《Prinxiety One Shots》Boo!


Roman looked at the broken down house with hopeful eyes. He was feeling confident but frightened. He had just bought his first house, which was the one he stood before. He was 24 but had also just finished college, where he majored in music.

He unlocked the door with ease and twisted the handle slowly. The inside was decorated nicely but needed a tune-up. The house wasn't very old, standing at 30 years. Although, it wasn't been inhabited for 15 of those 30 years.

He walked up the creaky stairs and into a long hallway, where he found four doors. Upon opening the first one, he discovered that it lead to a master bedroom. The room had cobwebs galore and a old rickety queen sized bed. There was also a dresser and a desk. After deciding that he would sleep in that room, he moved on to the other three rooms that proved to be boring as two of the three serve as guest bedrooms and the other was the second bathroom the house had, the other being on the first floor.

A week later, he replaced the furniture and the wallpaper with some paint. The house itself was rather small and cozy but the way the house felt was off. At night, Roman's room would get to abnormally cold temperatures, even in the summer with the heat on. Things in the kitchen would be moved around randomly. The TV would switch channels at random and much more.

Roman didn't know what was happening so he looked it up on the internet and Google said that he could have dementia or be sleep walking. He went to the doctors to take a test and found out that he doesn't sleep walk nor does he have dementia.

It took another week before he finally figured out what was happening to him.


It was an early Wednesday morning and Roman went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he walked in he saw a transparent milky white-blue figure standing at the mirror. The figure in the mirror was barley visible with the naked eye and it had no shadow.

Roman watched quietly as the figure touched the mirror gently seemly sad to see itself in such a state.

"Hello?" Roman said gently, although still causing the ghostly figures to float up slightly. Much like an alive human would jump when startled.

The ghost then suddenly disappeared, and Roman panicked slightly,after realizing that all he could say was a queit and confused 'Hello'.

"Agh! Wait wait wait! Uhh Ghost guy? If you're still there, I have a question to ask you, you can ask me one back..." Roman didn't expect for the ghost to answer him, but sure enough, the milky figure came back into view.

"Hi, Ghost. I don't know your name. Do you mind telling me? Mine is Roman if that makes you feel any more comfortable." Roman asked, hoping that him saying something would get the ghost to respond.

The ghost simply shook his head no at Roman, indicating that he didn't wish to share his name.

"That’s fine" Roman started " This way I can give you my own name! What do you think about Danny Phantom. He was my first crush so its rather suiting for you isn't it?" Roman finished, shocked as to why he decided to flirt with the nameless ghost.

The ghost blushed profoundly, although tried to hide it. At least, Roman believes it was blushing. He never had seen a ghost blush before, let alone a ghost in general.

"What is your gender Mr. Phantom?" Roman winked at the end then mentally scolded himself for once again, flirting with the ghost.


The ghost did the closest thing to a bush a ghost can get to and then shyly pointed towards Roman.

"Are you a guy, Phantom?" Roman asked, hoping that the answer was yes.

The ghost nodded and Roman pumped his fist in the air.

"Do you want to watch a movie together, my dearest Phantom?" Roman asked, scolding himself once more but proceeded to walk closer the the unknown figure.

The phantom nodded vigorously and Roman smiled at that. 'How cute' he thought.

Roman had been one of few dates but never with a ghost he found in his bathroom. Let alone a ghost in general.

Roman walked closer to the ghost until they were only 5 cm apart. Roman whispered gently in the spirits ear.

"Meet me in the kitchen at 10 pm. And keep in mind: this is definitely a date," Roman said before grabbing his toothbrush to brush his teeth, realizing now he would have to skip his morning shower in order to jot be late for work. He decided he would just take one at 8 pm and then he will still have time to dry his hair and spend time with the hot ghost.

He got home after a long day at work. The percussion were more off beat than usual and on of the clarinets were very sharp. Not to mention how the trumpets were busy talking about bullying cults or whatever.

After his well deserved shower he walked into his room with only a towel around his waist. He wasn’t to concerned with the fact that a certain handsome ghost could be watching him, knowing that said ghost was most likely in the kitchen. He put on some grey sweatpants along with a white t-shirt that had a golden crown embroidered onto the left side of his chest.

He walked into the kitchen and saw a certain ghost boy sitting on his counter. Roman walked over and asked the ghost if he could make himself touchable. The ghost boy nodded and slowly became less and less translucent while become more white-blue.

When Phantom was done Roman picked him up by his thighs and carried him to the couch. He put on Tim Burton's 'The Corpse Bride' and both quickly started to fall asleep while cuddling on the couch. Before both were asleep, Roman mumble something that the phantom had barely heard, but it made him blush nonetheless.

"One day, Phantom, your gonna be my corpse bride. Well, I suppose husband, huh?"

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