《Prinxiety One Shots》Teachers


Roman walked up to the school building. He was going to be working here as the new theatre/chorus teacher. This school has a thing were the theatre and the chorus teacher are the same person. It was probably to save money but he didn't care much.

Roman looked up at the name of the school. 'April High' That's a weird name for a high school. Well at least he gets to teach theatre.

Virgil was walking back from the school board meeting. Unfortunately, they were getting a new teacher. The new guy is going to be taking theatre and chorus. Virgil was the art teacher so the music corridor was pretty far away from the art room. As for the theatre room, not so much.

Virgil groaned knowing that the new kid would be going to the theatre room first. He was prepared and waiting for this new kud to show up. He had to 'be nice' to the new guy. Well according to Virgil he was always nice. But if you ask any of the other staff, he could use work. And a lot of it.

Virgil looked down the hallway to see if the new guy was here yet. When he saw him his heart stopped. He was around 6ft. Virgil regained his straight face and looked at the man.

When he approached him Virgil mustered all the courage he had to talk to him.

"Hey. You must be new I'm Virgil Storm."

The new guy looked at Virgil. He smiled and took the hand Virgil put out for him.

"I'm Roman Prince. I'm the new theatre and chorus teacher."

Virgil pulled his hand back and smiled. The Roman guy seemed like he wouldn't be that bad to work with.

"I'm the art teacher. You should meet the Kindergarten teacher and the 9-12 grade math teacher. Their really cool."


"I'll keep that in mind Virgil. But the Kindergarten teacher is kinda across the street."

"Oh yeah well don't worry as the chorus teacher you work at both schools. And he is free during lunch break."

"Ok thanks Virge."


"Yeah it suits you!"

Roman and Virgil said their goodbyes. Roman walked away to meet the band teacher and see his other room.

Virgil walked into his room to get his stuff ready for his next class. That Roman wasn't that bad.

I met the art teacher whose room is next to the theatre room. I have to say he is rather dashing.

I walked down the music corridor to see my chorus room and to meet the band teacher. I was curious to meet them and all but I was more excited to meet the kindergarten teacher and the math teacher.

I walked down the corridor to the band room. I opened the door and met the teacher. Her name was Myla Doom.

I chatted with her and left to the chorus room. When I walked in it was a bare room with few decorative items on the walls. I decided that this week I would buy all I need to decorate and do that after school Friday.

The one thing that was on the wall was a clock. 9:48. That means I have till 10:35 until I have to start doing my job. I have 47 minutes.

As the kids piled in the room, Roman finished decorating with all the supplies he had.

The room was filled with royal looking decor. Along with Gryffindor, musicals, Disney, and musical. He had The Greatest Showman, Phantom of the Opera, Loin King, Hamilton, and Aladdin.

The kids looked at Roman confused because they've never seen him before. He looked at them and it clicked that they don't know him.


"Hello! My name Mr. Prince. I am your new teacher."

The whole class responded with 'Hello Mr. Roman.'

"Today we are warming up with head shoulders knees and toes."

The class warmed up and sung christmas songs for their winter performance.

After he was done with his class, he had this nagging urge to see Virgil. He decided to suppressed the urge. Since he wasn't going to see Virgil, he thought about him.

He wondered if Virgil had a class, or if he liked his job, or if he had a crush on him. Wait what? Crush. But Roman didn't have a crush on Virgil right? Oh lets be honest, Roman was hella gay for Virge.

Virgil finished his second class of the day and sighed. Man he loved being an art teacher. He just hated the kids. But heaven forbid Virgil thinking of something normal.

He was thinking about Roman.

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