《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 3_Her Goal


Yin:" hey Miyuki, i'm going to school now can you take care of the house while i'm gone?"

Miyuki:" sure. Be careful going to school yin"


Miyuki:" what?"

Yin:" nothing. Well i'm going now. "

Miyuki:" okay, take care"

I closed the door and made my way to school like any normal high school student would do.

Yin:(mind)" i could get used to this kind of treatment."

I arrived in school a bit earlier than i expected.

I walked inside the classroom and started taking a nap in the hopes that someone would wake me up when class starts.

A few minutes later other students have arrived and started chatting with each other.

The classroom got louder and louder that it made it harder for me to keep sleeping.

I then felt someone tap my shoulder so i opened one eye to see who it was and what a surprise. It's the playboy again.

Shido:"Kai, wake up class is about to start."

Yin:(*nods*)" hm..."

I stretch my body and then sat straight and was listening to class which for me was pretty boring.

I was about to go to the rooftop when i suddenly sensed someone's spirit power rising and then a sort of barrier was being used to cover the whole school.

One by one each student loses their consciousness.

Kurumi:(speaker)"shido-san, can you hear me? If you have any business with me please proceed to the roof. I think you prefer to come as soon as possible (laugh)"

Yin:(sigh)" the playboy again huh. You are such a troublemaking individual.(scanning the barrier)time consuming castle huh. This actually works fine with me."

I turn myself invisible and use my spirit form just to avoid being spotted.

I don't want her attention to be on my human form so it's best to be more cautious.

I then teleported to the roof and saw kurumi and the playboy talking to each other.

Kurumi:"that nonsense about saving me. I have done all this for that reason alone. Aren't you sacred of me, shido-san? Isn't it obvious that i am not a person whom you should show compassion? So please, retract your earlier words"

She said as she walked closer and closer to shido.

Yin:(mind)" i see so she doesn't want her power to be sealed because of personal reasons. But does she really have to be so seductive when she talks? It's making me uncomfortable by the way she acts around him."

Shido:" remove the barrier, please."

Yin:(mind)" aww he gave up. Boring"


Shido:" But i won't give up on you"

Yin:(mind)" actually never mind."

She then leap back made the spacequake alarm rang.

Yin:(mind)"she looks desperate. She really doesn't want to be sealed does she."

Just then the playboy let himself fall from the roof and was quickly saved by kurumi.

Few talks later the barrier and spacequake stopped.

Yin:(mind)(*sigh)"love can be so dramatic sometimes."

I was about to leave when i saw the kurumi shido was talking had a hole on her gut.

Then someone with similar hair color as shido landed in between them.

Yin:"Ratatoskr, AST and finally DEM. Quite the group we have here in this city. The DEM girl's name is Mana hm.

Kurumi then summoned her angel and fought mana.

One can't even call this a fight since Mana was defeated way too quickly.

Kurumi shot herself and teleported next to Mana and then shot her that made her flew away.

She tried to fight back but kurumi appeared behind her kicking her in the process.

Kurumi shot Mana and then she stopped moving mid air.

She shot Mana's vital spots so that she can't move.

After the effect of the bullet she fell down groaning in pain.

After she fell, tohka and the AST girl came in and called out to shido.

Yin:(mind)" he sure is hopeless. He should be the one protecting them and yet they're the ones protecting him."

Kurumi uses her shadow to create clones of herself and made a spacequake.

It was about to cause an explosion but it was cancelled out by another spacequake.

I then saw a familiar figure slowly descending from the sky.

Yin:(mind)"oh is that the human that i saw become a spirit 5 years ago?. What an unexpected sight to see."

I heard her say and fire started to surround her.

She also summoned her weapon called and started attacking her head on.

Kurumi on the other hand just dodges her and backed away.

She then summoned her angel and shot the same bullet that hit Mana to Kotori which stopped kotori on her tracks.

She shot her from different sides and finishing her off with a shot on the head.

Yin:(mind)"okay... I don't think that's going to finish this."

Kurumi started complaining about how disappointing the fight was but stopped when she notices that kotori is regenerating.

Yin:(mind)" welp...lesson learned... Never underestimate your opponent"

Kotori stands up while kurumi shot her clones making them disappear from their spot.

