《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 25_Choices



Yin is currently inside his room with Shizu who is still unconscious after two days.

Just then, the door opened revealing two individuals with a worried look written all over their faces.

Miyuki:" Has she woken up yet?*

Yin:" No"

Mayuri:"Is she gonna be okay?"

Yin:" She just needs rest. She has probably been looking for me for a week without rest and it resulted in extreme exhaustion"

Miyuki:" Is that it? That doesn't really explain how her spirit mana is so low right now, does it?"

Mayuri:" She probably got into a fight"

Yin:" Yeah, she fought multiple wizards that are chasing her during her search"

Miyuki:" Oh! That makes sense"

Mayuri made a worried face which was noticeable to Yin.

Mayuri:"...... "

Yin:" You okay, Mayuri?"

Mayuri:" Hm? Ah, yes i'm okay. Just worried about her condition"

Yin:" Don't worry, she's gonna be fine. She might wake up sooner than expected if we let her rest."

Mayuri:" Okay, if Onii-sama says so then I don't need to worry"

Miyuki:" By the way, Aren't you supposed to meet up with Kotori two days ago?"

Yin:" Yeah but i decided not to meet her. I'm sure she's just going to ask me questions that are related to spirits and probably ask me to join them"

Shizu:" Hee~ is that so~"

Yin, Miyuki and Mayuri turned their attention to the bed and saw Shizu awake.

Yin:" Yo! Good morning, feeling any better?"

Shizu:" Yeah, i just need to rest up a bit more so i can fully recover"

Yin:" Alright, don't push yourself too much or you'll not get better"

Shizu:" I know, Yin. Don't worry about it. Anyway, what were you three discussing just now?"

Yin told her that after she used up her power she lost consciousness and Yin took her to his house then took care of her for two days.

Shizu:" I see.... What happened to that blue haired boy?"

Yin:" I don't know, after you fell, i took you away from that place and brought you here. Well, if were to guess he's probably investigating where you cane from"

Shizu:" Is he.....from DEM?"

Yin:" No, he's from Ratatoskr."

Shizu:" Ratatoskr? Is that the organisation that he is a part of?"

Yin:" It's probably best if i tell you this later. For now, go and rest"

Shizu nodded, Mayuri and Miyuki decided to talk to her much to Shizu's surprise since she nearly forgot about them.

Yin left the room and let the girls have their own talk.


Miyuki:" Heh~ so the reason why he sometimes goes out is because of you."

Shizu slightly blushed from Miyuki's teasing.

Mayuri:" Onii-sama is such a gentleman"

She became confused by what Mayuri just commented and remembered that Yin is supposed to not have any siblings.

Shizu:" Onii-sama? You mean Yin?"

She asks her confused.

Mayuri:" Yes!"

She said joyfully with a confident smile.

Shizu:" Why... .do you call him that?"

Shizu asks wanting to know if she is really her brother or not.


Miyuki:" Yin saved her from dying a few days ago and apparently she said that Yin give off a brotherly vibe to her so she calls him that"

Shizu:" Save her? Wait, was that big floating thing a few days ago related to Mayuri?"

Mayuri:"Yes! That was an angel that had gone berserk due to jealousy and i was unable to control it"

Miyuki:" And then Yin used his powers to save her from disappearing"

Shizu:" What! Then.... He is still losing power"


The two immediately asks Shizu what she meant by Yin losing power.

Mayuri:" What do you mean about him losing power?"

Miyuki:" Yeah, he still looks strong to me, heck even i can't tell if his strength has decreased at all."

Shizu thought of telling them the truth about Yin but decided that it would be best if she keeps the information to herself.

Shizu:" I think it's better if Yin tells you what i meant. I don't want to say something that might put my relationship with him at risk."


After Yin left the room, he immediately went out of the house and teleported on top of a high building.

Yin crouched down as he saw the marking on his arm appearing and dimly glows.

Once the marking on his right arm disappears, Yin's power will slowly run wild and cause chaos to the world.

Yin:"If this keeps up i'm not even sure of i'll be able to exist in this world anymore"

Suddenly, Yin heard a voice in his head and just from the voice's tone.

???:" Then just let me take control... "

He knew who it was.

Yin is the only one that is able to hear him talking because they are connected.

Yin:" Shut it, i'm not letting you take control"

???:" Heh. If you keep using your original power..... I might get out of this place, you know"

Yin:" Isn't that the reason why i use the angel's power rath-"

???:" But you still use it, don't you?"

Yin kept quiet as he transforms into his human form (Kai).

???:" After creating a spirit from scratch did you seriously think that there isn't a consequence.?"

Yin:" I know that there is but i don't regret what i've done."

???:" Hmm. Then you know that her power is growing and might even surpass our own, right? "

Yin:" As long as she is happy with it then I'm also okay with it"

???:" (*Sigh) You've definitely changed a lot. "

???:" You can prevent youself from dying, you know*

Yin:"Oh~ Do care to enlighten me"

He said in a sarcastic tone.

???:" You can erase your memories of this world. Let me take control or.... Let yourself die from losing your power"

Yin:" Erasing my memory, huh...."

Yin remembered the events that transpired and the happy moments that he had with the girls.

???:" You're scared, aren't you?"

Yin:" Why do you care?"

???:" Well, i am par-"

Yin:" Whatever. Anyway,stop interrupting me. I'm trying to control my seal here"

???:" Why not just let it out? It would feel much better than having it put into a sealed state. You're just hurting yourself, you know that, right? "


Yin didn't respond and was able to stop the sealed marks from appearing however, the effect is still temporary.

