《naruto character one shots》Fourth Of July [Obito Uchiha]


The sound of the crickets chirping mingled with anticipation for the beautiful light display hung low in the air; your cardigan wrapped tightly around you, isolating what little heat cling to your body in the chilly ocean breeze. There's nothing better than summer and experiencing it with your very own best friend.

Sure, the official first day of summer is June 21st, but to you, you've always felt that summer shouldn't begin on an assigned day just to make it official. No, it should start with something memorable; something celebratory: the Fourth of July. What's a better way than to start off your summer with a bang and dynamic display of crackling colors splattering across the night sky; such a sight putting even the stars to shame? There just isn't one.

The sun had set and you and Obito clung to each moment for dear life. In all honesty, your best friend isn't normally this excited about the fourth and watching the fire works, but he knows you are. Just watching that flicker of excitement in your eyes and the glee that washes over you during this time of the year causes this pure spike of adrenaline to course through Obito's veins. He's never seen something make you so happy. He craves that childish reaction from you, because he knows you're not hiding it from him; he knows you're not embarrassed to show him who you really are and what makes you truly excited. And when you're happy, he's happy.

"Obito, it's about to happen!" You eagerly announced, toe tapping and filled with enthusiasm.

Your hand slipped into the cooler you and your best friend brought, filled with drinks and goodies you'd both be munching on while waiting for the show. Biting your lip in concentration, your fingers finally slipped around the one treat you were craving: a popsicle. Unwrapping the frozen block of sugar you discarded it's wrapper before placing the ice pop in your mouth, a groan of satisfaction escaping your lips due to its flavor: grape.


For a few moments you sucked on your popsicle, a contented silence falling over you and Obito. You both dug your toes into the sand listening to the consistent whoosh of the ocean waves softly crashing into the shore, and the sound of the others gathered and conversing with one another, watching the children collect flickering stars in old pickling jars, poking holes in the lids so they can breathe. The breeze blew through your hair and you noticed how quiet Obito was being; or maybe it was just that he was feeling comfortable not saying a word to interrupt the silence.

But really, he was thinking about you. Your eyes, as blue as the ocean water, clear and tranquil. Your words and the way you speak with such passion. Your heart and your mind, for they love and hold such a fondness for everything and everyone. He also admired your hair, his favorite physical feature of yours. It's a deep purple color, reminding Obito of grape soda; how you know it's purple but sometimes can appear black as night.

Almost in suit, Obito had also reached into the cooler, but his hand emerged from the lid absent of any food or drink; the only hint a scowl on his face. Although you were holding back a smirk.

"Hey, you took the last popsicle," complained your best friend, his demeanor returning to his usual pouty and immature self.

Obviously not sorry at all and completely aware before hand of your crime, you still shot him a somewhat apologetic look, before taking a small bite out of the tasty treat, replying with "Sorry, I didn't know."

Obito's arms crossed his chest and he glared a fearsome glare even Kakashi couldn't muster.

You tapped your best friend's chin before stretching your arm a bit higher to ruffle his short, spiky brown hair. His onyx eyes then relaxed, his posture releasing, how could he be mad at you?


"But that is my favorite flavor, {Name}-" grumbled the Uchiha, before lowly muttering- "jerk"

Obito looked so cute to you when he was was upset and the adorable expression adorning his face was not helping you hold back a girly squeal. You furrowed your eyebrows, not knowing how to make your friend feel better. After all, he is a sixteen year old boy acting like a five year old who was just fighting over a popsicle with his sister.

"So all you want is a taste, huh?" You questioned before digging your hands into Obito's shirt and pulling him closer, practically chest to chest.

Your lips connected harshly due to the force you exerted on the childish Uchiha, but Obito asked for it; the heat from his flaming hot blush, washing across your own face.

Your tongue mingled with Obito's and he could taste the grape flavor he craved so hard. His lips were like butter and even after your best friend got a good lick you still passionately held on to him for dear life, Obito's own arms instinctively snaking around your waist.

Your lip lock was short lived though, for you were startled apart, the culprit an array of pops and crackles adorning the night sky in a splash work of color.

The thrill of seeing the fire works set you on edge, a frenzy of trepidation coursing through your veins. Your fingers interlocked with Obito's as the delighted grin he was waiting for broke out upon your face. And while your eyes were transfixed on the display of divine color intertwining with each other, painting the sky a vibrant collage of red, whites, and blues; Obito's eyes couldn't take themselves off of you.

Content washed over his face as he gave your hand a light squeeze, watching the show reflect upon your crystal blue orbs. You waited for the grand finale, but Obito: he already experienced it.

It was the Fourth of July, you and I were like fireworks

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