《naruto character one shots》Truly Thankful {Kisame Hoshigaki}


Note: If you're not a fan of Kisame or aren't feeling this one, at least skip to the end, it's important!

The heavenly divine scent of Thanksgiving dinner wafted in the air making everybody's mouth water and stomaches grumble. You and Konan were currently working in the kitchen, working your butts off to master the feat of cooking a grand Thanksgiving dinner for the whole Akatsuki.

The turkey was roasting in the oven, secreting a delightful aroma. Creamy, whipped mashed potatoes and butternut squash seasoned to perfection with pumpkin pie spice lay untouched and inviting: some of the most perfect side dishes. Even the mixed vegetables looked delicious, the carrots sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Konan wiped at her forehead, examining each dish, checking each off making sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"Turkey: check, mashed potatoes: check, squash: check," she observed.

"Cranberry sauce: check," chimed in Tobi, a jar of the preserves in his gloved hands and an obvious smear of the magenta dish present on the chin of his mask.

Both you and Konan rolled your eyes before continuing your checklist-

"Dinner rolls: check," said Konan, whilst removing a tray of buttery, flaky biscuits fresh from the oven.

"Pie: check," you replied, uncovering the pumpkin pie and adorning the center of the dessert with a dollop of extra creamy whipped cream.

"Stuffing-" Konan's golden eyes scanned the kitchen in search for the Thanksgiving staple dish.

"Stuffing, stuffing, stuffing, where's the stuffing," she mumbled, a bead of sweat apparent on her brow, her eyebrows furrowed.

"{Name}, we forgot the stuffing. It's Pein's favorite, we need the stuffing," she looked at you with a dead serious expression, her hands winding knots in her purple locks.

"Here's the keys, go get some, now," she commanded you, placing the car keys to the immense vehicle necessary for transporting the infamous Akatsuki during "emergencies only", and shooed you out the door.

As you were about to exit, of course Tobi wanted to go along with you for the ride, and being quite loud about your quick run to grocery story, it attracted a few more Akatsuki (more like the whole entire organization except Konan) eager to get out of the hideout for a bit. Rolling your eyes you allowed the others to join you and you all trailed through the labyrinth of miscellaneous rooms and underground trails before finally finding a light at the end of the tunnel and exiting the hideout.


The wind was cold, a lot colder than any of you anticipated, though what was outside made up for that: snow. The light, fluffy water crystals fell to ground in a soft abundance, leaving everybody in awe. It was nice to feel the light patter of snow on your exposed arms and face, and nobody complained even though their noses were red from the frost or their hair damp from the snow flurries. You admired it, acknowledging that the winter/Christmas season was upon you, the holdidays being your favorite time of the year.

After several minutes of the boys getting acquainted with the snow, Deidara and Sasori fighting over who could create a better snowman and Tobi making snow angels, you all finally trickled into the big, black painted school bus, converted for transportation for the organization, the bus adorned with the Akatsuki's logo: the red swirly clouds.

"I call shotgun!" announced Tobi before you stuck in the keys and started the car, on your way to the nearest Walmart.

Upon arriving at the store, everybody trailed out of the bus, all eight (well all 7, Pein decided to stay and keep watch of the bus, since it being the only Akatsuki's means of transportation) of the men trampling over each other to exit the vehicle. A huff of annoyance escaped your lips as you waited for them to quit bickering and get out so you could lock up. You were standing next to Kisame, solely one of the only members who wasn't being annoying.

"Listen up! We're here to buy stuffing and stuffing only. Don't even bother touching a cart, no shop lifting and no playing around with the big bouncy balls or riding on bicycles." Everybody shot an accusatory glare at Tobi after the last part and you locked the bus, which signaled an obnoxious wail before you shoved the keys into the pocket of your cloak and filed into Walmart.

Of course as soon as the automatic doors invited you all in, everybody took off to various area of the store. Deidara and Sasori to the arts and crafts aisle, Zetsu to the gardening aisle, Kakuzu stalked off to the ATM probably to harass customers, Hidan to the women's lingerie department, and of course Tobi ran off to the big bouncy balls though Itachi promised to supervise him. Now it was just you and Kisame, resuming your quest to pick up some stuffing.


"You don't think it's all sold out, do you?" You asked the shark boy, a slight blush creeping across your cheeks as you realized you were both left alone together.

"Who knows, it's Thanksgiving Day after all. Let's just hope not," he replied, his eyes scanning the food department aisles for the food you were looking for.

As you both shuffled through other last minute shoppers you ended up in the seafood and deli department, where one of the employees were offering free shark fin soup samples. You quickly grabbed Kisame's arm, diverting him from the area before finally coming across an aisle that was quite picked over but did happen to have one last box of stuffing.

"Yes! Thank Jashin," you rejoiced, before attempting to reach for the glorious box filled with your last requirement for Thanksgiving dinner, though even as you attempted to stand on your tippy toes, your arms could not extend far enough to reach the bow that happened to be on the top shelf.

Before you could get frustrated, an aquamarine hand wrapped around your waist preventing you from further attempt, as, with his free hand Kisame grabbed the box of stuffing no problem and placed it into your hands.

When he leaned close to you, his face almost buried into your ruby red locks, he could smell the divine aroma of what you were cooking in the kitchen that day, and he observed the snowflakes adorning your waves, making your already shiny hair glimmer in the light. You were beautiful, so- and the way your caramel, honey eyes bore into his, it was so inviting yet innocent, the way you looked at him with adoration. He realized how lucky- how truly thankful he was to be blessed with opportunity of being with you.

"Thanks," you acknowledged, yet it sounded distracted. Your skin still tingled and your spine still shivered from the touch of Kisame's fingers indirectly touching your sides. Your face turned the color of your hair, and that's when he smirked, though before he could utter a sly remark you both were interrupted by a very annoyed Itachi, dragging a very disappointed Tobi.

"I know you two like each other and I understand you were both just having a moment but let's not waste anymore time. I've had it with this insolent idiot, let's go," Itachi indignantly demanded, his free hand balled into a fist and jaw clenched in anger.

Before either of you could deny the Uchiha's accusation, Itachi grabbed the box of stuffing out of your hand and marched ahead, ignoring Tobi's incessant whines.


Kisame quickly pecked your lips, before forcefully grabbing your wrist and pulling you ahead, while discreetly pulling at the collar of his cloak in attempt to mask his own blush.

Checkout was successful, and you managed to round up all of the Akatsuki before it was time to leave and return to the hideout to aid Konan in finishing Thanksgiving dinner.

Back at the hideout, you shut the door to the main living quarters, wiping away the perspiration from your brow before sprinting to the kitchen and handing Konan the box. Relief washed over her face as she took the box, though as soon as she read it, her joyous expression was replaced with venomous anger.

"{Name}, you bought whole wheat chicken stuffing. What the hell were you thinking?!" She scolded, fire behind her eyes.

Your eyes widened, you hadn't realized. You never even thought to look at the box, you were too busy-

"{Name} got the wrong stuffing because she was too busy giving Kisame the googly eyes," intercepted Tobi.

To say the least, your guilty blush gave it all away.

Happy Thanksgiving guys! Also pretty pretty please comment! No one ever leaves me feedback and I'd really appreciate it. I might not continue this one shot series if people don't. If there's any characters you'd like to see more of, or any scenario suggestions (key word being "suggestions") please don't hesitate to comment!

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