《LoveSick || Pennywise X Reader ||》|| Chapter Twenty-Six ||


Y/n P.o.v

One week until the funeral.

I let out faint breathes as I stared emotionlessly at the floating bodies above our own bodies.

Small tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

Pennywise on top of me.

Having his way.

He moved against me with low growls.

He wanted me to be even more afraid than I already was, I was terrified.

I just couldn't express my fear physically, but he could feel it.

He let out a growl as he rammed himself against me, he never really bothered to remove my dress.

Instead he had just pulled it up to be able to get to my body.

Turns out when he had changed my clothes he had decided to get rid of everything except for my bra.

I guess breasts didn't interest him as much?

It didn't matter.

He was still touching me.

Exposing me.

Harming me.

It hurt.

My body moved back and forth against the ground as he moved himself against me.

Had he been doing this to raise my fear?

Or just for the high he could go on afterwards?

The clown let out a groan as he released himself inside of me; a small squeak escaping his maw as he did so.

Not that I worried, he had already gotten me pregnant.

He slowly lifted himself off of me after calming himself from his small high, it was better to him when I struggled.

Pennywise lifted his trousers, he tilted his head and licked his lips, before rising to his feet, a small grin forming on his face as he stared down at my frail body.

I didn't move.

There was no point.

So I just watched the children float.

Pennywise huffed and turned to walk away, uninterested in my emotionless antics. I let out a shaky sigh and lowered my hand to my dress, pulling it down to cover my vulnerable area.

I placed my hands beside me and slowly sat up.

Pennywise had made his way to the corpse and began feasting upon it.

I guess he had worked up an appetite?


I began to stand up as my stomach cramped and I let out a small groan, Pennywise paid no attention to my pain.

I held my stomach for a long moment, allowing the pain to subside before slowly easing my body upright.

I should not be receiving such actions to my body during pregnancy.

Especially if it's unwanted.

I slowly made my way towards Pennywise, my feet stumbling around as I walked, my thin fingers fidgeting with the end of my still wet dress.

I stopped in front of the corpse the clown held on his lap, he raised his head to look at me.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment before his eyes lowered to the cement floor, gesturing for me to sit down.

I did as told and slowly sat myself down, and waited for food.

Pennywise rose to his feet and tossed the mostly skinned body in front of me with a loud growl. He then turned away and disappeared, leaving me alone with my thoughts of hopelessness.

I hesitantly lifted the mound of flesh and pulled it closer to my small body, I pulled the nearly all boned arm towards me before biting into the forearm, my teeth sinking into the flesh and drawing useless blood from within.

I yanked the meat away and began to chew the flesh, at least Pennywise allowed me to eat.

On the bright side, Pennywise kind of saved my life. If he hadn't taken me back to the sewers, I might not of found human flesh as a good food source.

I could be dead right now.

But now that I think about it, is that really such a bad thing at this point?

Death, I mean.

I sighed as the meat rolled down my throat and into my stomach to feed my baby, I guess that's where everything was going.

All the food I ate went to my baby, and that's why I was always hungry, my baby must have been stealing all of my vitamins and iron, things that I needed.

That's why I looked the way I did.


That was the only possible explanation.

I continued to feast, eating as much as I could in hopes of quenching the thirst for blood my baby seemed to gain from Pennywise. I was eating a large amount of the corpse in hopes that my baby would stop stealing the food and let me eat for a bit, and at least gain some strength back.


After a long, lonely feast I climbed to my feet. I became slightly light headed at the sudden change in pressure, I bent my body and placed a hand on my forehead to recuperate.

Only to loose my balance and fall forward, I threw my hands in front of my to catch myself.

I landed on my side, thankfully, protecting my belly the best I could.

My eyes slowly began to grow heavy.

I guess it was time for a nap.


I surfaced from a black liquid that engulfed the surrounding area.

I could feel my grasp still holding something, a hand.

I threw my head under the liquid to see who it was.

I could just barely see Pennywise, staring up at my surfacing body.

He had a smile on his face, but I couldn't read it.

I couldn't tell if it was an evil smile, or something more- or less.

He stared up at me with wide eyes.

And for once he seemed to be struggling through something.

He wasn't breathing.

He was drowning in the black liquid that surrounded us.

My eyes widened at the sight of his grip on my hand began to loosen, for some odd reason, I began to panic, and attempted to pull his larger body up to the surface with me.

But he wouldn't budge.

He was drowning.

Floating in the liquid.


I shook my head frantically as my body began to surface, I fought against the current that seemed to force my small body above the black liquid.

Pennywise held the same smile on his face, he tilted his head and raised his brows at my attempts to help him.

He shook his head slowly as his hand began to slip from my grasp, I swiftly took hold of his wrist.

I frantically used my free hand to swim down to Pennywise.

But I couldn't, I was stuck in place.

Pennywise's eyes shifted to my hand that held tightly to his wrist, he seemed to study my limb for a moment before raising his body to become closer to my hand.

He puckered his lips and planted a kiss on the back of my hand before he opened his mouth, allowing the black liquid to fill his lungs.

He drew his razor sharp rows of teeth, coughing a bit in the process.

He threw his jaws down onto my hand, his sharp teeth sinking into my skin. I screamed out.

Though my screams of pain could not be heard.

I was surfacing, I lifted my arm to see my hand had been torn off.

I pressed my remaining hand on the bloody wound as blood gushed from the veins that were revealed.

I stared at my injury for a moment before lowering my head to see the faint image of Pennywise floating down, holding something small in his grasp.

Something I could not make out.

But it was crying.

And blood was surrounding Pennywise and the foreign being.

My baby.

I began to scream out.

It was silent.

I surfaced, my body exposed from the black liquid.

And then I was falling.

I wasn't floating like Pennywise was.

I was sinking.

They all float.

But I wasn't.

Slowly, my screams of fear began to raise in volume. I could hear myself.

Screaming my lungs out.


My screams filled my ears just before I landed.

It didn't hurt.

I landed on what seemed to be a road, black liquid falling from the grey sky.

The liquid that took the place of rain softly landed on my almost lifeless body.

I couldn't move.

A bright light slowly began to glow above my weak body.

At first it was faint.

Hardly noticeable, but it began to glow-

Brighter and brighter.

Until it engulfed my vision.

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