《naruto character one shots》Something Sweet {Sasori}


"But I don't wanna!" You whimpered in protest, trailing behind the rest of the Akatsuki organization, your oversized cloak dragging at your heels helplessly across the floor.

You were being dragged against your will to attend another one of Leader's meetings, an activity you'd rather be doing anything but. Your weak and nimble fingers desperately clinging to the Akatsuki member before you, your shiny black licorice painted finger nails digging into their cloak. To say the least- the red head trailing in front of you was not amused.

Sasori of the red sand does not like to be kept waiting and out of every flawed member of the criminal organization, is without a doubt the most impatient; being held back from fulfilling a duty of his is just one of the many ways to get on his bad side.

But you're persistent and never take no for an answer, at least not without putting up a fight first.

"Sasori, please don't make me go. You know how much I hate meetings. They're just so boring," you complained to your partner whilst tugging a tad bit too tightly on the collar of his cloak.

Mayhem broke out as the puppeteer fell backwards resulting in a domino effect; you and him on the ground, and Sasori's cherry red locks a mess in your lap. A groan of annoyance escaped his lips as his fingers unintentionally came in contact with the freezing cold earth below, as he pushed himself up and dusted off the flecks of dirt from his clothing, not once offering you a hand up. The rest of the Akatsuki continued filing their way, evident smirks apparent on their faces for they all have a feeling you and Sasori won't be attending the meeting after all.

A sheepish smile adorned your lips as you picked yourself off the ground. By now you and your parter were too far away to catch up to the rest of the organization, leaving you two to face Pein's wrath.


"I'm sorry to trouble you, Sasori-sama, but it appears we won't be making the meeting after all," you chide in triumph, mock regretfulness ever so evident in your tone of voice.

A look of hopelessness mingled with just a tiny but of curiosity washed over the red headed fiend of yours as he inspected your gleeful expression. His dark brown, almost burgundy orbs meeting your own hazel eyes in the dim light of the compound. Eye contact is a dangerous thing. But lovely, oh so lovely.

"Oh, you may have gotten your way this time, {Name}, but don't think for even a second that you won't pay," murmured Sasori in his usual seductive tone.

For just a moment your fingers clenched into fists as the sound of Sasori's voice reverberated, bouncing off the walks and directly into your ear drum, causing a tingle to go down your spine; but the thought of his threat subsided and you were able to regain your composure.

It's a bit obvious you enjoy annoying the S-rank Sunagakure puppet master, it's one of your favorite past times: getting a reaction out of Sasori. The ninja over all appears emotionless and evil, and even though he may have transformed his body into that of an incorruptible puppet, the man still has a heart; a living, beating heart and soul. You do it all for a reaction, to prove your hypothesis predicting that Sasori truly isn't evil, only wants everybody think he is.

Your relationship though, is strictly partnership, although you prefer to think of Sasori as more of a companion. You've taken a shining to the red headed puppeteer, and a small part, only a tiny slither of Sasori can't help but find that adorable and down right curious.

"Sasori, if you had to describe me in five words, which would you use?" You asked out of the blue. This was one of your testy behaviors you used toward your partner. Every time you ask him a genuine question, he responds with something leaving you wounded. Before you met Sasori you never knew how a word, a phrase, or a mere sentence could feel like a blow to the head.


"Idiotic, failure, testy, embarrassing, and annoying," he replied, almost instantaneously.

"So much for telling me something sweet to get my by," you thought.

You furrowed your eyebrows in hurt, whacking the man who just insulted you rather hard in the ribs. Sasori's poker face never faltered as he deflected yet another blow you aimed at his side, a smirk twitching at the corner of his lips.

You aren't the only one who likes to test people's limits. Your partner has his own fair share of moments where he simply only wants a reaction; you prefer to annoy but Sasori enjoys making you angry. He craves that glimmer of ferocity that begins as a flicker of flame and soon erupts into a raging wild fire.

"I meant good words, you idiot. I already know the negative things about me, probably because you call me them every day!" You remarked, reminding him of how cruel a partner he is, before storming ahead, crossing your arms tightly across your chest.

Sasori glared intensely at your back, but his anger wasn't mainly directed at you, but more at himself. Scowling at himself he bit his cheek, conjuring up something to say to at least give you what you wanted.

"Ethereal, divine, intangible, heavenly, of the sky and stars," muttered your ruby haired fiend practically incoherently, matching your speed to the point where his steps we're in sync with your own.

Your head snapped, facing Sasori directly, your bubblegum pink locks billowing behind you as your hazelnut eyes glared daggers at your partners form.

"What's that?" You questioned harshly.

"You asked me to describe you with five good words; can you just take the compliment," responded your puppeteer.

You stopped in your tracks realizing the seriousness in Sasori's voice. Upon this, Sasori's pale hand retreated from the confines of his cloak, reaching out to grab your chin, roughly pulling his lips against yours.

Sasori's kiss was toxic but savorable. You couldn't help but soften your gaze and grip onto his cloak in weak fistfuls.

As Sasori pulled away, it was his turn to smile. But no, this wasn't a smirk: only a smile of triumph. You're Sasori's weak spot, and if you ask him to name you with five words, he can't help but exceed: for your strengths far outweigh your weaknesses.

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