《LoveSick || Pennywise X Reader ||》|| Chapter Five ||


Y/n's P.o.v

I was running in the sewers.


I stopped dead in my tracks at the horrific sight that lay in front of my trembling body.

Arms, legs, eyes and mouths. All mixed together in millions of human bodies.

The arms reached out for me, the many mouths that mixed into others called out my name in raspy voices that mixed together just like the mouths the audio escaped from.

I let out a scream and gripped my hair before kneeling down onto the grey water below me, that's when I realized I was covered in it.

I stood up and backed away from the mound of mixed flesh and body parts.

It was slowly crawling for me, as I backed away I stopped- I jumped at the feeling of something now pressed against my back.

I slowly turned around.

And for a split second I saw a clown.

I couldn't study his features, as he was there one second and gone the next- but I could see the face of makeup long enough to realized what I had bumped into.

And now there he was.


In the place of where the clown had stood.

I let out a cry.

Grayson stood completely still in front of me, he stared up at me with empty and bloodied eye sockets. His jaw also dangled loosely below him, his clothes were torn to reveal his bruised and ripped skin.

I took slow steps back before a shiver ran down my spine, the long heavy breaths enveloped me as the many arms of the human blob gripped me from my arms, legs and shoulders.

Anywhere the arms could reach.

I then began to scream and cry, attempting to escape the grip of the flesh. I frantically wiggled my body around only to lead to my blood curdling screams of pain as the millions of mouths began hooking onto my body.


They bit at my elbows and shoulders, my neck and back. All over until they began tearing off my flesh.

I clenched my eyes shut.

Still violently trying to escape.

"Y/n..." I heard the voice sing through my screams. It was a raspy yet slightly high voice.

"You'll float too..."

I opened my eyes to see a horror in front of me, though my gaze was beginning to fuzz due to my flesh being ripped away from me, I could still see enough.

There in front of me stood Grayson, that same clown stood behind him with a sickening grin and blood drenching him. It looked as if millions of other children stood grouped up behind the Clown and my brother.

Only a moment after.

It was so loud.

All the children began screaming the same chant.

"You'll float too!"

It was deafening.

I began screaming loudly in response.


I flew forward in my bed and screamed.

I gripped my hair and clenched my eyes shut.

I took a moment to take long and dreadfully shaky breaths, my attempt at calming myself was slowly working.

But not enough.

I was absolutely terrified at the moment.

I slowly moved a hand to feel my face, I cringed at the mass amount of sweat that covered my skin. I lowered my hands to feel my body, no missing flesh.

But again, a mass amount of sweat covered me.

I hesitantly opened my eyes.

In front of me, the TV was still on. But spongebob had finished, it was now some unanimated comedy show that I didn't care for.

I shakily shifted my body to climb out of the bed, I threw my legs over the side of the bed and as they landed on the hardwood floor I froze-

"Where?-" I turned my head to look around the room, the red balloon had disappeared. It wasn't floating at the ceiling, and it didn't pop.


It was nowhere to be seen.

I took a long breath and shook my head.

I slowly stood up and hugged myself.

I was shivering, but sweating all at once- was I sick?

I furrowed my brows at the thought before exiting the room and making my way into the bathroom down the hall.

I opened the door and walked in, I slammed the door shut before staring at myself through the mirror that sat above the sink.

I look terrible.

I decided a shower would probably help, so I removed my clothes and neatly set them atop the sink counter.

I grabbed a towel from the small cub bard and folded it over the rack that clung to the wall beside the Tub.

I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up, I sighed in satisfaction when the water was just right.

I slowly stepped in and adjusted to the waters heat. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair, I probably should've brushed my hair before I got in but- too late.

After washing my hair with shampoo and sticking some conditioner in my hair, I began washing my body.

My eyes were shut once again.

I paused my task for a moment, the water seemed to suddenly feel different.

It felt warmer, and not as free to move.

I furrowed my brows but refused to open my eyes, I set my loofa down and placed my hand against my face. Feeling the water against me, it felt different for sure.

I held my fingers to my nose and smelled at the liquid that sat upon my skin.

I cringed at the metallic scent that engulfed my nose. I held my breath for a moment before rubbing my eyes, and slowly opening them as to not burn them with soap.

I froze in the tub at the sight around me. My eyes widened as my brows furrowed. The water was no longer normal H20.

This smelled and looked like blood.

I couldn't move as my heart skipped a beat. I closed my eyes again as fear filled my body.

I let out a quiet cry, before my gag reflex took over and escaped through my throat.

I began crying and screaming as my own barf hit the floor of the tub and slowly slid down the drain.

I began to gag through my screams and cries before I jumped out of the tub and wrapped my towel around my body.

I rushed to the toilet and threw the lid open, before throwing up what was left of any earlier meals of mine.

Once I was done, I slowly stood up.

Still covered in blood that slowly ran down my smooth skin.

I frantically pulled at least three other towels from the cub bard and began wiping the blood from my body, I was silently crying as I did so.

My wet hair fell in my face, sticking to my cheeks and lips.

At least ten minutes after rubbing my skin away, I raised my body to look at myself in the mirror.

Absolutely nothing was on my body.

Only freshly raw skin that I did to myself.

I took a long and shaky breath before turning my head to look at the still running water.

My jaw dropped slightly, the water was completely normal. And not a single drop of blood could be seen in the tub.

I dropped to the floor on my knees, I gripped the towel around my body and shivered, I held my eyes shut as tears began escaping through them, rolling down my cheeks and onto the floor.

What the hell just happened?

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