Kotori notices shido was about to be taken hostage so she ran towards him and kicked him out of the way while kotori herself was being surrounded by clones.


Yin:(mind)" so weak... He's a boy with the power of the spirits he sealed and yet he is so weak... What a shame"

Kotori uses to get the clones out of her way. Kurumi uses again and the bullet but it didn't take effect.

Yin:(mind)" She used too much of her power. What a reckless girl"

Kotori was about to charge in but stopped and she fell down, when she got up again her eyes turned bright red and her aura feels different than her earlier self. She transform her weapon into a cannon and charges it up.

This terrified kurumi and called her clones to come in front of her only to be disintegrated by the cannon fire.

I have a rough idea of what was happening to her but i can't let her kill this spirit.

Not while I'm present. I deactivated my invisibility and teleported in front of kurumi.


I said to her giving a cold glance. I saw kurumi's eyes widen when she saw in front of her.

Kotori" Don't get in my way. The battle isn't over yet. The war isn't over yet. She wanted this fight. She wanted this battle."

This made me feel pissed.

It's okay for miyuki to be stubborn and refuse me since i created her myself but when it comes to other spirits.

I can't make myself composed as i usually do.

Yin:" (glances to kurumi)

I said to her giving her a murderous aura that if normal human get's exposed to it they might die.

Kotori:"...fine by me."

Yup, this confirms it... She had gone berserk its like someone else is in control of her.

But enough of that i have to finish this so i can talk to kurumi.

I then teleported in front of her and made a cocky smirk and threw a punch that i didn't really put too much strength to and she blocked it with her battle axe.

I backed away from her and she chased after me with her weapon on her hand.

Yin:(mind)"maybe i should finish this now. I don't want to drag this for too long."

I then teleported behind her and head chop her with high force and she fell unconscious on the ground.

Yin:"now that that's done, let's go kuru-chan(*smile*)"

I said and offered her my hand so she can stand up and she complied without complaint with a tint blush on her cheek.

I then turned around and saw the playboy near kotori giving her an expression concern and worry.

Yin:" She's not dead so you don't have to worry about her but i will warn you this...

Shido:" B-but i have to. T-this is for their own go--

I glared at him and a shockwave was created that missed him but it grazed his cheek and teleported out of there with kurumi still holding my hand.




We appeared in a forest outside the city and i put up a barrier that conceals our presence.



Kurumi:"why did you help me?"

I stopped holding her hand and put my hand on my chin doing a thinking pose.

Yin:"hmm.... I don't know"

Kurumi:" ...Huh?"

Yin:" Anyway i got a question for you kuru-chan"

She quickly looked at me, wary of my next words.


Yin:"why are you so obsessed on shido?"

Her eyes widen when she heard my question.

Yin:" I vaguely understand your obsession to him but i want to hear it from you personally"

She looked at me surprised probably because i said that i vaguely understand her.

Kurumi:" I-i want him..."

Yin:" and why exactly do you want him?"

Kurumi:" i...so i can consume the spirit mana that holds the spirits within him. With that i can go back in time and kill the DEM leader"

Yin:"hmm... So you want to travel back in time... I won't stop you from doing whatever you want but if you need me with something then just come to this address."

I gave her a piece of paper with my address on it.

Kurumi:" Why are you doing so much for me? I don't understand your aim here."

Yin:(*smile*)" You don't to worry about it. I just want you to know that I'm here to support you as a fellow spirit."

Her eyes widen when she heard me say that i would support her but smiled and her cheeks became red.

Kurumi:(whisper)" t-thank you"

Yin:"hmm...? Did you say something?"

Kurumi:(shakes her head)" It's nothing i just didn't expect you of all people to actually be this nice considering how you treated shido-san awhile ago."

Yin:" his case is different. It's good that his helping spirits but he can't even protect them on his own. "

Kurumi:" You sound like an overprotective brother trying his best to protect his sister."

Yin:" You can call me brother if you want to you know..."

Kurumi:(*smile*)" ara ara~ that's quite convincing but i must decline."

Yin:(*smirk)" Oh?!...Then i guess friends it is then..."

Kurumi:(surprised)" Hmm... Okay i will accept being your friend."

I smiled and walked to her and kissed her forehead and after that i teleported back home leaving kurumi dazed on what i just did to her.


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