《naruto character one shots》Dare Devil [Kiba Inuzuka]


Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage, twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery to possess a human to do incredibly dauntless things. That's all it took to find yourself standing in an outrageous line for an even more outrageous roller coaster.

You're no dare devil, but you are gullible; easily wrapped around ones' finger with only the slightest suggestion. Of course when your group of thrill seeking adrenaline junkie friends proposed a dare, you had no choice but to go along with it, caring more for your reputation than your own life. Being triple dog dared to go on the most fearsome hardcore coaster in the whole country alone was a dare you couldn't pass up, even if the only thing you got out of it was a day of being congratulated by your friends as opposed to a day of cowardice remarks reminding you and everyone else at school that you were too chicken to go on an amusement park ride.

So there you stood, in line for The Bizzaro, your heart racing at one thousand beats per minute, cold sweat profusely erupting from every crevice. You dried your clammy hands off on your shorts, turning around to face your group of friends who shot you encouraging smiles whilst vigorously waving you off and urging you on with a thumbs up. You subconsciously ran your fingers through your thick, curly locks before inching a few steps forward along with all the other people waiting in line for the thrill of their life.

The atmosphere was permeated with anxiety and other than the sound of your heart pounding in your ear drum, your ears were also met with a cacophony of screams and bellows of doom and enjoyment. A sigh escaped your lips as you desperately tried to relieve some of the tension over coming your being. You tapped your foot subconsciously, relaying every detail of information you know about the roller coaster you are about to embark on, risking your life for a mere adrenaline rush.


The Bizarro; previously known as Superman: Ride of Steel has been voted the number one steel roller coaster in the world three times and has not been ranked lower than number two since it opened. It features a 208 foot lift hill, a 221 foot drop, and just one mile of track exerting 3.6 G-force with a duration of 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

The line moved up and with each agonizingly terrifying step, you realized you could see passengers boarding carts merely ten yards away.

"I am officially insane," you sighed to yourself, before your eye was caught by a very stunning teenage boy standing directly in front of you.

As he turned around you were met with the most stunning human being: caramel hair unkempt and disheveled, sticking up every which way, mischievous eyes resembling molten gold, lips full and kissable and a jaw line so striking. Maroon red markings adorned his sun kissed cheeks, and when his lips upturned in a smile you couldn't help but notice how sharp his canines appeared.

Instantaneously a crimson blush emblazoned your porcelain complexion at the sight of your handsome stranger. Timidly you shifted your gaze yet little did you know the Alfa male was admiring you just as much as you were admiring him. He was captivated by your striking crystal blue eyes, wide and curious, your rosebud lips plump and full drawn taut in anticipation. He noticed the perspiration clinging to your brow, almost compelling him to take you in his arms and relieve you of your fear. Secretly he hoped he'd be fortunate enough to be seated next to you for the thrilling adventure awaiting you both.

The next five minutes could not have gone by quicker, for you found yourself awaiting your doom, behind the gate next in line to board the ride. Regret washed over your entire being, trepidation coursing through your veins, and as you seated yourself, regrettably in the front row, you were oblivious to the fact that the sexy boy you noticed in line was being strapped into the seat directly next to yours.


A squeal escaped your lips and your fingers balled into fists, your long finger nails digging into your palms with a ferocity enough to break the skin.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I know it looks really really scary but trust me, it's a blast."

Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, your eyes connecting with the boy next to you. His eyes sparkled and for a split second you forgot everything happening around you, your mind blocking out the sinister mayhem of clicks and shaky breathing permeating the atmosphere.

"Are you sure? Cuz I'm pretty sure feeling like you're about to die isn't much of a blast, at least not to me," you mumbled.

A chuckle escaped his lips, and this time he actually made an effort to meet your gaze completely, craning his neck enough to see the flecks of green swimming in your crystal orbs and the adorable freckles dotting your nose.

"Be in it for the thrill, the rush of adrenaline that'll course through your veins and the swarm of butterflies you'll feel in your belly. Relish in the freedom of moving through time and space, doing something so terrifyingly stupid yet brave and exhilarating. You're a dare devil, have fun," he responded.

Still, you couldn't understand what possessed the human race into believing flirting with death was 'exhilarating' or in any way considered a 'freedom' but you accepted the challenge and by now it was too late to turn back. The attendant had already checked every passengers' safety precautions and once it was confirmed no one would be falling to their death the a-ok was given and the ride begun its ascension.

"C-can I at least hold your hand?" you timidly requested and surprisingly your trembling fingers were interlocked with the strange boy's, your grip so right it began to turn his fingers purple.

"Remember to scream really loudly when we drop, it'll relieve your nerves and you'll feel much better, I promise," we're his last words of advice before you tightly squeezed your eyes shut as the sound of the roller coaster shifted its' gears locking onto the track with a penetrating crack reverberating your skull.

Before you knew, your own personal hell had come to an end, and you were being ushered out along with the swarm of other idiotic teenagers exiting the ride. Of course the ride was as bad you thought it was, but the boy's advice really worked; screaming your lungs out made the torturous agony go by faster and made it even just a teeny weeny bit enjoyable.

The warmth of the sun basked your face, and that's when you noticed your fingers still intertwined with his.

"See, that wasn't so bad," he chided, his smile so shiny and immaculate it melted your heart and warmed you to the bone.

"No, I suppose it wasn't."

Secretly, you hoped it never had ended.

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