《My best friends younger brother》Chapter 2


"Hey Louis"

"Hey Gem"

"I need you to do me a favor...."


Louis walked towards the football pitch of the school he once went to, he smiled remembering all the problems he, Gemma and Zayn did

He reached and stood there, he looked for a curly haired boy who was probably tripping after every step but that was not what he found

He saw Harry pour a bottle of water all over his friends head and his friend did the same before they ruffled their hair and ran towards coach, he took a second to admire Harry's arms and legs

Harry usually only wore sweaters or hoodies with jeans, now seeing him in basket ball shorts did wonders to Louis

He chuckled to himself whenever Harry fell on his bum or when his friend needed to help him stay up and all

"Tomlinson, haven't heard from you in years"

"Yeah well... we all have our own things we need to worry about"

"Started your football career?"

"No... I'm an accountant"

Coach laughs then looked at Louis who wasn't laugh and stops laughing "you're serious?"


"You're throwing your talents away Tomlinson" Louis chuckled and shrugs "who are you here for?" Coach looked and spots Louis eyes on Harry "Harry styles?"


"He's a good player, smart student, only talk to his friends though"

"Nobody else?"

"He'll talk to someone if they talk to him first, he'll never start a conversation with someone he doesn't know first"


"Join the game?"

"I don't think I can do anything on this pitch with what I'm wearing"


"Oh hi Harry"

"What are-... Um not that I'm not happy to see you but what're you doing here?"

"Came 'ere to pick you up, your mum doesn't want you to walk home or you'll get fried, and gems busy"

Harry nodded slowly before running back to Liam

"How do you know Louis Tomlinson?"

"He's my neighbor, how do you know him?"

"He used to be the star player of the school. We've won a few matches here and there, but never as easily as when Louis was here" Niall peeped in and Harry nodded



"You were great Harold"

"I-its just Harry, Louis. Also thank you, m-my friend says you were the greatest"

"Well, me along Zayn of course, but yeh"

They both got into Louis car and started to drive off


"Umm no-"

"Because Gemma told me you're always hungry after practice, we're getting McDonald's"

"No no Lou that's not-'

"Lou?" Louis said with a smile "didn't know we were on nickname basis Harry"

"Sorry sorry I didn't mean it, it's just what Gem calls you and I know it must be-"

"Harry. I'm joking, you can call me whatever you want... well as long as it's a good thing not bad"

Harry laughed quietly and nodded, he filled with his fingers and told Louis what he'd like, they sat at the parking lot of McDonald's and ate

"Anyone around you like or asked you on a date?" Harry looked at Louis surprised "what?"

"Y-you're the first person to say a-anyone not a-any girl"

"Well I wouldn't want to assume your sexuality, I know I wouldn't like it"



"No... no one caught my attention"

"Do you like boys or girls"


Louis raised an eyebrow and Harry blushed looking down at his hands "so not boys or girls... men"

"Y-yeah, you?"

"I don't mind, as long as they are a nice person really and you know... Aren't crazy?"

Harry blushed a deeper shade and Louis laughed

Yeah... this is defiantly a start of a new friendship


Louis and Zayn walked towards the Styles household and knocked on the door

"You're always here" Gemma said laughing

"Of course we are" Zayn said and Louis elbowed him and they all walked in, they walked towards Gemma's room and each slumped down on a chair

"Also Lou, thank you for picking Harry up last week"

"It's alright, where is he?"

"His room; he has his friends over"

"I wanna meet him"

"Zayn, have you seriously never met Harry in the 2 months he has been here?"

"No, he's never here when I am"

Gemma sighed and nodded "HARRY" 5 minutes later a knock was heard on the door "he knocks on your door before coming in?"


"He was raised correctly, COME IN H"

Harry opened the door and smiled, Louis gasped when he saw the bruise on Harry's knee

"Harry this is my other friend Zayn, he's been wanting to meet you but never got the chance"

"H-hi Zayn, Sorry I don't usually look like this..."

"Yeah, what happened?" Louis asked Looking at the bruise

"I was accidentally tripped on the road during our trip today..." Harry shrugged but Louis eyes bulged

"Accide- how does someone accidentally trip you?"

Harry shrugged "It happens"

"How do you know?"

"Because the kid apologized" Liam said hugging Harry's side

"Yeah and nobody would hurt an angel like our Harry" Niall said patting Harry's head "and umm... the kid is kinda 5'3 so"

"Oh Louis! finally someone your height" Zayn said and the others laughed and Louis took a pillow and threw it in Zayn's face

"Well. I don't know if umm... Zayn and Louis will stay for dinner, but I'll see you both later"

The older 3 nodded before Harry closed the door and walked away

"Ok now let's get down to business-"




The 3 laughed out loud it and continued on like that never happened


"Is it weird?"

"Is what weird?"

"How the world turns but we never realize"

"What's so weird about that?"

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you"

"You both need to stop smoking, Harry has asthma, and all th-"





Harry ran up to his room and slammed the door quickly packing a few clothes, Gemma walked in and furrowed her eyebrows "Harry does mum know?"

"Yeah asked her over the phone, she's ok with it"

"Why are you in a rush?"

"He's outside and we're going out tonight"

"But he-"

"Bye Gem" Harry kissed her cheek and ran out of the house

Gemma walked back down to Zayn and Louis "hope you sober up soon because I have a brother I want to spy on"

After 15 minutes, Gemma Louis and Zayn got dressed in all black and drove to Liam's house

"How do you know where he lives?"

"Dropped Harry over a few times, Liam's a nice kid"

"Then why-"

"Because Harry isn't ever like that, he doesn't like last minute decisions"

After 3 hours they saw Liam and Harry walk towards the house both laughing and singing a random song, Niall was ahead of them skipping

"It's the weekend, they went and got drunk what's-"

Harry slipped and took Liam down with him, the 3 24 year olds eyes widened when Liam, and Harry burst out laughing


"Lou your sugar baby is under someone else"

"Shut up Zayn"

Once Liam got up and helped Harry up, they both just laughed and helped Niall walk into the house since he was passed out on the steps

"They go, get drunk, and... Trip?"


Gemma starts to drive back, her and Zayn talk but Louis stays quiet

"Louis don't worry about it, Harry is just extra flirty when he's drunk"

"But what if-"

"They're drunk enough to have fun, that's all that matters"

Louis nodded and they all went back to Gemma's house, she went to bed on her bed and Louis and Zayn fell asleep on the couch in her room


"Hey younger styles"

"Hi Louis..."

"Everything alright"

"U-uhhhh y-yeah"

"He's not. Dad wants to see him and he's nervous"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Louis looked between both siblings, he didn't understand why Harry was so scared to see a man he's been living with for years

"I-its ok..."

Louis nodded before Harry got up and left the living room and rushed to his bedroom

"No it's a bad thing" Gemma whispered before she herself walked out of the living room leaving Louis alone and stunned


Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Gemma were at a park, all of them decked out in football gear, Louis Harry and Gemma against Zayn Niall and Liam



"Gem be nice" "HAHHAHAHA GO GEMMA" "IM NOT A KID" "Zayn you suck at football"

"Ok let's bet" Gemma said smirking and the others nodded "if we win, we call Zayn a cock headed monkey for a week without him protesting. If you all win... you're allowed to eat at our house whenever"


"WAIT, you get to basically call me a cock head but if we win we get food" Zayn said and Gemma nodded "NO, if we win I get allowed to call you a giant goose headed pterodactyl"




"A deals a deal Gemma"

Needless to say, none of them won

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