《LoveSick || Pennywise X Reader ||》|| Chapter Twenty-Eight ||


Y/n P.o.v

Six days until the funeral.


It filled the room as I held my eyes shut, I braced myself for any sort of pain that may be inflicted on me.

But nothing came.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Pennywise staring at me with wide eyes, he looked shocked- yet confused.

Completely innocent to the life cycle of organic life on earth.

He didn't move, his grip around my neck remained tight. But it had loosened the slightest bit.

"What is that?" He questioned, shaking his head and putting an angry expression back onto his white face.

I let out a cry, completely tired of the pain and questions I was being forced to answer.

But Pennywise seemed more patient now. He stared at me with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes, waiting for my response. I took a deep breath before my eyes shifted from Pennywise's face and down to his chest, I studied the red pom palms that lined his suit as I hesitantly began to speak.

"I h-have..." I paused, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"I have a-a...A b-baby inside of-of me..." I whispered in a rattled tone, I couldn't bare to look at the clown.

I didn't want to see the expression on his face.

I could heard him breathing heavily.

Did he even know how humans and animals ended up pregnant?

He hadn't spoken, so I slowly lifted my eyes to see the look on Pennywise's face. His brows were furrowed but his eyes were wide open, he wasn't looking at me; he was staring at my stomach.

I gulped and forced the words out of my throat: "D-Do... Do you know- h-how?..." I coughed up a hint of blood as I finished my question.

He didn't move, nor did he answer.

I stared at him for a moment, completely oblivious to what was going through his head.

"P-Pennywise..." I whined weakly.

His orange eyes quickly shot upward to make eye contact with me.

He stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a low growl, still upset.

"It happens after a while of being alive?..." His tone of voice made him sound annoyed.

He really didn't know.

I quickly nodded.

Who knows how he would react if he knew it was baby?!

He silenced once again, his eyes lowering to my stomach once again.

He lowered one of his arms and traced it down my waist, it stopped at my stomach as a black claw slowly erupted from his white glove.


He licked his lips as he formed a small hole in my dress, he then rolled his claw down to where my stitches rested on my belly.

He dug his sharp claw into the slightly opened wound, I let out a cry and clenched my mouth shut.

Tears rushed down my cheeks as I moved a hand to his hand he used to hurt me, I grabbed hold of the back of his gloved hand and cried, pleading for mercy.

My eyes widened when I saw him slowly lick his plump lips.

He was thinking of eating my baby.

He wanted to eat it.

There was something inside me that clicked.

My eyes opened wide and I began to frantically kick at his chest, he let out an "oof!" And dropped me to the floor after placing his hand against his chest as if catching the air in his throat.

I fell to the ground with a loud thud, my rear being the first thing to hit the cement flooring, I felt a small pop in my tail bone before forcing myself to stand.

I stared wide eyed at the clown as he watched me angrily.

He took a quick step forward before I quickly back away from him, making sure to turn to the side as to not get trapped against the sewer walls.

Pennywise let a low growl as he reached a gloved hand out for me.

I shook my head violently before screaming, "You can't have my baby!"

I turned and began to run.

As fast as I could.

I was limping.

My tailbone let out small pops with every step I took.

My head hurt.

I was dizzy.

My back was in a terrible pain.

I was slouching at an uncontrollable level.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder, Pennywise was running after me with razor teeth escaping from his maw, his eyes glowed a bright orange as an unnatural red circled his iris's.

I screamed in utter fear and rushed into the nearest sewer tunnel.

I didn't bother to look behind me.

I knew he was there.

So I ran.

I didn't stop.

Until I felt a sharp pain run through my body.

My body completely gave up and I rolled forward and into the murky water of the sewers, I landed with a loud bang and cried out desperately.

I placed my hands beneath my small body and attempted to get up.

"Ah!-" I moaned in pain, the same sharp pain shooting through my body once again.


I shifted my body to roll onto my back, only to see Pennywise already at my feet. He stared down at me with a sickening grin, slowly he bent his upper half and trailed his arms down to my legs; his finger rolling around and grabbing hold of my ankles.

He pulled roughly as a psychotic laughed escaped his lips and echoed throughout the sewer tunnel, he dragged me at an unnatural speed.

I screamed out and coughed when the grey water began to splash forward and cover my body due to the speed I was being dragged at.

I forced my eyes shut and continued screaming, no matter how hard I tried to keep myself from screaming; it never worked. I threw my arm behind my body and attempted to grab hold of anything that my body may have flew passed while being dragged.

But there was nothing.

Only the loud splash of the water and the ear piercing laugh that emanated from Pennywise's vocal chords.

He dragged me back to his den, still laughing like he had gone completely balmy. He spun around, my body following his in the process before he released his hands from my ankles.

My body being sent rolling across the cement flooring, my skin earning new cuts and scrapes here and there; and then my body collided with the pile of kids belongings.

My head being the first thing to make contact, this cause a small, striped shirt to fall off of the pile and onto my face.

Pennywise's laughter had finally silenced. I couldn't move anymore.

At least my back hurt to much to allow me to stand, and my tail bone had immediately become sore.

I quickly moved my hand to my belly and rested it upon my stomach, not even bothering to remove the child's shirt from my face.

It smelled of dried blood.

I panicked when I felt no movement from my baby.

My thoughts began to race.

He killed it.

He killed it.

It's dead.

I clenched my eyes shut and began to weep into the shirt that lay atop of my face, I wasn't worried about Pennywise hurting me anymore.

I wasn't worried about dying.

I hated my baby.

But I loved it all the same.

I cried out, tears spilling from my eyes and sliding down my cheeks.

My nostrils flared as I screamed out in anger, I raised my hand that wasn't against my stomach and threw the shirt off of my face. I proceeded to weakly place my hand beside my hip and push my body against the pile of toys and shirts, things of that matter.

The feeling of child innocence radiating off of the objects.

I raised my hands to my hair and pulled at it, the tears began to burn my cheeks as they spilled from my waterline.

My hands that lay against my belly gripped my dress as a last resort of something to hold onto.

I forced my eyes to open, only to see Pennywise standing over me, towering.

I didn't feel fear at that moment.

Instead I felt a burning hatred.

"You!- " I screamed.

Clenching my eyes shut once more before continuing.

"You killed my baby!..." I weeped, gasping for air before coughing.

That didn't stop my tears from flowing down my cheeks.

"You fucking monster!" I shrieked.

He only stared down at me.

A frown sat upon his face.

He just watched me mourn.

I could only wish he felt even the slightest hint of pity for me. But why would he?

I was only a snack he was saving for later.

I didn't matter to him.

I was only some food left in the fridge...

Pennywise let out a low grumble,

Before turning his head to look around.

Did he not know what to do?

That was the most human thing about him.

When he broke.

I began to dry heave as I cried out.

I threw my body forward, completely ignoring the sharp pain shooting through my body.

I placed both of my hands against my belly and held tightly to the fabric that hid my soft skin, I shook my head frantically.

"Fuck you!" I screamed at the clown that stood over me.

"I hate you!" I screamed once again.

Pennywise took a step away from me.

I didn't watch him though, I could sense him and hear his movements.

He let out a quiet mumble, I couldn't make out what he had said.

But it didn't matter to me at that moment.

And then he was gone.

He left me alone to cry.

My baby was dead.

He killed his own baby.

He didn't even know it was ...

What might've happened if I had told him?...

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