《The Proposal》The Confession


Du, Gook and Areum sit at a table next to the bar, with dumbstruck looks on their faces. Rosito mixes drinks and flips bottles when Yoongi runs up to them all, looking excited.

His father frowns. "What are you so God damn happy about?"

"What? Oh. Well, I'm, uh, going to see Jimin."


His mother seems just as shocked and starts protesting as well. "He violated you. We should report him."

"Who you gonna report him to, mum?"

"Oh my God. He's got Stockholm syndrome."

"I don't have Stockholm syndrome. And he didn't violate me."

"What is going on, Yoongi?"

Yoongi slows down and explains to him mum. "I'm sorry I lied to you. That was an awful thing to do. But it took this weekend for me to see how funny, and screwed up and perfect Jimin is for me. I think he's... the one."

"But you already thought he was the one."

"No, I didn't. Not until he left."

"Really? Does he think that too?"

"I don't know. I've got to get to the airport and find out."

Du doesn't say anything, then breaks out into a smile thinking about how romantic this is. "He's going to stop Jimin from leaving! At the airport!"

"But I gotta hurry. His plane leaves any second. I might not make it."

Du is still caught up in the romance of it all, so doesn't leave any room for doubt. "He's not sure he's going to make it!"

Gook's temper snaps and the anger clearly shows on his face. "Are you buying this horse shit?"

"Oh, Gook!" Du slaps her husbands arm.

Yoongi just shakes his head. "I don't have time to explain this to you."

"Well then make some God-damn time. Cause I won't let you throw your life away for some guy."

"I don't care."

"Excuse me?" His father is getting angrier.

"I don't care. I love you and want you to understand. But I'm not asking your permission here. I'm doing this."

"Oh, really?"

From behind them, Areum stands up and shouts. "Boys! Stop it! Stop it!" But suddenly, a look of panic flashes across her face. She grabs the table to steady herself, but pulls the table cloth, causing a loud crash.

Gook and Yoongi run over. "Mum, are you okay?"

"I'm having a... I need to go to the hospital. Fast."

Jimin and Mr. Guk board the jet together. Jimin finds his seat in first class and discovers the Handsome Man from the bus journey before sitting nearby.

The man notices Guk and tuts. "Is this another gay assistant?"

Jimin doesn't say anything and takes his seat.

Two coast guardsman carry Areum on a gurney to their waiting helicopter. Gook, Yoongi and Du follow behind. They all pile into a large chopper and fly off.

An oxygen mask covers Areums face. Gook holds her hand, and Areum motions for Gook to come closer and he leans down.

Gook sits up and shouts over the helicopter noise. "Yoongi! She has something she wants to say to us!"

Yoongi leans down, and joins his father and grandma. Their three heads are very close together.

Areum speaks to them both through the oxygen mask. "Listen to me. You two need to stop fighting. You'll never see eye to eye, but you're family. If this doesn't stop, one day you'll regret it." She focuses her attention on to Gook. "Promise me you'll stand by Yoongi, even if you don't agree with him."


"I... I promise."

"And Yoongi. Promise you'll work harder to be a part of this family."

"I promise, Grandma."

"Okay, then." Areum closes her eyes. She looks peaceful. A moment passes, then suddenly she takes off her mask, sits up, and yells to the pilot, as if nothing happened. "I'm feeling much better. I don't need to go to the hospital. Take us to the airport, please."

Yoongi and Gook are confused. Stunned even. "What...what is going on?" Gook then lowers his voice so the Coast Guard can't hear. "Did you fake a heart attack?"

"We didn't have time for your squabbling, and I knew a helicopter would be the quickest way to the airport. It seemed like the best way."

"The best way?" Yoongi questions, still trying to process what is happening.

"And remember, you two promised me that you're going to get along. I wasn't kidding about that."

The pilot calls back towards the crazy family. "Ma'am, I'm not authorized to take you to the airport..."

Areum turns her head around as far back as she can to answer the pilot. "Larry Fontanilla! Don't make me call your mother!"

Back on the plane, Guk talks non-stop. Jimin is in hell.

"...I want my book launch to be special. I'm thinking we throw a soiree at the Nevsky Monastery. In St. Petersberg?" Jimin stares at him blankly. "Where Dostoyevsky is buried? Hello? I thought you were a professional..."

Jimin closes his eyes to numb the pain.

The helicopter lands, and Yoongi jumps out. His family follows as they run to the control tower.

