《Prinxiety One Shots》Kindergarten


Kindergarten AU

Today was Romans first day of kindergarten. He was going to learn and make friends and stay in green. According to him. But he put it differently. He did this because well...

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Yes dear?"

"Today is my first day of kinergarwen! I'm gonna make friends and learn and stay in gween!"

Roman always had a lisp which made the letter 'r' hard to say occasionally but when he got exited he talked fast and that made the 'r' lisp even worse.

After Roman was done eating breakfast and bouncing off the walls, him and Mom went to the bus stop to wait for his bus.


"Yes Mommy?"

"Your gonna behave right?"


"And your gonna listen to your teacher right?"


"And most important your gonna have fun right?"

"Fo sho! Fo sho!"

Roman and his mom talked more until his bus came. When it did his mom said goodbye and have a good day. Roman said goodbye back well he didn't say goodbye. He said bye bye Mommy. Then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

He got on the bus and the bus driver told him he could sit in one of the first 3 seats. Roman chose to sit in the 3rd row on the side away from the driver. He figured he would sit there because that's where the kool kidz would be sitting.

Virgil was in his room checking his backpack for the 4th time that hour. He needed to make sure he had everything. I mean you never know, what if someone asks you for a pencil but you don't have a spare one or what if you have to ask someone for a spare pencil. Better safe then sorry. At least that's what he said.


"Vigil come downstairs and eat. Your bookbag can wait."

"Ok Dad! Coming!"

Vigil walked down the stairs to see what his dad has made for him.

When he is down the stairs he looked into the kitchen. He saw his mom already sitting down and he saw his dad finishing up breakfast.

"Hi Mom. Hi Dad."

"Hi cupcake."

"Hi Virge."

"What's for breakfast?"

"Waffles, bacon, sausage, and hash browns."


Virgil and his parents finish breakfast and start to leave. Virgil walked to the bus stop after saying goodbye to his parents.

After waiting for two minutes, the bus came. Virgil got on the bus and looked for an empty seat. There was about 11 other kindergarten kids. That meant Virgil would have to sit with someone.

He looked in the seats as he moved back seats. The only seat that was open was with this boy in a red and white shirt with a yellow crown on it.

When Virgil sat down the boy looked at him and smiled. Virgil gave a half smile back.

"What's your name?"

"Virgil, what's yours?"

"My names Roman."

Virgil gave 'Roman' a small smile as they continued to talk. Virgil and Roman talked about practically everything. They talked about music and toys and other stuff.

Time skip brought to you by baby Virgil

Virgil and Roman walked into the cafeteria together to ding their teachers.

"Who's your teacher?"

"Mrs. Starlete, who's yours?"

"Mr. Maricho"

Virgil and Roman said their goodbyes by hugging each other.

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