《naruto character one shots》Arachnophobia {Shino Aburame}


Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders

A Monarch butterfly crossed your path of vision, a sigh of wonder escaped your lips as you watched the creature's graceful flight. Your long eyelashes fluttered as your eyes followed every moment the insect made. To you, butterflies are the only insect deserving of the title "beautiful", their elegance so captivating in your opinion you wouldn't even classify them as even belonging to the bug/insect kingdom.

Your fascination with the creature was almost child like; so innocent and so young. It was alluring, untiring, delicate almost, to watch you get excited over a butterfly. You'd point at one with your index finger, the gesture for no one in particular; of course no one would witness such a reaction for you only let your one true excitement reveal itself in secret. That low thrilling gasp that would escape your lips once your gaze behold a butterfly, fluttering its wings ready to embark it's perpetual journey. Your behavior was naive, yet the one true emotion which you held onto, for it was an appreciation of a living creature worth respect and attention.

A giggle escaped your lips as you held out your finger, the sparkly nail polish glittering beneath the brilliance of the sun. The butterfly's flight was graceful as it fluttered, landing atop your extended finger. Your turquoise eyes were wide as you held your breath in hopes not to spook it. The way the creature slowly twitched it wings, resting comfortably on your finger filled you with an unwavering calm, as all you did was watch it, examining its colors: a rusty orange lined with a velvety black. The wings appeared fragile, like glass which is why you remained still not allowing even a finger to graze over the butterfly's wings.

Soon it departed, off in search for mostly likely sustenance: nectar. You blew a strand of auburn hair out of your line of vision before wandering about some more before finally coming across another butterfly to stalk. Although this time, as you hid behind the trunk of a tree while your eyes flicked back and forth following yet a another butterfly, you were completely oblivious to the dull hum of beetles buzzing through the air in an abnormally large congregation only several yards from your place.


His tan jacket was zipped to his chin as always, a pair of tinted glasses restricted those from viewing his eyes. A hood had been pulled over his mop of spiky brown hair but his appearance was decipherable enough: Shino Aburame.

Mere coincidence is the culprit behind his running into you in the woods today, and normally he'd greet you like a normal person would but curiosity got the best of him so he remained silent as he watched you, stuck like glue to the trunk of a tall tree, looking at something in the distance.

Although little did he know, one of your biggest fears was creeping closer and closer to your hand, even though the creepy crawly insect had harmless intentions it was inevitable you'd be threatened and with out a doubt in a panic.

You felt something tickle your hand catching you off guard and as soon as your eyes met the spider atop your hand: mayhem broke out.

"Eek! Get off me!" The most high pitch inhuman scream erupted from your lungs as you heart rate increased within seconds and your hand spasmed every which way in a desperate attempt to get the insect off and away from your body.

Of course with only one twitch of your limb the spider had flown off your hand, but still Shino retreated from his cover to console your form. Your hair lay over your face and your clothes a disheveled mess, though still you jerked every muscle in your body in attempt to rid yourself of that tingly sensation of the spider's eight spindly legs against your skin.

A pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind resulting in yet another scream, although once you ears were met with a familiar voice and you gained your bearings, noticing the sleeves of a tan trench coat belonging to a class mate of yours snaked around your waist were you able to calm down.


"Life's not about curing fears, that's not the point. It's about learning how to control your fear and how to become free from it," Shino's low raspy voice reached your ears; it was no surprise you were greeted by another one of his philosophies.

Your breath escaped in pants, your lungs in desperate need of oxygen. Shino's grip on your body was firm, but comforting, and you couldn't help but notice his cold hand unintentionally in contact with you bare hip.

Once you regained your composure you turned around, your hand gripping his shoulder for stability.

"Are you alright?" He asked, staring down at you, his voice as monotone as usual.

You nodded, pink tinging your cheeks in embarrassment as your brain was met with a barrage of memory of the past few minutes.

"Spiders: I don't like spiders," you spoke as-a-matter-of-factly, clinging to Shino's jacket.

"I've noticed," he replied awkwardly, suddenly unsure of how to act in this situation.

You pulled your hair out of your face once again, dusting off your shirt. Maybe you've spent enough time watching butterflies today.

A cheeky smirk painted your lips as a thought crossed your mind, and without even thinking, you hands grasped the collar of Shino's jacket, pulling his form low enough to meet your own. Your lips connected with his briefly, but long enough for him to wrap his hands around your waist to bring you closer.

Pulling away, you quickly thanked Shino for coming to your rescue, before taking off into the opposite direction, the only sound you made was the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, leaving the boy there to ponder the girl full of mystery while he grazed a finger over his lips; although it'll never come close to mimicking the way your lips felt against his own.

Walking away, his feet carrying him the same route he traveled on his way, the dull hum of his beetles ticking his ear drum supplying him with an odd serenity.

Still, he never was able to ask you what you were so engrossed in looking at in the first place.

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