Manny Mendoza has an easy job. Jets fly into Sagada, but there are only about six flights a day. He is half awake as he radios Jimin's flight. Reggae music plays in the background. "Flight 1601, you're clear for takeoff."

"Roger that, Manny."

The phone rings in the tower and Manny picks it up. "Tower. Talk to me."

"Hey Manny, It's Yoongi." Yoongi is running and sounds out of breath down the line.

"Hey man. Heard about your man bailing. How often does this happen to you?"

"Need you do to me a solid. I gotta see my 'man' and he's on that flight. Could you stop it for me?"

"No can do mate. Need a good reason for the KOCA holes. Lose my job if I delivered a favour."

"Oh, c'mon Manny!"

The plane rattles as it gains speed for takeoff. Jimin studies the safety pamphlet, trying to ignore Guk.

"...so next topic. Celebrities. Let's invite the Bill Clinton's and leave out the Paris Hilton's, okay?" Guk smiles as he look out the window and sees the plane leave Sagada.

Yoongi and his family stand outside the tower and watch Jimin's plane take off.

"Well. That's it. Once he gets back to Seoul, it'll be like this never happened." Yoongi looks defeated.

Gook sees how sad his son is, and takes a deep breath. "So, you know I think you shouldn't be with Jimin, right?"

"You've made it crystal clear."

"Good." Gook looks at Areum. "Well, consider this me keeping my promise." Gook pulls out his cellphone and hits a button. He waits for an answer. "Hey! Mendoza! Yeah, yeah, yeah, his running out was something. But that's what I'm calling you about. I've got a favour to ask you, about one of your planes..."

Mr. Guk smiles and continues to talk. Jimin is in a stupor. "...you know those two hundred pages I took out? I'm going to put them back..."


A flight attendant comes to Jimin and interrupts. "Mr. Park? Would you come with me?"

Jimin is excited to get away from Guk. "Yes, of course." He unbuckles his seat belt, about to get out of his seat.

"What's this about?" Guk questions.

The flight attendant looks a bit confused herself, clearing never having done this before. "There's someone on the radio for you." She points to the flight attendant cabin located at the front of the plane, outside the cockpit. "Uh, a Min Yoongi?"

Jimin shakes his head and re-buckles his seat belt. "Tell him I'm not here."

Yoongi and his family are huddled around the radio in the tower. Manny is stood nearby.

The flight attendants voice comes through. "I'm sorry. He won't come talk to you."

"Shit! He's never going to pick up..." Yoongi's at a loss of what to do.

Manny turns to Yoongi. "Know what, mate? Cut this guy loose. You remember Ben Cacab? He'd totally been into you..."

Suddenly, Yoongi has an idea. He picks up the hand mic. "Excuse me Miss Flight Attendant, could you ask the captain to do me one more favour..."

There's a ding on the aircraft and the captain's voice comes out over the loudspeaker. "Welcome to flight 1601 to Seoul, this is your captain. We've reached our cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. Flight time will be four hours and thirty minutes. And Jimin? Yoongi has something he'd like to say to you."

The captain's voice disappears and gets replaced by Yoongi's. "Uh, hey Jimin. And cause I'm on the loudspeaker, hey everyone on the plane." The other passengers look around to try to figure out who's Jimin. Meanwhile, Jimin looks down and acts like he doesn't know either. "This certainly isn't how I wanted to do this. I mean, I'm not really into the whole baring your soul in front of strangers thing, but I figure it's now or never. So here goes."

Inside the tower Yoongi puts down the hand mic for a second to gain composure. His family encourages him. Even Manny, "You're doing great, man."

Yoongi pushes the button down on the hand mic. "I know you're used to being on your own. And that you're comfortable with you life the way it is. And that in a million years you wouldn't have thought that we should be together. I know, because I felt the exact same way." Every passenger is enraptured by the words coming out of the loudspeaker. The flight attendants, the handsome stranger, everyone. "And you know what else I know? I know that I'm tired of being alone. And I think you're tired of being alone too. So come on. Talk to me. Please."

The handsome bus stranger turns to Jimin, with genuine concern. "Do you really feel like you're alone?"

"Oh, good lord."

Yoongi and his family stare at the radio, waiting to see if there is going to be an answer. Manny crosses his fingers.

Then all of a sudden, Jimin's voice comes out from the radio and into the tower. "What the hell are you doing?"

Everyone in the tower smiles. They're making progress.

