《naruto character one shots》Puppy Love {Madara Uchiha}


The wind whistled, taking its course through the crinkling auburn leaves that adorned the trees limbs, wreaking havoc upon the earthen floor with their descent. You hummed a melody, smiling to yourself in content while you swept the dirt and fallen leaves off the porch of your home, the sound of fallen leaves crinkling beneath your sandals. Despite the uncomfortable chill in the air, you relished in the tranquility of your favorite season, the warmth of the sun bathing your back and the nape of your neck, casting illuminating sparkles throughout your deep red, chestnut locks. No birds chirped annoyingly disturbing your silence, and no sweat permeated your brow. Just you and your thoughts, alone, exactly how you like it.

Your eyes traveled, taking in your surroundings, drinking in the autumn palette the village was dressed in this time of year. Some leaves were painted a vibrant maroon, reminding you of the red lipstick adorning your lips. Others were of a mellow yellow reminding you of the yellow rain boots you'd wear on rainy, dreary days. An orange leaf crossed your path of vision, as vibrantly orange as the pumpkins on your door step. An off-white dove flew over head, its sights set on traveling south to escape the oncoming winter weather, the bird resembling the color of the expensive coat you saw at the shops the other day, though too expensive due to your status of a simpleton. In the sky you caught sight of rabbit shaped clouds as white and fluffy as marshmallow, scattered across the cerulean heavens.

Abruptly your surroundings' peace and quiet had been disturbed by the faint oncoming sound of female giggles and excited, giddy conversation. With eyebrows furrowed you directed your attention to the sound, facing the village, realizing the Uchiha clan had returned from another mission.


'Of course', you mumbled to yourself, acknowledging the fact that after all they are the most popular clan in the village, especially among the women.

Your presumptions were proved correct as you noticed the mops of raven hair and sharingan activated eyes scattered among the villagers. With shoulders slumped you continued tidying, holding back your eye contact, your shyness getting the best of your composure. Everything was fine until your hazel eyes locked contact with a particular Uchiha, his long raven locks billowing in the breeze, a stone cold glare set rock hard across his features, his arms ruefully crossed across his chest, a group of admirers trailing hopelessly behind him like a pathetic litter of lost puppies.

Your cheeks flushed, your temperature sky rocketing. You quickly diverted your eyes, your head snapped in the other direction causing a lock of hair to cross your path of vision. Embarrassment awakened your senses making your hopeless crush even more apparent and obvious. Madara's gaze softened as he made eye contact with your pale face and the burgundy ringlets down your back and your red painted lips drawn taut in concentration. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he saw how fast you diverted your gaze from his, especially when he noticed your cheeks turn crimson.

Sure your crush was apparent but while the girls followed Madara you silently triumphed over the fact that you actually know the man. The two of you were play mates and your parents did house work for the Uchiha house hold earning close ties. As children you were always captivated by Madara, his ninja abilities, his cold and quiet yet cocky attitude, and that smile of his, unveiling his blazing white set of slightly crooked teeth which to you made him appear perfect all the same. Your closeness never lasted though for Madara couldn't be distracted from his training.


Distracted by your thoughts, you were startled by the discomfort of something that had made itself into your shoe. Upon further inspection you realized it was an acorn. Removing the pesky nuisance from beneath your toes, you were startled once again but this time by the presence of another. Confused, you turned around to be met with Madara, arms crossed over his chest and his height towered above you. A squeak escaped your lips as you timidly tilted your head upwards, your eyes meeting his sharingan.

"Rumor has it you have a crush on me," he blatantly stated.

You practically choked on air as your face turned sheet white, resembling that of a ghost. "I-I, no I don't" You stuttered, mentally cursing at yourself. Your worst nightmare was coming to life.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he took notice of how he made you nervous, clearly enjoying your humiliation and frustration.

"How cute, it's always adorable to see a girl suffering from a severe case of puppy love all because of me," Madara cockily replied.

"Although I think I like you best of all," he purred, stepping ever closer with each word. Shocked, you had no inkling of what to say. Peeking behind Madara still stood his admirers, snickering at your interrogation, their eyes glistening menacingly which a craving to humiliate you.

"Ugh, M-Madara-sama," You questioned, only slightly regaining your composure.

"How about you kiss me and make these girls go away," he demanded. Your breath hitched in your throat.

"Huh? B-but-"

You were cut off by his lips smashing against yours, knocking the air from your lungs. Gasps and murmurs of shock and disappointment sounded in your ears as the crowd dispersed. Your fingers tangled in Madara's long locks, his own grip on the small of your back. His teeth dug into your lips, causing a gasp to sound from the back of your throat. His grip tightened, almost demanding you not to pull away. Even as you tried to pull away he held you closer, desperate to taste your lips and feel the warmth of your body radiate against his own.

Finally pulling away, your eye lashes fluttered open, your fingers cupping his face. A giggle escaped your lips as you noticed the traces of your red lipstick smeared across Madara's face and lips. Though you mumbled an apology soon after for the glare he gave was menacing. Madara peered at you, drinking in every aspect of your face, how much you've matured, noting how beautiful you have become.

"I guess I like you too," he replied with a smirk, letting you go and about to waltz away in the direction of his own home.

"H-hey, I never said anything about liking you!"

And he laughed, a witty, boisterous laugh. And next, he showed that blazing immaculate smile of his, making your heart melt just a little bit more.

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