《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 23_Little Sister!


Yin:" Say? Do you want to live?"

Mayuri looked at Yin in shock because of how carefree he is around her.

Yin:" Mayuri, i know that you're scared of disappearing from this world and i know of what you have been doing for the past few days"

Mayuri:" H-how did you-"

Yin:" But enough of that, well Mayuri...do you want to live?"

Mayuri:" Will it even be possible to live in this world? My angel is already out of control and i can't even help them"

Mayuri:" If gets destroyed and my power being sealed then i would naturally just disappear so please....don't give false hope"

Mayuri then started to tear up and looked down because she started remembering the things that she did before her angel got out of control.

Yin:" I can make you stay here and let you live your life as you please but it will come with a cost"

Yin informed her to which she widen her eyes because of how absurd Yin's words were.

Mayuri raised her chin and looked at Yin who has a determined look on his face.

And after realising that he might be able to help her, she gave him an answer.

Mayuri:" What will be the cost if i'm going to be staying here?"

Yin:" It's not really that big of a deal. since it would appear that you were born from the spirit energy or mana of what Shido had sealed."

Yin:" I just have to give you my spirit mana which can overpower their spirit mana and give you a physical form"

Yin:" If i don't give you a physical form you wouldn't be able to exist here because you are only made of spirit mana"

Mayuri thought about it for a bit but was still hesitant on whether he could trust him.

Only after she realized that she had already started to trust him which shocked her a bit.

Yin:" So i will ask you again, do you want to live"

Mayuri:" Yes, yes i want to live. I still want to experience new things!"

Yin smiled and pats her head because it's what he wanted to hear from her.

Yin:" Good, then you better prepare yourself because you'll have to enjoy more of this worlds wonders"

He said then used to stop time and go to where Shido and the others were fighting.

He summoned his purple sword then a blue clock appeared behind him and his eye turned into a clock similar to that of Kurumi's.

Unlike Kurumi's [] that has its power related mostly of time, Yin's [] focuses more on time distortion and destruction.

Yin:" "

A strange power starts to swarm unto the sword which came from the first number of the clock.

First number has the ability to shatter anything as long as its a moving object with a will.

Yin:" It's been a while since i last used this"


He swung his sword at the entity and it hit but it didn't show any external damage but its consciousness is slowly fading leaving it with no mind of its own.

Yin:" Next

The fourth number of the clock then starts to engulf the red sword with dark red colour.

The fourth number has the power of transfer that can make everything and anything he cuts go to its destined realm.

Just then, he usedto prolong his power so that he won't get distracted and won't worry about losing too much spirit power.

is a power that Yin uses when he thinks that his limited energy is not enough to maintain the draining effect of the angels.

With his power being infinite, he altered the angels properties as precise as possible so that Mayuri will have no problem with her power going out of control.

Yin:" Tsk. This is quite difficult than i had imagined"

He started making sure that the size is small so that it would not cause much trouble.

Knowing that he can't risk losing her power, he took the power of the angel and transferred it to something which can contains its power.

Yin:" This should do it, in time, it just going to grow its own consciousness but before that....i better put a link so that she can still use this"

He said as he put into the angels realm where Yin's other angels reside.

Yin:" Phew that should finish it"

He teleported back to where Mayuri was and deactivated

Mayuri:" What? Where is she? Where is ?"

Yin:" Don't worry about that right now worry about yourself, so? How are you feeling?"

Mayuri looked around and didn't see any changes so she asked Yin what he meant by it

Yin:" I just finished altering it and sending it to the other realm and also.... You should have noticed the link between you two is still there"

Mayuri closed her eyes and gasp on what she felt.

But one thing is certain and that is, Yin helped her even though she lost all hope of ever remaining on the world.

She cried and went to embrace Yin tightly because of how her one wish came true.

Mayuri:" Thank you! Thank you!"

She said repeatedly burying her head to his chest while having tears in her eyes.

Yin:" Hey now that's not how you say thank you!"

Mayuri looked up to see Yin smiling at her.

Yin:" Come on, since you're alive and well you should smile"

Yin said as he wipe her tears off of her cheeks.

Mayuri smiled and hugs him tightly while Yin was just patting her head.

She noticed how Yin acts like a brother figure to her.

Even though she had only met him once face to face, she felt warm and protected when she is near him which she find quite odd.

Thinking about having a brother, she decides to risk it, though they've only met for a short while her ego is too strong to endure.


Mayuri:" Uhm....Yin?"

Yin:" Yeah?"

Mayuri:" Can i call you.....my brother?"

Yin's eyes widen,surprised by how someone he only just met wants to become his sister but nevertheless he accepted it.

Yin:" Haha you can call me whatever you want to "

Mayuri nods and they both separated from the hug.

Mayuri:" Thank you for saving me...O-Onii-sama!"

Mayuri said a bit embarrassed because its her first time talking to someone who she considers her relative.

