《Prinxiety One Shots》Church Stairs


Everyone walked out of church. I looked at my phone and the time read '12:00' the time church ends. Right on time.

Me and my parents started walking to our car. That's when disaster struck.

My parents saw the Hearts. Normally I would be thrilled to see them. After all me and Patton are good friends. But right now, I wanted to leave. I am hungry and I specifically remember the leftover pizza from dinner last night practically calling me.

The worst part was, Patton doesn't even go to church! He's busy volunteering at a no-kill shelter.

Not that I would want to see him but Patton's cousin, Damien, is to busy hanging out with his boyfriend Remus. And not that I would want to but I can't talk to my brother because my brother is Remus!

I was told to wait in the car and that it would only take a second but everyone knows that when parents say 'I'll be done in a second' it really means 'wait for me I'll only be a few months.'

And that brings us to now. Me sitting on the stairs. Praying my phone battery is kind enough to last me for 2 1/2 months. Oh who am I kidding? 86% is enough to last me till around 5pm. It is 12:30. I am doomed.

I was on my phone in a varsity jacket. When you get to ninth grade if tour on the cheer team, football team, or in band you get a snazzy looking varsity jacket.

I heard cracking of high heels down the cold concrete church stairs so I looked to see who was coming. I saw Ms.Wynn.

"Hello Mrs. Wynn." I smiled despite being tired and cold.

"Hello Roman. I say dear where are your parents?" She said looking curious.


"There talking to Mrs and Mr. Heart." I said sighing at the fact that they have been talking for and hour. How much can one person have to catch up on?

"Oh well would you like something to eat dear?" She said already shuffling through her purse.

"Yes please!" I nodded. Feeling like I was being starved.

She held her hand out and I had to try to not look disappointed. In her hand she held a mint, an Arcor strawberry candy, and a Carmel cream candy.

I took the candy and gave her a grateful smile. She smiled back and left. As soon as she left I gave the candy a disgusted face. I threw the candy to the left of me and called it my emergency stash. Which from how long my parents are taking, I might have to break into it in about 3 minutes.

Maybe I could call a pizza place. Wait is there a Little Caesars around here?

That's when I saw the love of my life.

"Oh stop that." Virgil said as he looked up at Roman cause they were cuddling on the couch.

"Stop what?" Roman asked confused on why Virgil stopped him.

"Don't tell Dad that you thought I was 'the love of your life's when you first saw me." Virgil said smiled and playfully rolling his eyes

"Ugh fine but only cause I love you." Roman said as he pecked Virgil on the lips.

"The correct grammar would be 'because' Roman." Logan said as he adjusted his glasses.

"No one ask you Logan! Now let me finish the story of how me and Virgil got married-"

"Roman we aren't married yet." Virgil interrupted.

"Yet my dearest emo." Roman said and kissed Virgil sweetly Virgil kissing back eminently.


"Kiddos lets get back on track with Roman's story!" Patton said. Being the only person who was invested in the story.

Roman and Virgil pulled away slowly not wanted the moment to end.

"Yes my story.. It can wait for another day can't it friendo?" Roman said. After he got a sample he always wanted the rest of the meal when it came to Virgil.

"I guess I can wait!" Patton said as bubbly as ever.

Virgil and Roman smiled as Roman carried Virgil into his room. They cuddled and watched Disney with the occasional peck all night.

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