"We need to talk."

Jimin is now standing at the front of the plane with all the passengers watching him. "About what?"

"Have you ever thought there might be a reason we've been together for the last three years?"

"As boss and assistant."

"Things change, Jimin."

Jimin's voice sounds disbelieving. "Things change?"

"Yeah, things change."

"Is that the best you got?"

Gook hits Yoongi, as if to say 'see, that's what I said.'

Yoongi composes himself. "Now, tell me the truth. When you left, were you relieved or sad that we didn't have an excuse to be together anymore?"

Gook gives Yoongi the thumbs up. That was a good one.

"What's your point?"

"Because I am sick that you left. And if you feel sick too, then why shouldn't we just be together?"

Jimin goes to answer, but stops. Yoongi is right. He wants to go back. Even the passengers on the plane can see it.

Guk panics. "Are you thinking about going back to him?" Jimin doesn't answer. "We have a deal! You can't back out now!"

The flight attendant steps it, annoyed that Guk is trying to break up Yoongi and Jimin. "Sir, you need to sit down."

"I will do no such thing." Guk protests.

"Sir, I'm ordering you to return to your seat."

Other passengers yell 'sit down asshole' at Guk.

"Who said that?" Guk asks annoyed, looking around frantically.

"Sir, this is your third and final warning!"

"Listen sweetheart..." Guk pokes the flight attendant. "I'm a federal officer, so why don't you get me another cocktail and mind your own..." 400,000 Volts of electric surge through Guk. He twitches violently and crashes to the floor.

Behind him, the handsome stranger holds a stun gun and a badge. "Well, I'm a federal Air Marshall. And you're under arrest for disobeying a crew member, assault, and possible intoxication." The man pulls out flex cuffs, zips them around Guk's wrists, and throws him in the bathroom. He then takes the radio from Jimin and speaks to the passengers. "Sorry everybody, but protocol says we need to get this unruly passenger off the plane ASAP. Sagada's the closest airport, so if it's okay with you, I'm gonna have the captain turn this bird around."

There are wild cheers from the passengers and Jimin blushes. The handsome man turns and winks at Jimin. "Told you I was a romantic."

Flight 1601 glides to a safe landing. Yoongi and his family wait on the tarmac, and the plane taxis to them. A truck drives stairs to the front door of the plane and the door opens. Jimin steps out, and Yoongi walks up the steps.

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

Yoongi looks Jimin in the eyes. "But it did."

Jimin looks down, a little embarrassed. "I'm not the kind of guy who gets saved." Yoongi smiles, and without warning, Jimin grabs him, and plants a long, deep, and wet kiss on his mouth.

The long kiss is interrupted by the handsome stranger and Mr. Guk. "Uh, sorry, but excuse us." The man leads a handcuffed and still dazed Guk down the steps.

Jimin calls over to Guk. "Hey! Do you think getting arrested might affect you at work?" Guk has no retort. "Oh, and I'm not going to be able to publish your book after all."

Guk frowns. "So you are getting married this weekend?"

Jimin smiles. "Absolutely not. But who knows?" He looks at Yoongi. "We might by the time you get out of jail." Guk makes a 'go to hell' face and shuffles off. Jimin turns back to Yoongi, all smiles. "I've got some explaining to do." Jimin and Yoongi walk down the steps and stand in front of Yoongi's family. He turns to Du. "Hi. I'm Jimin. I've known your son for years, but we've just recently begun to see each other romantically." He then turns to Gook. "I want to get to know you all, and spend some real time down here in Sagada." Then he turns to Areum. "I'm not sure when you are going to see him get married, but I promise as long as I'm with him, he'll be happy."

Passengers cram up to the plane windows to see what will happen.

"That's all we ever wanted." Grandma Areum gives Jimin and Yoongi a big hug. Du joins in. The Gook.

Passengers cheer.

Back at the Min estate, the party is in full swing. Baldev chases his balls. Rosito slides onstage and sings with the band, and surprisingly has a beautiful voice. Du and Gook cut a rug. They've done this before.

Gab-Do and Areum chat and laugh at a nearby table. The handsome stranger brings Gab-Do a drink, and Grandma Areum winks and leaves the two alone.

Jimin and Yoongi dance, all smiles, even though they aren't very good. And as everyone dances, outside sat at the top of the tallest tree on the island, sits an eagle's nest, and inside three eagles chirp along to the music, snuggled up to Jimin's phone.

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