《Prinxiety One Shots》Hush Darling


Roman turned towards Virgil as they ran away, hand in hand. He still can't believe they actually escaped that hell hole. He felt guilty for leaving all the friends they made over the many years behind but hurried the thought and focused on the constant streams of adrenaline and dopamine rushing to his brain and through his body. They were in the middle of the woods, the dark grey and white build with the words 'MENTAL INSTITUTION' written in big thick black font on the front just above large stainless steel doors.

But he wasn't crazy, nor was Virgil. Or the friends he he left behind like Patton (#D37) or Logan (#D46) they aren't crazy either. Society was crazy. It was always the crazy ones. Not them. Not Pat. Not Logan. Beck nit even Remus (#J69) Well, Remus was actually psycho. He did 'it' with a dolphin he killed. But besides him, no one was crazy.

That's when they stopped running. Roman looked up at the night sky. The wondering stars. Shining down upon the two lover boys. Wishing them hope and encouragement on their journey.

Now, Roman looked at Virgil, and was reminded hiw he got dragged into this mess.

It was a cold dark night. Roman was in his room, on his bed, curled into a ball, crying. He was crying because he could here his parents screaming in the other room. He couldn't pinpoint the room exactly. It was either the kitchen or the sitting room. He heard the yelling grow louder and more aggressive.

"I SAW YOU!! YOU FILTHY LYING H*E!!" He didn't understand the screaming. The aggression. The pure desperation in both parties voice to find something, anything, to prove their self right.

"AT LEAST I'VE NEVER CHEATED ON YOU!!" His mother said that a lot 'at least I've' Roman didn't know why. It sounds like some word choice that justifies nothing.

Roman didn't really understand some of the words his parents were using. He didn't know what a h*e was or what his mother meant by 'cheating'. He only heard the word once before. It was 1at grade. He heard his teacher call out his classmate, Samuel, for 'cheating' by looking at Raymond's testing paper.


He didn't understand why his mom would be bringing up looking at test papers during a fight. Besides, they didn't go to school anymore.


It was quite for a bit after that. I don't think mom knew what to say.

"Couldn't you have done that at work? You keep spouting lies out your a$$, Josh." Mother Dearest seemed calmer but Roman knew, deep down he just knew, she was oh so for from calm.

"No, Bruce was having a business meeting with some company spokespersons." Josh became calmer has well, noting the sudden change.

"Who the hell is Bruce?" Olivia, Roman's Mom asked, hints of hope lingering in her voice

"My boss, why?" Josh, Roman's father, was clearly testing the waters. He wanted answers. And he was never one to take no when he didn't want it.

"He kinda sounds cute," Roman heard his mom say that. Everyone did. She tried to mumble it but she failed miserably.

"... I'm sorry what?" He heard the words from a third party. A much younger one. It was loud though like the person speaking had everything that was going to be said and done planned our in their head. They knew what they were doing.

"Go back to your room now." His mom's voice was aggressive. Like she didn't want anyone to witness what was to come. Roman peaked out the door after getting up and slowly walking over. He turned the door ever so slightly. So gently. He opened the do so only he could see out. No one, could see in his room. Which was good. He enjoyed the solitude. Just not now.

He saw it. His brother, Remus, only a year older then him, standing next to their father, Olivia infront of them.

"I'm not moving until you justify what you just said, Olivia." He crossed his arms, staring up at her, waiting for a response.


"What did you just call me?" She asked, testing how far he thinks he can go.

"Olivia. If you actually acted like my mother, you can have that title. Until then, we are on a first name basis. You are not mom just cause you have birth to me. I will disown you, suffocate you, put you in a bath tub as I chop off your head. Then, I will stuff you in the floor." Remus scared both adults with his threats.

"Don't test me little man. You are just a B!tch boy, alright? A stupid, dumb, coward so don't come at me you f*cking brat." Mom walked forward towards Remus. I his behind the safety of the lockable door, watching painfully. Then, the moment that ruined my life.

My mother kicked my brother. He fell and hit his head of the kitchen tile. You could see a pile of blood forming at our where the floor struck him.

He quickly got back up and clearly did not appreciate the kick to the stomach. He walked over to the couch a grabbed the largest pillow, which was promptly the same size as a regular one.

His brother jumped on their mom'sback and put the pillow on her face so she could see or breath. He rocked to read on her shoulda he situated himself on and when she fell he took the pillow off. He what her forward split open with satisfaction. He bashed her head more as dad phoned 911. Roman, at this point was out of his room, trying to get him off of Olivia but, he was...

Smiling. He enjoyed this.

And then the police and medics showed up too see 9-year-old and a 8-year-old boys smashing s lady's head into the ground while that dad tried frantically to get them.

Roman had been on trail for attempted assist in 2nd degree murder. At the time, he knew what none of these things the judge, or anyone for that madder, was saying. All he knew was that the mean girl was dead because of something is brother did and it was some how also his fault.

He was relieved to hear the words "not guilty" come from one of the people in dark robe things. He later learned that that was the jury. He brother already had his trial and was convicted. He was put in juvy till they were 18 were he would be moved to jail. He didn't understand it and certainly didn't understand when his dad went to jail too.

He was then out in something called foster care. After all, his parents said that his godmother was his grandma and he didn't have a godfather but his grandma died 3 years ago.

He looked out the houses on the familiar street as him, a boy younger than him, a girl older than him, and two adults drove to his knew house, their old one.

The girl seemed nice but the boy was a bit bratty. But, what else can you expect from a 2 year old in a Cars 2 car seat? The girl looked to be around 14-15 years old and was on an app called Discord in her phone, talking to her friends.

Her name was Anika. It was a pretty name, at least, Roman thought so. The boys name was Ashton but he was called Ash for short. Anika said that Roman could just call her Ann for short.

Roman smiled once more at his childhood. It wasn't always The best but he got back some people. Kinda. He hasn't seen his siblings in so many years. He missed them so... so, much...

"Hush Darling," he heard from a voice coming from his side. He looked Down and saw his lover, Virgil. The one he was spending a night or so in the wilderness with, after promptly running away.

He didn't realize it till Virgil started to speak but then, once he was out of his train of thought, he felt wet, warm, and salty tears role down his soft hey masculine face. Je felt Virgil cup his face with his hads and kiss his tears away. Roman stole a quick kiss on the lips and the two run away boys slepted the rest of the night away.

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