《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 19_Transfering power


I'm currently wandering the shopping district because the chances of finding Shido here is high.

Walking around i saw a lot of people buying daily necessities and the lot and among them i saw Shido with a bag full of cooking ingredients, holding a piece of paper.

Probably the list of things that he is going to buy.

He's actually on his own buying things that he sees.

I began walking towards him while he was busy negotiating about the price.

Yin:" Yo! Shido!"

I called out to him and he looked to my direction, his eyes widen in surprise upon seeing me.

Shido:" Yin! What are you doing here?"

Yin:" I've been wandering this place in hopes of finding you"

Shido:" Find me? Do you need something from me?"

Yin:" As a matter of fact I do. Tomorrow afternoon, can you go to this location."

I handed him a paper containing the location of the place where i intend to transfer Miku's power.

Shido:" Uhm... Isn't this...

Yin:" I'll meet you there"

I then teleported out of there leaving Shido with a confused expression.


Yin:" Some people play games because they're entertaining. Some people play games for socializing. But most people play because they want to escape this world we call reality"

I'm currently inside Miyuki's room and the place was a mess with unwrapped snacks everywhere and some cola.

Miyuki:" And the reason why i play is because i want to escape reality"

I deadpanned and stared in disbelief by how childish she had become over the time she has been in this world.

Yin:" Just finish your homework"

Miyuki:" No! I don't wanna!"

Yin:" Just do it"

Miyuki:" NO!"

Yin:" Why?"

Miyuki:" It's boring and it's way to easy. I can just do it later."

I sigh and gave her my serious face

Yin:" Do your homework now or you'll never be able to play games again"

Miyuki:" B-But-"

Yin:" No more excuses."

Miyuki:" Ugh! Fine...."

She got up and went to her bag to get her text books.

After a while, she looked at me and handed me a textbook which was actually the homework that she didn't do.

Miyuki:"You will help me, right?"

She asks me in a hopeful tone.

I gave her a smile and rejected her.

Yin:" No, do it yourself"

Hearing my words, she froze in place and starts rambling on about me being mean or cruel.

I sighed and left the room then went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get something to drink.

After taking the drink, i walked to the living room and sits on the couch.

Yin:(*sigh)" I wonder what those guys are doing right now"


Inside the ship, we can see 3 figures inside a giant cube discussing about the strange location that Yin sent to Shido.

Shido trusted Yin because he helped him save Tohka without anything in return and even though their past interactions were not that good, Shido still respects Yin.

Kotori and Reine thought of this as odd.

Knowing that Yin is powerful and can instantly destroy them, they both thought that this may be a trap to lure Shido and do something unimaginable to him.


This made Kotori worry about his dear brother because she knows how strong Yin can be if he gets serious and he doesn't hesitate to kill whoever he deems as his enemy.

Shido:" I'm going to meet him"

Kotori:" Okay, but you will be accompanied by the others. We don't know what he wants with you so it's better to be prepared"

Shido:" Yeah"

Reine:" Yin have actually been showing signs of aggression and we even caught him fighting in an alley"

The step-siblings turned to look at Reine with shock because they didn't know anything about this even Kotori who should have the most knowledge about him.

Kotori:" Do you have the recording?"

She asks in a serious tone and expression showing how important this information is.

Reine nods and tried finding the recording of Yin using a gadget.

Shido and Kotori waited for Reine to find the record of Yin's action.

After a while of scrolling, she finally found it and showed it to the both of them.

Shido:" Is this.... Yin?"

Shido cannot believe what he sees and he starts to remember how he found out Kurumi's true nature where he screamed.

Kotori noticed this and shook him to stop him from remembering the past event.

The video shows Yin fighting some armed thugs or more like thieves.

The man with a knife tried stabbing him but it redirected and went to his eye making him scream in pain.

Shido:" What! What happened!?"


Kotori and Reine stayed silent and observed Yin's actions.

Shido also calmed down a bit and continued watching Yin.

The footage continued and the remaining guys attacked him.

"Idiots" the 3 of them thought and the next moment made them question his abilities even more.

Every man that rushed to attack Yin ran straight to the portal that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Everyone tensed up because Yin's actions were very different from what they all know and it made them wonder what happened.

Yin stood in front of the man and said things that they weren't able to listen to but what shocked them was that, after he said something to the man he killed him without remorse.

Kotori:" Reine, do you know what Yin said to that man?"

Reine shook her head telling them that she doesn't know anything and that they didn't find anything that cam lead to Yin's sudden change of self.

As they keep watching Yin, someone appeared and it didn't even shock them because they know how Yin saved Kurumi when she was about to get killed.

But what made them wonder about this event was, why Kurumi's expression seemed to tell that she is concerned about Yin.

A few moments passed and a portal immerged in front of Yin.

The people that attacked Yin came out of the portal one by one and their eyes looked dead.

Shido:" What... Happened to them?"

Reine:" That is exactly what we are trying to know and even after a thorough analysis, we still don't know what happened to them."

Kotori:" Were you able to interrogate them?"

Reine:" Well..."

She pointed her finger to the screen with Kurumi devouring them.

Reine:" As you can see, none of them survived and even if they survived and interrogate those people. I doubt we would get much information considering the state that they are in."


Kotori:" That's true, though i still wonder what happened to them to be in such a state. "

Shido kept silent and didn't voice out his opinion knowing fully well how it might become useless to them.

