《NCT 19th Member》Rumors


"And are you sure that you have nothing going on between you and any of the other members? Any secret relationships?"

"No. Nothing is going on. It's all a


"Okay then. We will release a statement explaining everything. From now on, I need you to be careful in the face of the media."

The young girl nodded. She slowly walked out of the office and was met with her manager.

"Well, I hope you've learned a lesson?" She asked her. She rolled her eyes.

"Unnie, how can I learn a lesson from this? I'm not dating any of them! So I don't understand the mistake I made." She said, irritated.

"I know but make sure when you're in public, you show the distance from your other members.I'm not saying you have to sit 8 feet away from them, but just don't show as much skinship ok?" She told her. Hyejin mumbled an okay before entering the van.

"I just don't understand why people would think I would do that!" She said, violently shoving the buckle on her seatbelt.

Hyejin got out of bed and slowly got ready. She entered the living room to find Doyoung and the rest of the Dream (Except for Mark and Haechan. And also Renjun because he was sleeping) members in the living room. They all were staring at a tablet with worried expressions

"Uh hey, guys! What's up?" She asked. They all sat upright while Jaemin hid the iPad.

"Uh, Nothing! Uh, I just came to check in on my favourite member!" Doyoung said, ruffling her hair.

"Oppa please, we all know your favourite is Jeno" She replied, crossing her arms. Jeno smiled softly and tried to hide his face. Whenever she suspected that her members were hiding something, she gave them an interrogating look

"You were also out of milk." He replied.

"I bought two gallons yesterday." She said. He gulped and stuttered, not knowing what to say next. She looked at the members behind him, who were avoiding eye contact with her.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" She asked. All the members pretended to be busy with something. Jeno opened up his phone, Renjun reached over to the counter to pick up a book, Chenle pretended to be checking the time. Everyone but Jisung. She gave him a weird stare, causing him to be uncomfortable.

"See, I would love too, but I don't want to. But you'll figure out eventually" Jisung said from the couch.

All of a sudden she jumped gracefully onto the couch trying to grab the iPad that was hidden behind Jaemin. She sat on top of him and struggled to get it. The poor boy was confused about what was going on. She grabbed the device and sprung off of him, making a run for her room. She opened the home screen, only to find a picture of herself on the screen.


Hyejin was seen in many places alone with members. Their relationships seem very close since they show so much skin ship! Some pictures were leaked of the young girl with her members.

This picture was taken outside a buffet where Hyejin was out with Lee Mark, a fellow member

Here she is with Wong Yukhei, or Lucas, a much more recent member. They seem to be pretty close.

Here she was saying goodbye to her member Hwang Renjun when she was leaving for a vacation

Fans are currently waiting to hear a statement from SM entertainment, to clear up any confusion.

Jia stood there, gripping the screen till her knuckles turned white. She couldn't believe what she had just read.

"Uh, Hyejinnie?" Doyoung said. He knocked on her door but no answer. He opened the door and found the girl in rage. The members knew that Hyejin rarely got mad. But when she did get mad, she got mad.

"What is this shit?" She said. This was the first time she has ever said a curse word. Doyoung didn't scold her, because he didn't want to anger her.

"Well great! I guess I'll go get ready." She said. Doyoung stood them with a confused look.

"Uh, and you're going where?" He asked her.

"Well, manager Oppa is gonna call me saying that they want to talk to me to confirm that the rumours aren't true." She said. Doyoung walked out of his room shaking his head.

"So..... how did she react?" Chenle asked him."You mean how did she not react?" He said, plopping onto the couch.

"She didn't show any sign of confusion, anger, or nervousness. She just went to go take a shower!" He said.

The truth was that Hyejin was freaking out. She never expected to be in such a situation.

She sat in the van, waiting to get home. Once she was at the dorm, she hurriedly entered the door.

"Hey, Jess! I heard what happened! What the heck?" Mark said in English, causing the other members to look up. She sighed and went to sit on the couch, putting her head onto Renjun's lap.

