《naruto character one shots》All We Do {Shisui Uchiha}


Shisui battled with himself for ages, not knowing whether it was a good idea to reveal his plan to you or not. You're strong- undoubtedly so, both mentally and physically. But, Shisui knows how deep your relationship runs between you two; he knows it'll kill you.

The Uchiha coup-d'état had been in the works for some time, and while Shisui and Itachi completely disagree with the current politics of their clan, they both know the situation will end up in traumatic violence one way or another.

{Name}, one of his best friends, and girlfriend for 2 years. You grew up close with the Uchiha clan. Even though you were Shisui's age, you still hung out with Itachi and even babysat Sasuke from time to time. You were an excellent ninja, most likely because you trained with the likes of the Police Force and the younger Uchiha clan members, but you and Shisui were always extremely close, ever since elemantary age.

You started dating at 14 and everything was going perfect. Your parents' predicted you'd end up together at some point, after watching how close you were growing up. But when Shisui broke things off several weeks ago, it took you completely by surprise, especially since he had no real reason. His excuse being: "I need to put my attention back on training." You knew for a fact you never were in the way of Shisui's training, he did it absolutely every single day, and you were always fine with that. Fortunately, even after the sudden break up, you still remained friends with the Uchiha boys, maybe a bit more distant with Shisui, but you still saw him regularly.

Though it did take you by surprise when he came to visit you out of nowhere, at midnight.

You weren't asleep when you heard his faint knock on your door. You were snuggled under your duvet, with a book in one hand and a steaming mug of chamomile tea in the other, your curly locks tied back in an extremely messy bun. This was your way of relaxing after a long day of missions; winding down before bed.

You eyebrows furrowed after distinguishing the knock as Shisui's. Getting out of bed to open the door for him, he walked right in, hands dug deep into his pockets and a worried frown on his face. Though when he fully looked at you, you gasped at the lack of an eye, the lid closed and a steady pool of blood leaking down his cheek.


"Shisui, whats going on?" You asked, suddenly nervous. Your heart rate accelerated, panic taking over your soul. The blood was like a crimson trail, pooling into the collar of his shirt, though the teen seemed unfazed for having an eyeball stolen.

Everything he said made you feel as if you were in a dream. You were able to string together words like coup, death, destruction, Konoha, Danzo, suicide.

"Listen to me, I can't let Danzo have my last eye. He's after my mangekyo sharingan, he's the last person who should ever possess it. I'm going to give it to Itachi, and after that I'm going to jump into the ravine," he whispered.

Your eyes widened, tears spilling down your porcelain cheeks. Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders, and you looked into his eye, seeing the pain and despair and fear in the way he was looking right back at you.

"There has to be another way! I'm not going to let you die. You have to fight, Shisui! You and Itachi are the strongest ninja I've ever met!" You tried to sound upbeat but the ambience was too somber, Shisui seemed to have already put a lot of thought into this debacle.

"{Name}, you don't understand, this is a lot more complicated than you think. I need to die, that's the only option. I can't choose between my village or clan. I can't let my powers fall into the wrong hands," He held onto your hands, gripping them so tightly as if he was desperately trying to communicate to you what he was feeling.

"I don't understand, why do you have to die?" You asked, pain laced in your voice. You clutched onto both sides of his face, wiping away the blood that had spilled and untied the Leaf Village headband that normally protected his forehead.

"People will always be after me for my visual prowess, not many can awaken the mangekyo sharingan. I need to die on my own terms, it's the only way I will have control over what happens with my eyes," he answered, desperately holding on to you.

"So this is it, then?" You whimpered through your sobs, clinging onto his shirt.

"{Name}," suddenly he felt regretful for telling you all this in the first place.


Honestly, Shisui couldn't figure out what would be worse: you finding out he was dead after the fact, or him telling you the truth, why he died and how corrupt a lot of villagers are in the Hidden Leaf. The latter seemed more merciful, though if he never told you, he'd never see how much pain he's causing you.

Truthfully, Shisui was planning on staging his suicide as a murder. He was going to give Itachi his remaining eye, which would be enough proof for Itachi to simply say he killed Shisui himself and awakened the mangekyo on his own; Shisui would be out of the equation altogether. But he couldn't bear the thought of you being in the dark, hating Itachi and cursing the Uchiha clan for the rest of your life.

"All we do for this village, how we defend it, and strive for peace with every waking second on this planet, yet it's never enough," you mourned, already feeling as if your love was gone. Despite his hands lingering on your waist, you felt his soul evaporating into nothing and you couldn't help but feel so helpless, like a failure.

"Do not lose hope, {Name}, that's not why I told you any of this. I just couldn't bear you not knowing everything surrounding my death. I thought you'd want to know, instead of spend so much time wondering." he confided.

"Shisui, there has to be another way! You can runaway, leave a suicide note. We can leave, go somewhere safe, anything! I just can't let you die," salty tears continued to cascade down your face as you embraced the Uchiha, vowing to never let him go. Your mind had been made up, you couldn't let him out of your sight or hold, for fear of him following through with this heinous plot.

"You know that won't work.... They'll find me somehow. Even if they don't look for my body, someone will see us. They'll be suspicious if we both are gone at the same time." He tried to counter, while tracing "comforting" circles on your back.

Now, you finally understood why he broke up with you. You wished he told you all of this sooner.

"Then we don't runaway at the same time! Stage your suicide, leave the note. Go somewhere far, and I'll find you. I'll wait a little while, everyone knows how close we are. I could say I'm leaving the village for a while to grieve. I'll just never come back," you mumbled, jotting your brain for as many different ideas, anything but his.

At first, Shisui looked as if he was going to object, but his shoulders fell and a quiet, "okay", emitted from his lips.

"Okay? You promise, Shisui? Because if you die, I promise I will never forgive you," you answered sternly, peering into his beautiful remaining eye.

For a few moments, you started at each other intently, challengingly.

"I promise," he mumbled, before reaching for your hand and kissing it, never losing eye contact.

A sigh of relief escaped your lips, your breath coming out in ragged gasps as you composed yourself from your earlier crying fit. Still, tears fell here and there but you felt safe and comforted by his presence. It made you sleepy, but a part of you knew once he was gone, you'd never be able to sleep again until the next time you saw him.

You lifted up your blanket, allowing Shisui to sneak under. You used to take naps together, and you missed holding him close to you. You pulled him closer and his fingers threaded through the loose hair hanging from the messy updo, and you held onto his hand as he put his forehead to yours and left a chaste kiss upon your lips.

You had no idea if Shisui would keep his promise to you or not. But you held on to the hope that he would, for he's your absolute everything. It would be cruel of him to leave you in this ninja world, all alone. Despite how unsure he was of telling you his plan, he's never been so sure of his love for you. It is never ending.

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