《naruto character one shots》Hooped Earrings {Obito Uchiha}


You sipped gingerly on a can of orange vanilla seltzer, the polar bear logo reminiscent of its arctic cold, creamsicle taste. A bowl of cherries lay on the coffee table, the pits set aside in an orange, glass dish, along with the stems, all tied. It was your party trick; knotting cherry stems with your tongue. Some say it means you're a good kisser, others just scowl and simply write it off as luck or a gift of a flexible tongue.

"We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." The sound of Bob Ross filled the atmosphere as you were settled into the red sofa, your company none other than Deidara, of course.

You and Deidara have been fairly close since you joined the Akatsuki group several years ago. The two of you bond over your shared love of art and expression. Watching Bob Ross reruns on Netflix while Deidara creates his infamous explosive sculptures was just a usual past time of yours at the compound. Well that, and hanging out with your crush, Obito.

The Uchiha isn't exactly your boyfriend, you haven't made it official or anything, but he may as well be- he's your person, and your his, and everyone else knows it. Though living in a compound outnumbered by men isn't easy. Shameless flirting is a typical antic, and while its usually harmless and flattering, it can become a nuisance.

"Hey, baby, I've been watching you eat those cherries, mind teaching me a lesson with that tongue of yours?"

Leave it to Hidan to be maybe the most shameless flirter of them all.

Deidara rolled his eyes at the immortal fiend before going back to his clay, molding it with his fingers and incorporating his chakra into the masterpiece.

"I don't think Obito would like that, Hidan," you countered, fiddling with your hooped earrings hastily.


"That kid? Are you even together? Really? What's he like in the sheets? I bet whole milk and dry toast, nothing but vanilla..." one of his fingers found their way in your curls and you glared vehemently into his lustful, lavender eyes, eyeing his symbol of Jashin with diastase.

"I most definitely would not like that, Hidan," mumbled Obito, more to himself. Finally you were able to let out a shaky, uncomfortable breath as the boy entered the room.

Settling into the couch opposite you, Obito crossed his arms, his cheeks red both in embarrassment but mostly jealousy. Obito really really likes you, and its always a gut punch to his ego whenever he sees one of the guys flirting with you, it makes him second guess himself, especially when he sees that you don't do much to defend yourself. Does it bother you when Hidan hits on you like this? A little, but you know it'll never go farther than words. As long as its strictly verbal, you'll put up with it.

To add to the fire already bubbling in Obito's chest, Hidan continues to play with your hair though he's bold and an arm has already made its way around your shoulder and his words were getting more and more vulgar which finally drove him over the edge.

"What the hell, you guys!" Snapped the boy, standing up and glaring, not only at Hidan, but you too.

"You, stop flirting with {Name}, and {Name}, stop letting him!" Obito shot an accusatory finger in both your directions, eyebrows knit in anger.

Your eyebrows raised in surprise, while a smirk twitched at the corner of Hidan's lips, amusement twinkling in his eyes. Obito was simply bubbling over with rage and it was the first time you've ever seen him so mad; it was the first time you've seen him visibly jealous.


"Obito, he's just messing around, its not-"

"It is a big deal! You're mine, not his! He shouldn't even think about touching my girlfriend."

You blew a strand of hair out of your vision, and suddenly the mood in the room completely shifted. Deidara stopped sculpting and all you could hear was heavy breaths and the serene voice of Bob Ross, as soothing as his "happy little trees" were, he was not convincing anyone present that what was going on could be interpreted as a "happy little accident."

Eyebrows still knit in rage, you could see Obito's sharingan activated, as if it was subconscious. It's his mood ring, and seeing the crimson orb made you all the more aware of just how much emotion he was feeling.

In the blink of an eye, he gripped your wrist, pulling you into the hallway, dragging you until you stood against the wall and he towered over you, jet black hair clashing with his ivory skin.


He pinned one wrist against the wall firmly and his lips crashed into yours quickly. It was harsh and all lust but also love. You could feel his anger transgressing and he bit your lips resulting in a whimper on your part. You desperately wanted to touch him, but he wouldn't allow you, his grip on your fingers never wavered no matter how many times you groaned in frustration against his lips. He seemed to swallow your moans which only drove him further. Not once has Obito asserted dominance over you like this, and you liked it. You never realized how badly you craved his jealous side.

Your lips tasted like a creamsicle and he was getting drunk on the sweetness of it. He was giving you his all. The words "vanilla" and "dry toast" echoed in his ears. He knew what Hidan meant, and he needed to prove that he was not boring, not even in the slightest.

His lips traveled down your jaw and he nipped at your neck before settling into a consistent endeavor to leave you endless love bites up and down the exposed flesh. You felt an earring get caught in your curls but ignored the pain because all your senses felt was pleasure and finally, after all these months of Hidan hitting on you, you felt like he'd actually give up for once.

Although in a way you are truly grateful to the immortal bastard, because if he weren't such a douchebag, the damn boy never would've called you his girlfriend.

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