《The Proposal》Something To Say


Yoongi and Jimin walk towards the house, which looms above them as they prepare to deliver the news that they aren't getting married. The front door opens, and Gook comes outside in a hurry. He's clearly been waiting.

"Come with me."

"Where's mum, dad? We all need to talk." Yoongi asks.

"Not now. C'mon."

Yoongi and Jimin look at each other, not sure what to do. Gook storms off and they follow.

Yoongi, Jimin and Gook arrive at the door to the guesthouse. Gook stops before they go in, turning towards his son. "I haven't told your mother about any of this, and I don't plan to." He then turns to Jimin. "I was really beginning to like you. Sorry about this." Gook opens the door and goes inside.

The guesthouse has been converted into a squash court. In the middle of the court, a man patiently sits on a metal folding chair. It's Guk.

Guk smiles. "Hey there kids. Good to see ya!"

Yoongi turns to his dad. "What did you do?" Gook doesn't answer, he's not proud of himself. Yoongi starts getting angry. "What did you do, dad!?"

"I called him yesterday. He told me that you were lying, and that he was going to catch you. That he was going to send you to prison."

Mr. Guk turns to Yoongi. "We made a deal and dad here flew me up. Now you tell the truth, and get off scott free. It's like it never happened for you."

"You made a deal with him? On my behalf?" Yoongi says sternly.

Gook starts to grow angry too, not liking the way his son was talking to him. "You were making a mistake..."

"That's none of your business."

"It's fine." Jimin steps in.

"The hell it is. It is not fine!" Yoongi shouts.

Mr. Guk rolls his eyes. "Oh quack, quack, quack. Just tell me what really happened, and I'll be on my way. No one gets hurt, we all get what we want."

Jimin takes Yoongi's hand. "It's okay. Tell him."

Yoongi looks at his father. "You do not get to make this decision. This is my decision." He then turns to face Guk. "The truth is... I've been working for Jimin for three years. Six months ago we started dating. I recently asked him to marry me, and he said yes. See you both at the wedding."

"What are you doing, Yoongi?" Gook asks, appalled.

Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand. "Come on, we gotta get ready." Jimin and Yoongi storm out of the squash court.

The couple walks briskly to the house.

"What was I thinking? They act like they're nice, but really, they're evil." Yoongi sulks.

"He's only doing it because he loves you."

"Are you defending him? Are you defending the king dick?"

"Just stop. Think about this."

"Oh, I've thought about it. And know what I think? I think you saved my life. Thank you, Jimin. Getting married to you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Without this, I might've ended up back here."

Up at the house, Du opens the door. "There you are! You two almost gave me a heart attack. C'mon, get dressed!"

"Coming mum!" Yoongi turns to Jimin. "Time to sack up." Yoongi winks and goes inside, and Jimin follows, not sure.


Chairs are being set up outside, guest have started arriving to the island via boat. Yoongi stands on the deck, wearing his tuxedo. Gab-Do arrives for the wedding, and they lock eyes. Yoongi waves hello and mouths 'sorry', turning around to go back inside.

Yoongi's father sits in his bedroom and watched TV. He's not dressed for the wedding yet. Du shakes her head at him in the mirror as she puts on her earrings.

Grandma knock on the door to Jimin's room and goes inside. Jimin is suited up in the altered ancient suit, and hair and makeup all done. Everything looks amazing.

"If I were one to brag, I'd say that suit is perfect." Areum gushes.

"Matches the shoes." Jimin nods his head to the ground, and shows Areum the shoes he has on, the same ones he arrived here in and everyone thought were too over the top. Now they sure do come in handy.

Areum smiles. "You ready?"

With the ocean in the background, about two hundred guests sit in white chairs. Yoongi stands under a gazebo, and smiles at his mother in the front row. He ignores his father. Gab-Do sits nearby, next to Guk. From the gazebo, Yoongi nods at a group of cello players, who begin playing from downloaded sheet music that reads 'Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips.' Heads turn with the start of the music, to see Areum walk Jimin down the aisle.

When Jimin recognizes the song, he smiles, mouthing to Yoongi. "Nice song."

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.

"Is that your song, dear?" Areum whispers up at Jimin.

"I guess so." Jimin and Areum stop at the end of the aisle. Looking up, Jimin sees the justice of the peace, Rosito. (Yes, the same guy from the liquor store and the strip club.)

He smiles at Jimin and speak quietly. "It's me, Rosito."

Jimin just nods his head, indicating that he remembers him, and then bends down to give Areum a kiss, before turning to face Yoongi. They whisper while they walk up to Rosito.

"You look gorgeous."

Jimin smiles, feeling the blush come up to his cheeks. "You look disgusting."

"So, is this what you dreamed of when you were a little boy?"

"Oh, you bet."

They make it to the Gazebo, where Rosito awaits. He smiles at the two of them before raising his voice louder to speak to the crowd. "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments. To give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and unselfish ways..."

Jimin looks at Yoongi on the word 'unselfish', but he's looking straight ahead, determined to get through this.

Rosito continues. "...of Yoongi and Jimin's true love..."

