《My best friends younger brother》Chapter 1




Louis looked at Gemma and sighed "Gem, why are you so stressed lately?"

"M not, I'm fine"

"Gemma, you've been yelling at me for you being late for the past 10 minutes... you live right next door"

Gemma sighed and slumped down on the couch beside Louis

"My brother is moving in with mum and I next week..."'

"And that is stressing you out because...?"

"Well umm... I haven't seen H since he was like 5, he's 18 now, 13 almost 14 years and I'm worried, what if he's an asshole who hates me for no bloody reason and expects me to do all the chores mum sets up for him"

"Well.... you need to slap him across the face and tell him that they're for him"

"I can't slap him Louuuuu, he's my baby brother I'll feel guilty"

"Then slap Zayn instead"

"Why do you always drag me into this"

"Because.... we can?"

The 3 laughed and Gemma smiled, thankful that these 2 dummies are her best friends


Louis put his pillow over his head the next morning trying to mute out the sound of the moving truck, he perked up remembering that Gemma's brother is moving today

He jumped off his bed and put a shirt and beanie on before running downstairs to put his shoes on, he thought about yelling to someone that he's going to Gemma's but stopped himself, he sighed opening the door and walking out towards their house

He saw Gemma's short blond hair directing a man into the house

"Morning Anne"

Anne laughed softly and shook her head "it's 3pm Louis dear" she said patting his cheek

He smiled and blushed not really knowing what to do at this point


"Ummm. How's the mover?"

"Oh he's all grown up since I've last seen him 3 years ago"

"Where is little H anyways?"

"Little H?"

"Gemma gushed about how small he is, I wanna see the little man"

"Oh dear, Harry's fully grown Louis darling, he's even taller than me"

Louis chuckled looking down at his shoes before looking up at Anne "anything I can help with?"

"Oh no darling, we got everything inside, Harry didn't have much"

"14 years of living with his father and he didn't have much?"

"No darling, just his clothes because-"


Louis' eyes widened at the boy behind Anne, his green eyes, his deep voice, and... his height, Louis stood there mouth agape at the boy in front of him, he felt like a fish out of water

He cursed Gemma for making him believe that Harry is smaller than he is

"Harry darling, this is Louis, he's our neighbor"

Louis got a smile and felt his knees shake, Of course he has dimples

They nodded towards one another before Harry whispered something into Anne's ear, she nodded and he walked away

"Is he alright?"

"Just nervous darling, its his... first time living without his father and it's all weird for him"

"Oh... alright then"

Louis suspected that it was about something else but decided to let it go, it wasn't any of his business


The next day

Harry nibbled on his bottom lip walking into the new school, he took a deep breath and opened the door to the principles office

"Harry darling hello"


"Welcome to Newston, your mum already Faxed me everything needed darling. Don't worry about it" Harry stayed quiet and nodded "this is Liam, he'll be showing you around"

Liam smiled at Harry and Harry smiled back


"Liam take good care of him, show him around... and make sure Horan doesn't influence him"

"Niall isn't bad Miss, just living his life before he turns old"

The principle nodded waving Liam off, he got up and nodded to Harry to follow

"First, I just wanted to say welcome to Cheshire, hope you enjoy it here and if you need anything Niall and I are here" Harry nodded and Liam chuckled "you can talk Harry, I won't bite"

"I-I know I just umm... don't like too"

Liam nodded "well that's understandable"

Harry nodded and walked behind Liam

"So your schedule" Harry handed Liam his schedule and Liam looked through it "well, most of your classes are alone, but you have arts with me, music with Niall and I, English alone, math with both so us, and the list goes on, and for your after school activity you took football And you will be with Niall and I" Harry took a second to process everything before he nodded "and by the way, if you'd like to change any of your classes to be with me or Niall, just tell princie, she's usually understanding

Harry nodded "thanks Liam..."

"Sure Harry, during break you can sit with Niall and I, it's just us two and I promise Niall isn't bad, the worst thing he can do is steal a fry from your food"

"I don't mind sharing" Harry said taking his schedule back

"Don't worry 'bout it, cmon we have math"


Louis just got home from work when he saw Harry, the boy had just gotten home from school and seemed to try to unlock the door

"Hey neighbor" Harry whipped around and smiled "usually when Gemma is at home, she'll lock the door and leave the key in"

Harry sighed and smiled at Louis "thank you"

"It's alright, how's Cheshire treating you"

"H-haven't been to lots of places, just home and school"

"Oh, weren't you supposed to go out to dinner with Anne and Gemma?"

"Y-yeah but I was tired so I decided against it"

"Oh alright"

Harry rang the doorbell and a grumpy Gemma opened it

"Wha- oh shit sorry H"

"It's ok..."

"I didn't mean to-"

"I said it's ok Gem... everyone makes mistakes"

When Harry and Gemma walked in Louis thought about something that didn't make sense. Whenever Anne goes to visit family, Gemma is always with her, how is it that Anne saw Harry 3 years ago but Gemma saw Harry 13 almost 14 years ago

Louis looked once more where Harry was standing, before he opened the house to his door and walked in

It's none of his business

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