurumi having an ally.

When Yin finally fought back the entire Fraxinus team was bewildered that a single spirit can overpower another spirit that it would look like childs play to him.

After the head chop she fell to the ground at high speed and Yin returned to Kurumi and glanced at Shido that created a shockwave and teleported away.

Kannazuki:" Take the commander and the boy here now!"

All member:" HAI!"

Reine:(mind)" Shin please be okay"

After Shido and Kotori was teleported to fraxinus shido suddenly fell unconscious with a small cut on his cheek.

The members were panicking after he fell but reine and the vice commander assured them that they are still alive and that he was just exhausted.

Both of them were carried to the medical bay and was treated there.

The one who woke up first was Kotori, she sat up straight holding her head because she felt dizzy.

She then went to find reine and told her that when Shido wakes up, lead him to her location.

After an hour Shido woke up and doesn't seem to remember too much of what happened.

Reine noticed this and came to see Shido with Yoshino and Yoshinon.

Reine:"I see you've come to, Shin.

Yoshinon:" Man, what a surprise! You got up so suddenly!"

Yoshino:"I'm sorry for surprising you"

Shido:"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Reine-san, why was I..."

Reine:" After the battle with Yin and Kurumi was over we brought you here but you suddenly collapse when you arrive"

Shido:" That's right! What happened after that. Tohka's just sleeping, right? What about Kotori? Why was she...and what about Origami?"

Reine:" Calm down, Shin."

Shido:" is Mana okay?! And Kurumi... Please tell me she's alive! And the other stufents t—"

He was cut off when reine suddenly hugs him which made Yoshino back up a bit.

Reine:" There, there. (She let go of him)Have you calmed down?"

Shido:" Yeah"

Reine:" don't worry. Everybody is all right. To the best of my knowledge, there have been no deaths. Tobiichi Origami and Mana Takamiya were recovered by the AST. They were probably taken to the Tengu JSDF Hospital. Kurumi got away after being saved by Yin. Tohka's exactly as she appears. Even though she was hurt badly she insisted on staying by your side. She just got tired and passed out."


Shido:" its not over yet, is it?"

Reine:" Of course not."

Shido:" Where is kotori?"

Reine:"Follow me."

Shido followed Reine and saw Kotori sitting inside a cube while drinking something from a cup, the inside of the cube had furnitures in it.

Reine told Shido that she can't hear them outside so he came in and sat on a chair opposite to Kotori.

Shido:"What...are you?"

Kotori:" Your adorable little sister"

Shido:"You're calling yourself adorable?"

Kotori:" But i am, aren't i?"

Shido:" I can't deny that"

He then started questioning her if she was a spirit and she said something like" i became a human with a spirit's powers" this shock shido and it made him remember something from the past where he saw Kotori crawling and calling out to him.

They talked about the past for a few minutes and started talking about the current situation.

Kotori:" But this going to be a problem for us in the long run."

Shido:"huh, what are you talking about Kotori?"

Kotori:" I'm talking about {Silent Shadow}"

This made Shido flinch since he also saw his power so close and it is overwhelming, dangerous and intimidating.

Kotori:"i don't why he helped Kurumi but there must be a reason why he did so. We don't even know him that well. All we know is that he is very dangerous. To be completely honest I don't want to make him our enemy. "

Shido understand what she meant by that last statement.

Yin was able to overpower Kotori in just a matter of seconds and looking back at the fight it didn't even look like he was putting much effort in fighting her.

It was a one sided victory.

After their discussion Reine called Shido to tell him something important which he came.

Reine:"Kotori can probably only withstand her spiritual energy for two more days."

Shido:(*gasp)" What do you mean?!"

Reine:" After that last day, Kotori... May never again be the girl you've known."

Reine then said that he must go on a date with her and seal her before it's too late.

Yin:" hey miyuki wanna go out tomorrow?"

Miyuki:"hmm.. go out where exactly?"

Yin:" You'll know when we go out tomorrow"

Miyuki:(*thinking)"fine, i'm going with you tomorrow. I hope it won't be a disaster"

Yin:(*smirks)" well if there is going to be a disaster i'm gonna be protecting you so you don't have to worry about that."

Miyuki:(*blush)" hmph... You better be"

To think that the spirit i created turned into this. I chuckled when i heard her and she blushed even more and ran back to her room.

Yin:(*sigh)" I should probably use my spirit form to make sure i don't get my human form in trouble."

With that I also walked back to my room and fell asleep.

I'm currently on my room thinking about the stuff that happened after i arrived in this world.

To be honest though, i was actually nervous and scared when i first met Yin.

I really want to know more about him. I did ask him about his past from time to time but he always avoids it.

It's like he is hiding it from me.

I walk and slightly opened the door and took a peek at him and i heard him say something.

Yin:(*sigh)" I should probably use my spirit form to make sure i don't get my human form in trouble."

Hmm... I've been thinking about this for a while now but why exactly does he hide his identity?

He is so strong that he can beat any enemy but he chose to remain hidden.

But i do know that he is kind.

His kindness towards me is what i really like about him.

He doesn't really complain that much when i ask him something and he even told me everything he knew about this world.

I'm grateful for everything that he did for me but i kind of get this feeling that he is way too overprotective sometimes.

I'm not complaining though its just... I feel like he might even do something insane if something bad were to happen to me.

Oh well. I can take care of myself anyway so i don't think anyone can harm me.

Besides he has been with me since day one and i feel secured when i'm with him so no point in worrying too much about it.

Now then, i wonder what i should wear for tomorrow.


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