"I don't know. Apparently, I'm dating three people at once. and possibly more." She said.

"Yeah, I heard about that. Um next time, can you tell me that your dating two other people. It's hard being the only one in this relationship doing all the commitment." Renjun said patting her head. She chuckled a bit and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry for that. I promise to be a better girlfriend." She said.

"So what did they say?" Jaemin asked her.


"Well, he told me to be more careful. And that I should not show as much skinship around you guys."

"Well, you're not doing a very good job of that," Renjun said, looking at her spread on top of her and Jeno.

"Yeah but that's only in public. Here I can be normal. Also.... did Taeyong oppa ever come over?" She asked, tensing.

"Uh nope, surprisingly," Jisung said. As soon as he finished, an angry Red head appeared through the door.

"Jung Hyejin. Your room. Alone. Right now" He said. She got off of Renjun and Jeno and slowly walked into her room."I spoke too soon," Jisung said.

Inside Hyejin's room was the eldest member sitting in the corner, one of the members had his back on the wall, and the redhead was pacing around in her room.

"I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry. I'm not sure why I'm apologizing but...." She said. The atmosphere was so quiet, you could hear the dream members breathing on the door.

"We're not mad at you about the rumours. We're not mad at all." Doyoung said.

"We're just here to clear some things up," Taeil said.

"Yes. Yes, we are. The only reasons why fans would make up things like this is because you give them a reason to. The pictures you see in that article has a lot about three members. Those members-" He was about to continue until he walked to the door. Hyejin watched him in confusion as he grabbed the door nob and pulled the door.

7 boys came flying into her room. All lay on top of each other.

"Uh... We weren't eavesdropping. We-we were just... RUN!" Mark said. The members ran off out of the rooms and out of the dorms. Taeyong closed the door again, turning back to the youngest.

"Where was I? Oh yeah; Lucas, Mark and Jaemin." He said. She gulped, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"W-what about them?" She said.

"You have been spending a lot of time with them lately. And when you were in a vlive, fans were wondering why you and Mark were so touchy." Taeil said, giving her the ''mom look''

"If you feel anything for them, now is the time," Doyoung said.

Hyejin hesitated. She really wanted to tell someone how she felt. She wanted someone to help her. But she held back.

"Hey." Taeyong said, walking up to her, "you can always tell us anything." He said.

"I-i actually do have something to confess." She said. She took a deep breath and continued.

" I'm not completely sure about my feelings. I have been spending an excessive amount of time with each of them but I'm still confused. Before Jaemin came back from his break, I saw him as a close friend who I could talk to. But now? I find it hard to even look at him without blushing. And M-Mark is my best friend. But I don't think I like him like that. But sometimes I do have thoughts about us as a couple. And Lucas.... oh Lucas has an amazing personality, but... but I don't know!!" She said.

Her head was spinning and she was confused. She didn't know what she wanted, or who she wanted.

"It's ok not to be sure right away. You may need time away from each of them... just so you know what's right for yourself" Doyoung said, as he went to pat her hair.

She didn't want to, but she started to burst in tears. She didn't want to make any of the members feel pain. She had such a big problem to deal with. Taeyong held her in his arms, slowly caressing her back.

"I don't kn-know what to do! I j-just don't know." She kept saying over and over between her sobs. After a couple of minutes, she had calmed down.

"Hey. Take as much time as you need. If you want to be away from them, we'll arrange it. Will move Mark into your room, and you could stay with us. I mean it's easy to leave you here but we all know Lucas and Mark love to hang out with you guys. Plus Jaemins room is less than 6 feet from yours." Doyoung said. She laughed a bit nodding her head.

"I think that might be a good idea." She said.

She didn't know how she was going to deal with it. She didn't know how long she was going to stay at 127's dorm for. She was tired. From waking up early to the meeting with the CEO and to this long tirade that her older Hyungs have given her. She just wanted to rest.

Hello people of the internet. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Let me know what you guys thought of it.


I loved there knew comeback. I am so proud of them for making it so far in this industry.

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