《naruto character one shots》Now Or Never [Kiba Inuzuka]


Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest, your cheeks flushed pink in anger. You were on a blue-raspberry monster energy induced high; nothing was going to stop you.

"I hate you!" you screeched, your forehead touching his, your eyes' attempting to swallow each other in a venomous glare. Music was pumping through the surround sound, Green Day maybe, or blink-182, you couldn't tell from the blood pulsing through your eardrums.

His mouth was bleeding, either from when you slapped him across the face, how your fingernails raked across his lips, or maybe he'd just bitten the flesh, not knowing what to say. Angry tears welled up in your eyes, and they stung from the thick smoke palpable in the air.

Kiba observed your nose, tainted with blood. Physical fights weren't usual between you and your step brother, though they aren't a rarity either. These have been happening ever since your mother married his father five years ago, when you were 13. Kiba was two years older at the time, a bit more mature than you so he accepted the marriage quietly and without resistance. Jealousy was the main perpetrator for your hatred; you refused to take on the Inuzuka name, even though your father was never in the picture. Kiba, on the other hand maintained a great relationship with his biological mother, his parents were simply divorced. Though, it would be a lie to blame your whole dislike towards the boy on familial jealousy- it was also infatuation.

You liked Kiba before your parents' tied the knot, and after the ceremony it was written in stone: of course you'd be forbidden to act on those feelings so instead of allowing yourself to fall harder, you refused your temptations and transformed your admiration into hatred for the fanged boy. Living in such close quarters and getting to know each other, he liked you too, a little bit. You both have had your moments, getting too close for comfort. Kiba couldn't help but notice the guys you brought home, but he always acted like a typical older sibling would- disinetersted in your conquests, even though it secretly pissed him off.


But why would he hit a girl? Simply, you drive him batshit crazy. Your parents' simply penned it as brother and sisterly bonding, they wrote it off as a good thing, "you were finally adjusting to the new lifestyle", but never have either of you ever drawn blood before.

You dragged your sleeve across your nose, staining it scarlet: This was your biggest fight, the fight to end all fights.

"I can't believe my mom ever married your dad, I have no idea what she sees in your family," you hissed, raising your head to look at him again.

Despite him being 5'11, you made him feel so incredibly small. He could tell you were choking back a sob. Hurt flashed across his eyes before he regained his composure, knitting his eyebrows back together, his lips forming a scowl.

"I don't know what to tell you, {Name}," he said. His breath reeked of spearmint flavored gum, it stung your nostrils and made you indecisive- you didn't know if you wanted to move closer or take a step back.

"What's done is done. Get over it," he continued, his tone patronizing. He was breathing in pants, worn out from both the verbal and physical endeavor. Scarlet dripped from your septum, the sterling silver jewelry stained with dry, crusted blood. Your azure eyes were sparkling with ferocious tears, and your gaze was entranced on his like a lost puppy.

You weren't begging for mercy though, you didn't even quite know exactly what you wanted. All you knew for sure was it involved him. You didn't know if you were dying for him to stay or leave, to love you or hate you; you just wanted him.

You pushed your dark locks behind your ears and he could smell your grapefruit shampoo. You chewed on your lip and he thought you looked so pathetic and childishly glorious. He realized how immature you both have been acting, though he'd never admit that- any of it for that matter.


It was now or never.


His arms circled your waist and his lips met yours hungrily. Your lashes fluttered closed and you tasted the iron in his blood, your lips desperate for his taste. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, he could taste the sugar on your tongue, sending him on a caffeine fueled frenzy.

Your arms wound around his neck, you had to stand up on your tippy toes slightly just to reach him. Your tongue stroked his bottom lip and your stomach lurched in both excitement and anxiety.

What is even happening?

Either way, this was only a temporary truce. There's no way this could last forever- he's your step brother after all.

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