《Kya Pyaar Dosti hai?!❤️》Introduction!❤️


This is a story set in Bengal... And The Era is 1930's....

Both Anirudh and Bondita are well educated here... And even Theru families.... You will find less of social issues in this story... As I want to focus more on the evolution of their love tale....

So lets begin with the main Characters...

Anirudh Roy Chowdhary (Age- 27)

He is well known and Famous Barrister... He loves His family and especially his mother the most He is Bondita's Husband and Is in love with his childhood friend Saudamini...

He is The Son Of Tulsipur's Respected And Known Zamindars... He even has a deep interest in poetry and writing along with his Barristry...


She is a young and beautiful girl... Who loves Anirudh the most.... She is a poetess and loves writing.... She lives in Tulsipur with her Baba and Dida...

age-: 21

She is young Bubbly girl... Who lives in Calcutta with her parents... She loves her family a lot... And started having feelings for Anirudh since the day she saw his picture in the newspaper... And later got to know that her Parents had fixed her marriage with him.... She knows a bit about his thoughts and loves him....

She too started writing poems when she got to know about his interest in them....

Shubra Roy Chowdhary-: Anirudh's Mother... The Malkin of Roy Chowdhary Haveli... She is a humble and sweet woman.... She is full of love and affection for everyone...

Binoy Roy Chowdhary-: Anirudh's Father... And a well known Business man... He is really work oriented and hardly gets involved in the family drama.... But he really loves the family more than anything.... He is really inspired by the western culture...

Trilochan Roy Chowdhary-: Anirudh's Kaka... He is a religious man... Who is really into worships and religion... He doesnt likes any interference in his worships....

Just like the show....

Somnath Roy Chowdhary-: He is Anirudh's Younger Brother... And really an obedient child... He wants to become a Zamindaar like his kaka....

Batuk Roy Chowdhary-: Anirudh's Youngest Brother.... He is quite naughty and Lived by all.... Mostly playing pranks on everyone...

And The others are Bondita's Parents....who support and love their daughter a lot!❤️

Thats it!... Other characters would be introduced as the story moves further!...

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