《The Newest World Order》Ñîntë€ñ



I was at home hanging out with Neville, who had agreed to stop by once his last class was over, as he helped me with some of the plants Dean keeps in the greenhouse.

"So you said they were looking rather peaky?" He asked as he examine the leaves of one of the plants.

"Yeah. Dean secretly had a things for certain plants so I got him a few as an anniversary gift and we have been trying to take care of them, but a few of them have been looking rather ill."

We both continued to look over the plants and he began telling me things I could use or do to help bring them back to life a bit before I heard the greenhouse door open.

"Dad, you in here?" I smiled as I turned to see my oldest child in the door way.

"Yes. Give me one moment, Roy and I will be out. Why don't you go ask a house elf to make us some tea and I will join you in the sitting room shortly?" He nodded and I finished my conversation with my herbologist friend before he had to leave to go back to his own plants. I gave a house elf a list of some of the things I needed for the plants and sent him shopping before joining my son for tea. "Now then, why the surprise visit?"

"I can't come visit my dads without a reason?" He smirked.

"Roy, I raised you. I taught you that smirk and that excuse. Tell me the truth." His face fell quickly before he sighed.

"Dad, do you think Sarah and I are good for each other?"

"What is this about?"

"I feel like I'm not good for her."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... She is perfect. She's gorgeous, smart, kind... Everything a man could want."

I cleared my throat.

"Sorry, everything a straight man could want. But the problem is... I feel like I'm lacking."



"But I am! I'm hardly getting anywhere with this case for work, I was never the best at school, I'm not as confident as she is. Hell, my own parents gave me up and when they tried looking for me, they died because I couldn't even keep them safe." His eyes went wide and I felt my words catch in my throat. So that's what this is about.

"Roy. Do you- that is to say- Are you upset that you weren't raised by them?"

"Dad. No, of course not. I just, I'm upset that I couldn't keep them from harm. Yeah, they were a little twisted and they got rid of me, but they tried to redeem themselves in the end and I couldn't help them."

"Roy. You were a child. It wasn't your place to helo them. And how does this relate to Sarah?"

"She has been feeling under the wether recently. I took her to a doctor and they said she is a bit sick. I just... What am I going to do if I can't protect her either? I feel like she is more then sick because she did that cute little thing with her nose, where it scrunches up just the tiniest bit, when she is lying to me. Im worried if there is something seriously wrong with her and I feel like she deserves someone she can be truthful with. What if I am not the right ma for her?"

"Have you told her any of this?"

"Merlin no! I don't want to scare her off!"

"Roy. You know how your sister wasn't born through me, as your brother was? How she has an actual mother?"


"Well, when I found out your father had gotten her pregnant, I was devastated. I thought I failed as a husband and, once more, as a man. I was worried I wasn't enough for him."

"How did you get over it?"

"Son, I am going to tell you a secret. You never get over it. You always wonder if you are enough for your partner in anything you do. You question if you are attractive enough, strong enough, wise enough. But the main thing you have to ask yourself is this. Do you love them enough?"


"Well of course I love her. I want to spent my life with her, but I worry about what she will say."

"You're a Gryffindor. Since when have you been worried about anything, let alone thought about anything?" We both laughed and I stood up to hug my son, as he clearly needed it. "Just talk to Sarah and things should work out as they need to."

"Thanks Dad. I love you." I felt him hug me back and his head leaned on my own as he bent to my height. Curse this giant child and my tiny build.

"I love you too. Just do me a favor and tell me if you end up proposing."

"Dad!" His face turned red and I laughed as we said our goodbyes and he went home. That's when I looked at the clock and felt my eyes go wide.

"Shit! I forgot to take Dean his lunch!"


I had just left my Grandma Molly's after my Uncle George showed up to watch out for her and felt the tears gathering in my eyes. I miss when she was more active and willing to join me in a game of wizard chess or something. I cant wait to bring Jamie by one day, but I only wish she could be held by her great-grandmother like Blaire and I were. Grandma Molly used to play with us constantly, as having seven children herself had given her plenty of experience with kids.

I walked through Daigon Alley looking for Wally. He should still be running errands right now, if I'm correct. I passed by a shop before spotting him in the window of Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. I smiled as he carried on a conversation with Uncle Fred and Uncle Lee, my Uncle Fred's husband. I walked inside before joining the conversation myself.

"Well if it isn't my favorite golden eyed nephew!" Uncle Fred said with a smile as he hugged me.

" I'm your only golden eyed nephew, Uncle Fred. Hi Uncle Lee."

"How was she today?" Uncle Fred asked with a sad smile.

"Same as always. When Uncle George and Aunt Angelina came by, I had just cleaned up the kitchen while she was sleeping."

"Maybe we oughta sneak a firework in the house or something," Uncle Fred thought. "She always used to react to that."

"She will come around in her own time, Fred." Wally smiled. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to pick up my baby from the Minister's house. He makes such a great babysitter."

We all laughed and I grabbed Wally's hand and most of his shopping while we walked to the edge of the city to apparate to Draco's. Once on the grounds, we knocked on the door and followed a house elf into another room where Draco was sitting on the floor, his hair in a loose and disheveled bun, and our daughter in his arms smiling as she chewed on his sleeve.

"Why does she keep trying to eat me?" Draco asked dramatically as he fell on his back and held Jamie up, causing her to giggle.

"Because she is teething, Father." Wally laughed as he grabbed Jamie and accio'ed a teething ring over allowing her to bite it.

"She is more of a handful than the twins. She is like three times the Albus and twice the Scorpius. You must let her be around them too often." We laughed at the panic-riden man on the floor before telling him goodbye and using the floo to get home where we put Jamie to bed and sent an owl to Harry to apologize for his husband's newly found insanity.

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