《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 2_A New Spirit


It's been a few days after tohka was sealed by shido and during that small amount of time a lot of things have happened.

First is tohka, she apparently came to high school with shido, second is the AST girl, she apologized to shido for shooting him and then there was this whole love rivalry between the AST girl and tohka.

And a few minutes later the spacequake alarm rang.

I pretended walking to the shelter and turned myself invisible after the crowed have piled up.

I teleported to the roof and found the location where she appeared.

Yin:(mind)"now it's a little girl with a puppet on one of her hands.

After a while i saw shido entering a building.

The spirit was also inside the building.

They started talking and it seems they have actually met before and now tohka looked angry.

Yin:(mind)" so yoshino and yoshinon huh... Seriously though that's what you get for being such a playboy."

Yoshino then summons her angel after the puppet was taken from her by tohka after that the AST attacked yoshino and she ran away leaving the others.

Yin:(mind)" hmm... I shouldn't interfere too much in their affair, i might get myself in trouble if i do."

I left the roof of the school and quickly teleported to my house.

Yin:(mind)" so his job really is to seal the spirits, heh, now this is getting interesting. "

Yin:(mind)" so he successfully sealed her too... Let's see if you can seal the next one... I'm actually pretty sure he is gonna fail this one since she mostly care about devouring others with power"

I really want to make a spirit but i'm slightly afraid that other people might start to notice my existence.

Yin:(mind)" Ahh whatever i'm just gonna make one"

I then teleported to an island that looks abandoned and started using my power to create a spirit that has lower power than mine.

Few minutes later i finally made a spirit and unlike other spirits that look exactly like human. I created a fox girl or a kitsune to be precise. She had white hair heterochromic eyes, carrying a sword on her hip.

What she wears↓

Her sword ↓

???:"w-who are you?"

She said looking at me nervously. I guess she can see my power even though its concealed.

Yin:"oh my name is Yin and you are?"


???:"i-i don't have a name"

Yin:"i completely forgot about that part....do you want me to give you one? "

???:" Y-yes please... If you don't mind"

Yin:"(*smile*) alright then. "

I pondered for a while looking at her.

Yin:(mind)" white... Snow... Alright i think i got it. "

Yin:" how about Miyuki"

Miyuki:"M-miyuki? ..."

Yin:" that's right. It means snow and looking at you and your hair it kinda fit the description.

Miyuki:" hmm... "

Yin:" do you not like it? "

Miyuki:(*shakes head*)" i'm happy"

Yin:" is that so"

Miyuki:" by the way mister Yin"

Yin:" yes what is it Miyuki? "

Miyuki:" wh-what am i to you? "

I looked at her eyes which can captivated any men. Well except me.

Yin:" that depends on what kind of individual i am to you"

She looked troubled by my words.

I did give her the knowledge about languages and the power to protect herself but i guess not everything i do is perfect.

Yin:" find your answer when we get back home ... Now then... Let's go!"

I smiled and gestured her to hold my hand and she took it with a smile on her face after that i teleported us to my house.

Yin:" Miyuki from today onwards this is going to be your new home"

Miyuki:(*smiles"*)" hn thank you Yin"

A few days have passed a lot of things have changed.

I'm living with a girl.

She did get used to living in with me as time passes by and she is living here in comfort.

At first she was having trouble fitting in because everything she sees is new to her.

I did help her from time to time to adapt to her new life style and now she is acting like how a normal civilian would.

I also helped her control her power since it might attract unwanted attention such as the secret organisations and especially the playboy shido.

Truth be told i don't really want her to meet him since he might notice that she is a spirit and he might seal her power if he ever found out about it.

Yin:"hey miyuki wanna go shopping with me today?"

Miyuki:("*nods*)" hn okay"

Hmm... I've noticed a lot of people staring at us for quite a while now. I'm fine with it as long as they don't disturb us.


