《The Newest World Order》Fîftëèñ



I was holding Jamie as we walked towards the doors of Wally's family home. We walked inside and went to look for everyone in the sitting room where we saw Zach and Scorpius looking upset.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" Wally asked as he was hugged by his little brother.

"We were ice skating and Albus fell through. Our dads and Zach's mums are checking him over right now." Scorpius explained. Wally went upstairs to see what he could do to help while I sat with the boys. I gave Jamie to Scorp and he smiled at his niece who was laughing as she looked at her blonde uncle.

We sat without talking for a while. The only sound was the noises Jamie made as Scorp made faces at her and bounces her on his knee.

"Jeffrey. Can I talk to you about something?" Zach asked before he walked into another room. I followed him and we stopped in the kitchen where he sat on one of the counter tops.

"What's up little man?" I stood beside him and leaned against the counter as he sighed.

"I feel like I've failed as a boyfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I feel like I'm the one who is supposed to look out for Albus and Scorpius and protect them. Hell, I was doing that even before we were dating and now... after this... I feel like I messed up. Really badly. I just want to use a time turner and go save him before this could happen. I feel like I've screwed up."

"Hey, listen to me for a second. You didn't screw up. Trust me. I get that way about Wally all the time. Hell, he got a paper cut the other day and I freaked out because I wanted to fix it but everything I knew went out of my head and I ended up running around the manor trying to find bandaids when I could have just used a spell."


He chuckled a bit before I ruffled his hair.

"Dont worry too much kid. Besides, you know how Albus is. He will be back on his feet in no time and see ready to set the lake on fire for revenge."

We both laughed and he smiled sadly.

"I just wish he would be more careful. I already worry. But when he tries to do things that make him look "cool" I just... I wish he would chill so I dont have to worry so much."

I gave him a pat on the back before I heard crying in the other room and stood up.

"Sorry to cut this short but i have a crying daughter to go cheer up. Just keep what i said in mind kid." I walked into the other room and took Jamie from Scorp before I accioed a bottle from her diaper bag and used a quick spell to warm it a bit before I fed her.

"Sorry. I would have fed her if I knew that was what was wrong."

"Dont worry too much about it Scorp. You dont really know what each cry means until you have a kid of your own." He smiled and nodded before Zach walked back into the room, just as Harry walked downstairs.

"How is he, Dad?" Scorpius asked as he stood up.

"He is gonna be okay. He just woke up." Scorpius hugged his father before quickly turning around and grabbing Zach's hand. They ran upstairs and I gave Jamie to Harry who wanted to finish feeding her.


I can't believe what Zach was saying. I know it isn't polite to eavesdrop but... why does he feel like he needs to protect us or he fails as a boyfriend. I was so lost in thought that Jamie started crying and I jumped slightly before trying to calm her down.


Soon, Jeffrey came back and gave her a bottle. Shortly after, Dad came downstairs and told us everything was okay. So I grabbed Zach's hand and dragged him upstairs where Albus was awake and smiling. He saw us and waved slightly as we made our way near his bed.

"What were you thinking?" I asked with a sigh.

"Oh well. Can't change the past. Meanwhile, when I start moving around again, I'm going out there and setting that lake on fire. I need my revenge."

"So predictable," Zach sighed before leaning over and kissing his forehead. "Doofus."

The three of us shared a laugh before Wally came back into the room.

"Come on guys. Let Albus get some sleep. He needs to rest before he can move around more."

"Hey Wally. Maybe you should give up on being and auror and go into the medical field instead. Merlin knows we need more mediwizards or mediwitches in this family." Albus smiled at our brother before Wally smiled back and lead us from the room.

I'm glad he is okay. Now I just need to talk to him about Zach.

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