Yin:" No matter what happens I will make sure that i will survive"

???:" Heh. Suit yourself, i can't really do anything but communicate with you via telepathy so expect me to talk in your head from time to time"

Yin:"..... I'll remember that"

???:" Good."

Yin stayed there for a few hours while being observed by Ratatoskr and Kurumi who is hiding in the shadows.


Miyuki and Mayuri are both looking for Yin in the city.

They've been struggling because a lot of guys are flirting with them and most of them are on Miyuki's side.

Miyuki:(*mind)" Tch! These guys... "

Mayuri:" Miyu-nee, let's hurry! "

Miyuki:" Yeah! "

They ran away from the crowd to avoid getting into trouble but they were stopped by a man dressed in a suit.

???:" Ladies, i would like to invite you for lunch"

Mayuri/Miyuki:" We refuse! "

Miyuki:" We are in a hurry so we don't have time for humans like you"

They both left the man alone as rhey continued their search for Yin.

Meanwhile, the man looked at the two ladies then a grin is seen in his face before he snickered

???:" I found two more, this city is full of surprises!"

???:"Sir! We're almost done with the plan"

???:" Hmm.... I guess it's almost time, huh."

???:" Sir?"

???:" Let's go"


The man then drove off and stared at the two girls who seems to be looking for someone.

Meanwhile, Miyuki and Mayuri struggled to find Yin as they don't know where he ran off to.

Miyuki:"(*sigh) i'm tired. Just where did he go~"

Mayuri:" He probably got tired of taking care of you, Miyu-nee"

Miyuki flinched and a dark aura surrounded her startling Mayuri for a bit.

Miyuki slowly turned her head towards Mayuri who is enjoying her ice cream which slightly annoyed Miyuki

Miyuki:" Oh, do you really think so~?"

She said with a smile but her eyes gives off a different story.

Mayuri:" Getting angry at me won't solve anything, you know"

She said while licking the ice cream, not even bothering to look at Miyuki who is staring daggers at her.

Miyuki:" Oh! but, it can definitely solve my stress from you"

She starts to walk closely to her and ate her ice cream which surprised Mayuri.

Mayuri:" That's not nice! "

Mayuri pouted, giving Miyuki a glare

Miyuki:" Well, you started it. I just returned the favor"

She left Mayuri with a satisfied smile and continued her search for Yin.

Mayuri:" I'll definitely tell Nii-sama about this, Miyu-nee!"

But Miyuki didn't hear her or more like she pretended not to hear her and just continued her search with Mayuri following behind.


Yin:" How the heck did i get myself into this..."

Currently, Yin is inside a cat café with Kurumi.

Kurumi:" Ara~ stop complaining my dear Yin. I'm sure you like my company"

Kurumi said giggling while stroking and tickling the cats.

Yin noticed a faint blush on her face and he is quite surprised to see her act like a normal girl for once.

Yin:" You really do love cats, don't you, Kuru-chan" said with a teasing grin which made Kurumi blish from embarrassment.

Kurumi:" S-Shut up! Don't tell anyone about this, okay!?"

Yin:"(*laugh) Yeah, yeah. Not like i have anyone else to share it with"

Kurumi:" Hmm~ that's true. Anyway, i have started investigating the area that you've given me and i finally found where she is being held captive. "

Yin:" So? You need my help with the rescue? "

Kurumi:" Well, yes. I won't deny that but i just heard something interesting that caught my attention. "

Yin raised an eyebrow not knowing what to expect from Kurumi's next words.

Yin:" And that is? "

Kurumi:" What does she mean when she said that you're losing power? "

Yin froze and didn't answer immediately which was noticed by Kurumi.

Yin thought of whom she was referring to when Kurumi said 'she' and there was only one person who she talked about it.

Yin:(*mind)" Shizu.... Why did you tell them... I didn't tell them the reason for this since I don't want them to get worried but now.... "

Yin kept quiet and the atmosphere around them turned heavy and Kurumi noticed it.

She realized that it may have been a heavy topic to discuss so she apologized to him.

Kurumi:"I'm sorry for asking you that but i just can't help but worry about it. It's been running in my mind ever since i heard it earlier."

Yin:" No, it's fine. I just didn't expect Shizu to spill my secret like this. "

Yin played it off with a smile on his face but deep inside he feels conflicted.

Yin:(*mind)" Should i tell her? But what if she turns her back on me and devour me.... I can't let my emotions hinder me and I mustn't tell her or else....my ghost might target her."

When Yin mentioned 'Ghost' he meant his inversed half.

Kurumi:" Well, setting that aside, let's go on a date."

Yin took a moment to process what she said and realized later on what she meant.

Yin:" Wait, you mean right now?"

Kurumi:(*giggle)" Yes. Is there a problem with that?"

Kurumi has a blush on her smiling face when she said this straight to Yin's face.

Yin:" Aren't we already on a date though?"

He asked her with closed eyes while smiling.

It was an obvious answer since she just wanted to see his reaction if she was the one who asked her.

Kurumi:(*giggle)" That's true. I just wanted to see how you would react if i ask you but i didn't think that you would take a moment before responding."

Yin:" You still like teasing others for fun, don't you, Kuru-chan"

Kurumi:" Ara~ Is that a bad thing? "

Yin:" No, not really, but, don't take it too far or the others being teased mught think badly of you. "

Kurumi:" It's alright, i'm used to them thinking bad thing about me"

Even though she said this, Yin noticed a sad smile plastered on her face and it made him think of what to say.

He reached out then gently put his hand on her cheek which surprised Kurumi who blushed and looked at him.

Yin:" If you really are used to it then.... Why do you look so sad? "



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