《NCT 19th Member》Suprise


Jia woke up with a horrible fever. She felt really weak and didn't want to get up from her bed. Thankfully, she didn't have any schedule that day so she decided to sleep more. She closed her eyes but heard a knock on the door.

"Hyejinnie , The Hyungs are practicing in the small training room like you told them too. It's time for your grand plan." Jeno's voice was heard from the outside of the door.

Her eyes shot open. She completely forgot about the suprise party. She had all the equipment and everything and she planned to set up the room today. Her head was pounding as she slowly came out of bed and opened the door.

"Wow! You look horrible. Are you feeling ok?" Jeno said. She couldn't let him or the other know that she was sick. She was going to have to deal with everyone caring for her instead of caring for Doyoung. Today was his special day. She planned on controlling her sickness.

"Yeah! I just rubbed my eyes a lot before waking up. I'm going to get ready. But can you and the other members get all the balloons and stuff into the big training room?" She asked him. He nodded and went to go tell the dreamies, who were sitting on the couch. Jia took a shower and changed into this.

She went into the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. She put it in her mouth and realized that she has a really high fever. She took some ibuprofen and closed her eyes. She had to be strong for Doyoung. She took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

"Ok guys so first we need to decorate the cake. And then we-w-we ACHOO need t-to ACHOO get the other food on plates. Th-then ACHOO go from there." She said, rubbing her nose on the last part. The members looked at her concerned.

"Hyejinnie, you feeling ok?" Renjun asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine. Come on. It was just a couple of sneezes, nothing big. But, let's get started." She said. Renjun was in charge of frosting the cake, Jisung was going to help decorate the top, Chenle was blowing up balloons, Jia and Jeno were taking all the stuff to the main training room.


The dreamies started to notice her acting strange. She would run off to the bathroom every so often, she would drink a lot of water, and she kept sneezing and coughing. When they kept asking if she was ok, she kept denying her sickness. She looked into the mirror to notice how red and puffy her face was so she decided to cover it up with some makeup.

The dreamies didn't seem to notice that she was still felling bad. They thought that she was feeling better, they didn't know it was just makeup. She received a text from Taeyong asking how far the planning was going. She told him that they needed a coup more minutes to rehearse their special dance.

She kept stumbling and stopping to take a break, even thought it was a simple dance. Usually, this wasn't even a warm up for Jia, but today was different.

"Hyejinnie your getting really sick. I mean you can tell pretty clearly that you need to rest!" Renjun said.

"Whaaaaaaat? I don't know what you guys are talking about." She said. As soon as she finished that sentence, she entered a coughing fit.

"See?!" Jeno said.

"Guys I promise you I'm fine. Just a tiny cold." She said. Chenle put his hand to her head.

"And a fever?!" He said, looking at her worriedly.

"That was from all the practice, I'm just sweating!" She tried to cover up.

"Jia there is something really off with you. I'm gonna call Taeyong Hyung." Jisung said. She took his phone and through it into her bag.

"No please don't call him! This party needs to be perfect! I can't be the reason why it should be held off. I promise right after the party, I'll tell Taeyong Oppa myself." She said. The boys looked at her with a skeptical look. She held out her pinky in front of Jeno. He sighed loudly and wrapped his pinky around hers.

"Fine. But as soon as we see any signs of fatigue, we're calling Taeyong Hyung!" He said. She nodded.


After a while she texted Taeyong saying that they could come downstairs now. The dreamies turned of the lights and waited in the corner with a cake. That's when the other members walked in the dark room.

"Huh?" Doyoung called out. He turned on the light and everyone started singing happy birthday.

"Thank you guys so much." He said. Jia was hiding behind the boys so they wouldn't notice her pale face.

"Who planned all of this?" Doyoung asked. The dreamies moved out of the way to reveal Jia. He smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so... whoa your burning up! Are you ok?!" Doyoung asked. She just nodded her head frantically.

"Yeah I'm fine. It was really hot in here before that's why I'm sweating." She said, fanning herself a little bit. Doyoung questioned her a little bit but shook it off. Taeyong however watched her very carefully.

"Ok so their is snacks over there, and drinks over there. After you eat there will be a special performance from us, and then the gift opening!" Renjun said. Doyoung showed a big smile on his face.

While eating, Taeyong came up to Jia.

"There is something off about you. Your not ok! You need to rest." He whisper yelled in her ear.

"I promise you I'm completely normal. I have to go now it's time for our Minnie performance." She said. She stood up a little to quickly and lost balance a little. She quickly ran to the other members. They did their performance. However Jia couldn't handle it.

The inside of her neck was burning and scratching her throat. Sweat gleamed from her forehead and threatened to drop onto her cheeks. Her eyes became droopy and her body was weak. The ending pose was them making a "D" for Doyoung and ending with a heart. The members all smiled and clapped but stopped when Jia's body hit the floor.

Jia opened her eyes and found herself in a room she always ended up when she had a bad day. It was 127's dorm. She was put on the couch and members were huddled around her.

"Give her some air guys." Taeyong said, pushing the members a little bit away from her.

"Jia. Why didn't you tell me that you were feeling bad?" Doyoung said, reaching out to grab her hand. Tears slowly ran down her cheeks and she didn't know why.

"I just wanted to do something special. I don't help out often in planning things but I just wanted to feel like I was helpful." She said. Doyoung cupped her cheek, wiping the tears.

"You help us in so many ways. What makes you think that your not helpful?" Taeyong said.

"I'm not really fluent in Korean, I don't help the members when there struggling with a dance move because I don't think I'm a good teacher. I could help but I choose not to. And then you get scolded." She said. Doyoung moved to her and placed her on his lap.

"Listen to me Hyejin" Doyoung said, "I have seen you work your butt of ever since you debuted. You were under more pressure than us because your age and your gender. You probably work just as hard, and maybe harder than we do. You help us in many ways. You help us continue to work harder, you help us become confident, your always looking out for us. This is why we need you. Without you, where not NCT. I would rather spend my birthday seeing you happy and healthy than overworking yourself" He finished. The other members nodded in agreement. She just smiled at them. They gave her medicine and soup. After an hour, all the members sat in the dome, watching a movie Doyoung picked.

"Happy Birthday Doyoung Oppa." Jia said, before falling asleep. He smiled and placed a small kiss on top of her head.

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