《Prinxiety One Shots》The Wedding Day


Roman stood in the room with white flowers and white walls. His three best friends were by his side. His hands were getting clammy and his legs began to shake. He looked around the room for his bowtie, worried as to where he placed it. No, he wasn't worried. In fact, quite the opposite. He knew how this would all pan out and so he decided not to worry.

One last time, Roman checked the seat he remembers sitting the tie on. Although, to his dismay, the tie wasn't there. He groaned, knowing that he would have to ask for help to find the dang thing. He doesn't like having to ask for help, finding it a waste of time. Bur when your wedding starts in 40 minutes,you really can just be diddle dallying.

He dragged his feet over to where the groomsmen were speaking and spoke in a mumble under his breath.

"What was that Roman? You're all mumbly," Roman's high school friend, Issac, asked

"I can't find my tie..." Roman said, trying not to make himself sound to in need of help but also trying to let them know that he still needed help. Gosh, nobody ever tells you the flaws of being perfect, do they?

His other friend, Gelos, started to snort slightly "Hey, you said you didn't need help getting dressed up Mr. Boss Man, why the sudden change?" Gelos questioned, holding back a snicker when saying 'Mr. Boss Man', a running joke between the three.

"Oh shut up Gelos. What's really important is that you help me when I need help on mine and Virgil's wedding day." Roman responded, lightly punching his friend in the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Gelos said while waving his hand nonchalantly. Although the three men got to work to find the tie.


Virgil started to pick at his nails, looking at the black and purple polish. His middle finger and ring finger were both painted purple and the other fingers were black with white and red hearts on them. They looked nice so Virgil didn't want them to peel and chip when he picks them. However, he's feeling anxious.

Virgil looked at the varnish one last time and sighed, setting his hands down and stopped peeling them.

"Are you alright kiddo?" His adoptive father, Patton, walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine Dad. Just wondering..." Virgil said, spacing out.

"I don't think you are. What's bothering you?" Patton said, turning his son to face him.

"Well, what if he says 'no'? What if some crazy girl shows up claiming to be pregnant with his child? What if it turns out that this was all a dare from high school that he was paid $15 to pull?" Virgil said, quickly becoming anxious.

"...uh kiddo, I think you've been watching too much TLC... and I don't think he would buy a $20,755 ring for a high school dare..." Patton said, picking up his son's left hand to show the diamond ring.

"Oh. Yeah I guess that is true, huh?" Virgil replied. He stared at his finger and allowed a smile to linger on his face. He had so many great memories with Roman. And he was more than happy to make some more.

Virgil rushed over to the closet with Patton chasing after him. He opened the doors and saw a black ball-gown dress with red and white lace flowers that slowly get less cluttered as the work their way from the bottom of the dress to the top.


The other thing in the closet was a black suit with a white under-shirt and a red bowtie. He had no idea whether he should wair the dress or the suit. He stared at the closet and than looked at his dad.

"Uhh what do you think Dad?" Virgil asked, looking at his father.

"Try both of them on and see which on you like more! Then we will know" Patton suggested, grabbing both of them out of the closet. Virgil tried the dress on and twirled.

"I don't think we need to try the suit on, but it's up to you" Patton said,staring at his son in awe.

"Yeah, I really like it" Virgil decided, spinning again.

Roman heard the sounds of the music and started to fiddle with his hand. The hand that had no ring on it yet. Roman started to hum softly and tap his foot. Anyone else would think he was getting inpatient, however, he just liked the slow jazz song.

They decided to play slow jazz before Virgil walked out and then play a piano cover for a My Chemical Romance song. Virgil said what song but Roman was listening, he was busy admiring his soon-to-be husband gush about something he was so passionate about.

Roman's head perked up when he heard the change in song. He looked over at his beautiful soon-to-be husband in a beautiful black ball gown.

"Wow..." Roman whispered under his breath. He got very lucky with who he met.

"I do" Virgil said, already holding his husband's hand.

"You may now kiss the groom" The priest said, approvingly.

Roman and Virgil shared a sweet kiss, Virgil being dipped while Roman put all his hopes and wants into the passionate moment. The two men pulled apart and smiled, knowing this day together is only the start of many more.

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