Kotori:" I guess we'll discuss this later and arrange a meeting with the other members to give their opinion on the matter"

Reine nods her head in agreement and they went back to their previous topic about Yin's motive for giving Shido the location of where they need to meet.

And after.a while of discussing about who will accompany him, they finally finished their meeting and went back home to tell the others about what they need to do.

Kotori filled them in on what the current situation is and her suspicions about Yin having ill intention towards Shido.

Shido:" So, all of you are going with me?"

Everyone:" Yes/Yeah!"

Shido:(*sigh)" Fine, suit yourselves."

Kotori:" By the way, Shido, why did Yin ask you to go meet with him? "

Shido:" I honestly don't know but i don't think he has any bad intentions towards me or the rest of us"

Shido:" And besides, this might actually be a good opportunity to ask him on why he doesn't want Miyuki to be sealed like him."

Kotori:" You do have a point there. But the chances of him answering those questions are very.... Close to impossible"

Kaguya:" Yin won't hurt any of us you know"

Yuzuru also agreed with Kaguya and added that he will help any spirit that he thinks need guidance and protection"

Everyone in the room was silent and can only widen their eyes in awe of what they just heard

Kotori:" What do you mean by that? He picked a fight with me and beat me you know. "

Shido:" You have gone berserk that day so of course he is going to beat you"

Kotori:" Urk! You didn't have to remind me... "

Yoshino:" u-umm who is Yin? "

Everyone looked at Yoshino and was surprised that she didn't know who Yin was.

Shido told her everything that she needs to know about Yin such as him being a male spirit and probably the only male spirit to have existed.

Yoshinon:" So what you're saying is that Yin is dangerous and we mustn't make fun of him? "

Shido:" You can put it that way i guess"

Tohka:" I only met him a few times and i think he is not a bad spirit"

Shido/Kotori(*though)" If only you knew what he did"

Yuzuru:" Confirm, Shido, What time do we meet with Yin?"

Shido:" Let's see(looks at the time on the paper)... Tomorrow afternoon on ********."

Kaguya:" Where is that?"

Kotori:" Outside the city. Just a few km to the north"

The rest nodded and went to sleep

Shido and the girls are walking into the forest and wondered why Yin chose this place

Tohka and the others except for Shido were on high alert for some unknown reason and it only made them more wary as they come close to the said location that Yin pointed out.

When they arrived, they saw Yin with closed eyes sitting and caressing Miyuki's hair who is taking a nap on his lap.

Tohka:" Shido, what are they doing?"

Shido:" Well, even if you ask me that..."

They all stared at the couple and some of them blushed from the scene.

Yin:" I know you're there. There is no need for you guys to hide"

He said, still not looking back at them.

Shido and the girls flinched after hearing Yin and slowly walk towards him.

Shido:" So, Yin. Why did you tell me to come here?"

Yin:" Ahh yes, i would like to talk with you for a bit..... Privately"

He eyed the girls who came with Shido and Kotori wanted to come along and hear them talk.

Kotori:" I'm coming with him"

Her voice sounded serious with a hint of intimidation.

Miyuki who was sleeping woke up and glared on Kotori which sent shivers down her spine.

Everyone readied a fighting stance after sensing an extreme pressure coming from Miyuki however, Yin stopped them and demanded Shido to follow him.

Yin:" Miyuki, you stay here and keep an eye on them. I don't want them to interfere with this."

Miyuki:" Gotcha Yin"

The others were about to start following Shido but was stopped by Miyuki who glared at them.

Tohka:" What is the meaning of this!?"

Kotori:" What are you going to do with Shido!?"

Miyuki:".... That's their business not mine so don't ask me"

Kotori:" hmph fine! Then I'm going to ask Yin to answer me then"

Miyuki:" You're not going to interfere with his plan"

Kaguya:" Hey! Can we also talk with Yin?

Miyuki:" Only after he is finish with Shido"

Yuzuru:" Confirmation: You said something about a plan?"

Miyuki:" Yes, i have an idea of what he might do but i'm not sure if it's really going to happen."


Shido:" Okay, so you brought me here. What are we supposed to discuss here"

Yin:" Ahh before that can i ask you a question?"

Shido:" Yeah"

Yin:" Then answer me this, why are you really helping us spirits?"

Shido:" Huh? Isn't it obvious that i'm saving them"

Yin:" I see. Then there is one thing that is very important for you to know about."

Shido:" I'm listening"

Yin:" You are not going to seal anyone close to me"

Shido:" Do you mean Miyuki-san?"

Yin:" humu, anyway, i brought you here to transfer Miku's power to you"

Yin's hand starts to glow and the glow quickly went to Shido's chest.

Shido was shocked to see it and felt a bit of pressure after the sudden transfer.

Shido:" What did.... You do?"

He said, clenching his chest where the light entered

Yin:" Like i said, I gave you Miku's power and also don't worry. I will alter her memory so that she will only remember that you saved her."

Shido:" But why? This doesn't make sense"

Yin:" hmm, why huh.... Whatever who cares. What's important is that you better use her power for good."

Shido:" I know that"

Yin:" Then good, we're done here. You can go now"

Shido was about to ask Yin something but was stooped when he heard an explosion near them.

Yin looked st Shido and he nodded and they went back to where Miyuki and the rest were staying.

When they both arrive, the saw that the place was a mess and there were signs of a battle taking place on the spot.

They both looked around to see Tohka facing against Miyuki with a katana in hand and Tohka with her

Kotori is just staying behind and helping the other unconscious spirits to move them to a safer place.


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