Miyuki:" hey Yin. I want to ask you something that's been bugging me for a while now."

Yin:" sure ask away."

Miyuki:" what was it called when a boy and a girl usually go out together again"

Yin:" hm... A date?"

Miyuki:" yes that's the one. So um...are we on a date right now?"

Yin:" if that is what you want to call it then i guess we are on a date."

I smiled at her and saw a small blush on her cheek

Miyuki:" i see...so this is a date"

She suddenly stopped walking and i looked back at her.

Yin:" is something wrong?"

I ask her and she pointed at a couple which looked like someone i know.

Miyuki:"that girl. She's a spirit right?"

Yin:"yes she's a spirit and the boy next to her is the one that can seal a spirits power."

She made a look of concern

Yin:" you don't have to worry about your power being sealed.(*pats her head*) i will protect you"

She looked at me and smiled probably saying "okay". A few minutes later and she is still staring at them.

Yin:(sigh)" do you want follow them?."

Miyuki looked at me surprised at what i had just said.

Yin:" you've been staring for quite a while now so you are probably curious on what they're doing, right?"

She looked down and up at me and nodded.

Yin:" okay grab my hand."

She complied and i use invisibility on us and walked behind them.

Welp...one thing is certain and that is, shido is definitely a playboy.

Even miyuki started to dislike him.

Like seriously what kind of idiotic person would date 3 girls at the same time and at the same place.

The AST girl, tohka and the new spirit that wears black clothes, nah its more like a dress at this point.

Miyuki:"Yin can you tell me how this playboy seal a spirits power?"

Yin:" i think there is a condition before sealing a spirit"


Yin:"yes. I believe that the reason why he dates spirits is to make sure that their emotions are on the positive side. To put it simply he makes them fall in love with him and to seal their power he must kiss them."

Miyuki:"but why a kiss? And where exactly does he kiss them?

Yin:" he kisses them on the lips."


Yin:" pfft hahaha surprising isn't it."

Miyuki:(*blush*)" well of course it is.... But why a kiss and why does it have to be on the lips!?"

Yin:" the thing is... That's the only method he knows and its probably the same for the ones backing him up. As for the second question its probably to create a pathway for the spirit power to flow."

Miyuki:" Isn't that the same as absorbing their spirit power?"

Yin:" hm... Who knows it's not like i'm the one experiencing it"

Miyuki:(*pouts*)" come on, stop giving me vague answers yin."

I sighed and started walking away with her still following me from behind.

We were walking for a while and we suddenly heard a someone scream.

We both nodded at each other and transformed into our spirit form.

I quickly use invisibility on us and flew to the place where we heard a scream.

When we arrive there it was quite a sight.

We saw bloodstains everywhere and right on the we saw shido looking scared. Its a good thing that miyuki doesn't look disturbed by this sight.

Yin:" i think you should stop right there time spirit"

I said to her looking at me surprised. I guess she didn't even notice us following her earlier.

???:" Who are you? No more importantly where are you?"

Ah. I forgot to deactivate the invisibility. We slowly landed to the ground with our invisibility deactivated.

Yin:" Now then. Would you kindly explain to me what happened here?"

???:"Ara ara~, i just punished some people for hurting a little kitten that's all."

Yin:" hm is that so... And also what are you doing to that playboy over there?"

Miyuki:" he looked too scared that he can't even stand straight"

???:" Its really none of your business now is it."

Yin:" well that is true"

I then noticed someone coming here.

Yin:" we'll be leaving now. Ah before we leave what is your name time spirit?"

???:" ara~ how about you introduce yourself first my good sir."

Yin:" oh how rude of me. My name is Yin and this girl next to me is Miyuki and we are spirits. Now back to my question."

Kurumi:" my name is Kurumi Tokisaki."

Yin:" hm then Kuru-chan let's meet again in the near future okay"(*smile*).

I said to her then we teleported back to the house. After that a battle took place unbeknownst to us.


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