Although she mostly doesn't show much expression when she was talking to Shido and the rest of the spirits.

Talking to Yin made her feel at ease and felt that she could express herself more.

Yin smiled and told her to meet the others and tell them of what happened earlier to which she nodded and flew towards Shido and the rest.



Shido and the rest were confused as to what just happened.

The first thing Shido remembered was Mayuri getting trapped/imprisoned in a bird cage .

After that, Tohka, Yoshino, Kaguya, Yuzuru and Kotori were fighting Kurebiel and was being pushed back by it.

And then suddenly, it just vanished like it never even happened.

Shido:" What....just happened?"

He doesn't know what happened nor did he understand.

Not even Kotori have a clue as to what just happened and it made things more confusing for them.

Kotori:(ear piece)" Report, is there any fluctuations of spirit energy nearby?"

Reine:(ear piece)" Negative, we also don't have any recordings of how it vanished from the fight"

Hearing this, Kotori can't help but sigh in distress because this phenomena is very strange.

The other spirits were also confuse and wondered what happened but they all felt a huge amount of spirit mana being released which also made them question on who it might be.

Kaguya:" Do you think Yin helped us just now?"

Yuzuru:" Negative, Kotori said that he went out of the city"

Yoshino:" M-Maybe he came back?"

Shido:" It's possible, but more importantly, where is Mayuri?"

Hearing Shido questioning the whereabouts of Mayuri, everyone looked around but didn't see anything connected to her.


Mayuri:" I'm here!"

Mayuri said gaining their attention which caused them to feel relieved that she is still alive.

Shido:" Wait! What happened to that thing?"

Mayuri:" Oh! Onii-sama took care of it for me so you guys don't have to worry"

She said while looking down below and saw Yin chilling beneath the tree's shade.

She waved at him and he also waved back much to everyone's surprise but what shocked even more was....


Everyone was at a loss for words because she is the first ever spirit to have a brother though at first they wondered who her brother was so they put their gaze to where Mayuri was looking and saw Yin just chilling.

Kotori:(mind)" Tsk, him again"

Kaguya:" See! I told you he helped!"

Kaguya said smugly to Yuzuru who didn't really change her expression.

Shido:" A-Anyway, Kotori, how's her condition?"

Kotori:"....... It's stable at the moment however i don't know for how long she can maintain her power"

Shido:" Then do i have to seal her now? "

Shido ask whether it was okay or not but surprisingly Mayuri joined in on their conversation.

Mayuri:" I'm sorry to say this but i can't let you seal me just yet"

This shocked Kotori and Shido because they didn't think that she would refuse their help without a second thought

Shido:" Umm... Can we ask you why? If we don't seal you then we might not be able to protect you. "

Mayuri:" Because Onii-sama said so. He said that if my power gets sealed then i would definitely die"

Yin reminded her that she should not seal her power just yet or else her power may get taken away and she would also start to disappear.

And since she had just started her new life, he spirit energy is much lower than it originally was so sealing her will definitely make her weak and slowly fade away.

Kotori:" But we can't let you roam free knowing that you're power is not sealed"

Mayuri:" Then what about Onii-sama? He still has his powers, no? "

Kotori:" Urk! Tha-That's true but he's an exception! "

Mayuri:" Then it's fine, isn't it? Its not like I'll destroy this city. Besides, Onii-sama will take care of me so there is no need for you to worry."

Kotori wasn't surprised knowing that Yin will take care of her but the fact remains the same that having some spirits roam around the world without someone to monitor them is very risky and potentially dangerous.

She couldn't afford to make rash decisions because as a commander of Fraxinus, she must make wise decisions to avoid danger.

Kotori:" Before you go, i would like to talk to Yin about something. Can you tell him to meet at this restaurant? "

Kotori handed a picture to Mayuri and she took it.

Mayuri:" Sure, though i can't promise a positive reply"

Kotori:" That's fine, just tell him that i'll be waiting there tomorrow afternoon"

Mayuri nodded and went to talk to Yin about what Kotori told her to do.

She explained that Kotori wants to talk to him about something private so she asks to meet in the restaurant which Mayuri handed over to Yin.

Yin:(*sigh) What a pain. Can i turn her down?"

Mayuri:" She said that she'll be waiting for you"

Miyuki:" I think it would be best to just talk to her about it"

Yin:" Hmm true, i don't want to deal with.....more....trouble...."

Yin heard a familiar voice on top of him so he took a glance and saw Miyuki sitting there and eating some sort of apple.

Yin:" When did you get here?"

Miyuki:" Just now"

Mayuri:" Uhm, Onii-sama who is this?"

Yin:"Ah! That's...."

Miyuki:" Hai! Hai! Miyuki desu~, nice to meet you Mayuri-san!"

Miyuki smiled after greeting her and introducing herself that made Yin wonder...

Yin:(*mind)"Did she watch something strange again?"


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