《NCT 19th Member》Homesick


Jia sat in her room, holding a picture of her family. A tear drop fell on the frame. She rubbed her thumb across the drop to dry it off. She put the picture on the side and read the letter her mother had sent to her.

My dearest Jess,

We miss you a lot over here. The house is very lonely without you. Your brother pretends that he doesn't miss you but he does a lot. I found him gazing at a picture of you when you were little.

We have been some of your biggest fans ever since you debuted. We were so proud of you with your debut song chewing gum. And also "My First and Last" Oh you were so adorable! Your father can't stop bragging about you at work and your brother can't stop bragging at school.

Your friends here in New York have been constantly asking how your are. They have many letters here for you to read, when you come back.Hopefully you come visit soon. I miss my daughter. You are growing so fast and time is flying so slow. When we have time we will try to come visit you. We also miss your grandfather and grandmother.

I also would love to meet your members! We were shocked when we figured out that you were in a boy group. However we are happy that you debuted. I can't believe how handsome some of the boys are! Make sure you take care of them. Also, I hope that your member, Jaemin, gets better soon.

We love you dear and we hope that you are following your dreams. Whenever you want to talk, you can always call me. Hope we speak soon. Love you Jessica!


Your beloved family

She put the letter on her nightstand, along with the picture. She wrapped her hands around her knees and Burris's her head in her legs. She let out a quiet sob.


She missed her family very much. She wished that she could go visit them but there have been many promotions going on.

She thought back to memories of her and her brother getting in trouble and sneaking out. She remembered the baking lessons with her mom and piano lessons with her dad. She remembered when she put on her dads button up and tie and walked around the house with a newspaper so she could be more like her dad.

From outside her locker room, and a sign that she put up saying "Do Not Disturb", the boys grew concerned for their youngest member. One of them decided to go check on her. He grabbed onto the doorknob but it stayed firm.

He ran into his room and grabbed a Bobby pin that Hyejin left in his room. He jogged back to the door and picked the lock. He heard the click and slowly opened the door.

"Hey, I came to check on you. Are you alright?" He asked, walking closer to her. He sat down on her bed and looked at her. She was curled up in a ball, and she was still sobbing.

"Just tell me what's bothering you. You always tell me what's going on. Come on." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I miss them, Mark. I miss them so much. It's n-not fair" she whispered. Mark understood what she meant. She pulled her out of the position and grabbed her face so she could look at him.

"I'm assuming you read the letter?" He asked. She nodded. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. He Caressed her back, while she sobbed into his sweater.

"Listen to me. I miss my family too. And I want to go visit them badly. But this job we have, some things have to be put on hold so we can continue our dreams. There your biggest supporters. And they will always be there for you. Through a call, text message, or FaceTime." He said.


"But it won't b-be the s-same" She choked out. Her words were muffled from all the sobs.

"I know but it's better than nothing." He said. When she didn't answer he pulled away.

"I'll tell you what. If you keep working hard, and pushing through all the practices and stage performance and shoots, you will get to see your parents very soon." He said.

"You promise?" She asked, wiping a tear with her finger. Mark showed her a sad smile and held out his pinky. She linked it with hers and smiled. They spent the rest of the day, talking about memories from back home.

Just wanted to update something small. Hope u liked it! ❤️

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