《My best friends younger brother》Chapter 3



Louis was sitting at home drumming in the table when Zayn just walked in

"Yeah Zayn come in, no worries, I'm not walking around naked or anything"

"Let's go watch a movie"


"Cmon, Greenland you promised you'd go with me"

"Ask Ge- she went with Harry..." Louis sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose

"Are you alright Lou?"

"Just... missing mum,she's been very busy lately"


"Ok, I'll admit. It was a good movie"

"Of course it was, you need to trust me and my movie picking"

"After you forcing me into 50 shades of grey, HAH no"

"But you're into that kind of stuff"

Louis looked at Zayn and kicked him before continuing to walk

"Are those Niall and Liam or are we seeing things?"

"No it's defiantly them"


The younger boys turned towards the older 2 and smiled they waved slightly and walked towards them

"Hello there young ones"

"Well then... hello there old ones" Niall said with a smirk and Liam sighed

"What're you both doing here?"

"Getting a welcome back gift for Harry"

"He was gone for 2 days..?"

"Your point?"

"You see Louis, you should be more like them"

"Shut up Zayn, what are you both getting him"

"A few of his favorite snacks, drinks and all, just to cheer him up and all"

"Cheer him up?"

"Yeah... he doesn't like visiting his father a lot."


Liam and Niall shrugged and now Louis has a shit more questions


"They've been friends for 3 months and they act like they've been friends for yeaaars, I've been friends with you 2, for years yet every time I leave I don't get anything"

"Get over it" "get better friends"

Louis looked at Zayn before hitting him with a pillow "I'm a great friend"


"You just told her to get over it"




"Why do you like h-anging out with me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm weird..."

"Whys that?"

"I don't talk much"

"Not everyone needs to talk a lot Hazza, plus being weird is better than being normal"


"How was seeing your dad?"

"Weird... but he's getting better"

"Getting better? What's wrong with him?"

Louis noticed Harry's eyes widen before he shook his head "n-nothing"

"Ok... cmon we're here"

Harry got out of Louis' car and they walked together, Harry looked at the moon and smiled

"I've always loved the moon"

"Really? Why?"

"It was always a comfort, it showed silence and hidden warmth, I've always loved silence... it showed me that I can rest without being scared"

"Wow that's-"

"The most I've ever talked... I know"

"No I was about to say poetic Harry, that's beautiful. If we're being honest... I like the night too, it showed me that I'm not alone"

"You're alone?"

"Most of the times, when I'm not with Gemma and Zayn I'm home alone"

"What about your parents?"

"Mums a busy worker... dads not in the picture anymore"

Harry nodded slowly and held Louis hand "you never have to be alone"

Louis smiled and looked up at their hands "I'm glad"


"Ha- awwww Mum come look at this"

"Yes dear?"

Anne smiled when she saw both boys cuddled up in Harry's bed, Louis' beanie still on his head and Harry's mouth was slightly open, both seemed to be in a deep sleep with Harry's face in Louis neck

"Gemma don't tell anyone"


"Because... it might ruin how close they are, if something is going on they'll talk, if nothing is, let them be"


Gemma grumbled a few words under her breath before Anne walked into the room and covered the boys then walked out of the room


The 6 (the boys + Gemma) were all seated in a park. It was night and they were all looking at the stars

Niall suddenly jumped up "H, stand up?"

Louis whined and held Harry closer "noooooo, Hazza stays with me"

"Well boo you, he's my friend before he was yours" Niall said before extending a hand to a quietly laughing Harry

Harry took Niall's hand and stood up

"Lets give them a show"

The 2 started to dance and the other 4 watched, they were laughing until Harry put his leg on Niall and they both fell. Louis limed at how Niall was on top of Harry and for some reason... he felt angry

But none the less he laughed and clapped just like everyone else

"Niall you muffin top GET OFF ME"

Liam sighed jumping out of place and pulling Niall off Harry before he fell on top of him too

The 3 were laughing so hard it was echoing everywhere


"This will be our place" Louis said snuggling into Harry's lap

"It is... no bringing anyone here? Just us?"

"Just us" Louis said smiling at Harry who was running his fingers though Louis' fringe

"Okay... also, are beanies our thing?"

"Why would they be?"

"Because whenever it's just you and I, we're always wearing beanies"

Louis smiled and nodded "they can be"

Harry smiled and nodded


"Hey Louis"

"Hey Eleanor"

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