'True Love' gets Jimin as well, although no one in the audience notices.

"...before their family and friends."

'Family and Friends' gets a reaction out of Gab-Do and Gook. Gab-Do purses his lips and and Yoongi's father holds onto his chair in order to keep himself seated.

"For it is family and friends who taught Yoongi and Jimin to love, so it is only right that family and friends all celebrate that love here today." Rosito takes a breath before carrying on. "And if there is anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage and love, they must speak now or forever hold their peace."


Guk stays quiet. Gook takes a tug from a flask. Rosito is about to continue, but something gets his attention. He's not sure what to do. "Jimin, do you have a question?"

Jimin has his hand halfway up, eyes squinted shut like the new kid in class not sure of himself. "No."

"Then why is your hand up?"

"I have something to say. It's not a question though."

"Can it wait until after?"

"Uh. Um. No."

Yoongi stares at him in disbelief. "What are you doing?"

Jimin gathers himself and turns around to the crowd. They stare back, unsure what to make of this foreigner. "Hey there folks. Thanks for coming out. I've got a little announcement to make about the 'wedding'."

"Don't do this." Yoongi begs.

Jimin smiles and squeezes Yoongi's hand. "Not sure the best way to tell you all this. But, uh... I made Yoongi marry me. This is all a sham."

Guk victoriously pumps his fist in the air.

Jimin continues talking. "I was going to get kicked out of the country - so I told Yoongi that I would destroy his career if he didn't marry me."

"No wait..." Yoongi tries to interrupt.

"Yoongi. Please. Let me finish." He stares straight at the Min family. "Yoongi wanted to stop this when we got off the plane, but I wouldn't let him. Don't blame him. This is all my fault." He then turns back to Rosito. "Could you get the band started? And give these people something to drink." He then looks back around to Mr. Guk. "And you. Meet me at your dingy in ten, you're taking me to the airport."

"You got it!"

Jimin nods, hands Yoongi the bouquet, and confidently walks back up the aisle with all eyes on him. He stops when he gets to Gab-Do and leans down. "Take care of him."


Jimin walks back into the house. Alone.

Back inside the bedroom, Jimin's wedding tux is laid on the bed. His bag is packed when Yoongi knocks and comes in.

Jimin is on the phone, speaking enthusiastically. "Uh-huh. Yeah. That's great Feng. Good news. Talk to you on Monday." Jimin hangs up.

"So Feng's back in?" Yoongi starts.

Jimin nods distractedly. Getting Feng to do the publicity tour doesn't mean much right now. "Yup. He's in. For now."

"Maybe this'll be your Mockingbird?"

"Yeah. Right." Jimin starts collecting his bags.

"Great exit back there."

"Thanks. Fun weekend."

"Same old, same old, around here."

"Wasn't sure if your mum would want me to strip the sheets, so I just left them."

"I'll let her know." Yoongi pauses for a moment. "Why did you tell them all that?"

"It was getting too messy. We weren't going to be able to keep it up."

"Don't start lying to me now."

Jimin stops for a moment. "I heard you and Gab-Do at the school. I think he meant what he said. He's a great guy, you should stay. It's the right thing. You're perfect for each other."

"But... but what about you? What are you gonna do?"

Jimin wants to keep the conversation short. "Don't worry about me. I'll survive."

"So what? This is it?"

"Yup. This is it." Jimin walks to the door, but stops. He turns to Yoongi. Despite his best effort to act cold, he can't help himself. "Have an amazing life, okay? You're a good person. You deserve it." He puts out his hand, and Yoongi shakes it. It's electric, but Jimin denies it. "Goodbye, Yoongi."

Jimin walks down to the dock carrying his suitcase. He can hear that the party is in full swing and smiles.

Guk drives his little speedboat and Jimin holds his suitcase tight. It's choppy, and the outboard motor is loud. The two have to yell to talk.

"I want you to say the words." Guk shouts, feeling smug with himself.

"I'm not doing great in the dignity department, can we not do this right now?"

"Say it."

Jimin closes his eyes, hating that it's come to this. "I'll publish your book."

Guk smiles. "Now was that so hard?"

Yoongi sits by himself and finishes a beer by the shore. Gab-Do walks up to him, looking fabulous, with two more beers. "So here's the deal. I'm going to have a million questions for you tomorrow..." Gab-Do sits down next to Yoongi. "...but for now I thought we'd just sit here and drink beer. Okay?"

Yoongi nods and Gab-Do hands him another beer. "Thanks." Yoongi thanks him with a kiss on the cheek. Then, realizing where and who he is with, he puts his beer down. He turns to Gab-Do again with a determined look, gives him a kiss on the lips, then follows it up with an even bigger kiss. When they finish, Gab-Do is grinning, eyes closed. Yoongi looks worried. Something is wrong.

"You have been practicing." Gab-Do compliments.

"What do you mean?"

"Well. Jimin told me that you, uh, turned into bit of a man whore up there." Yoongi looks down, a bit ashamed. Gab-Do makes light. "You're gonna have to put that in check if you move back. Cause me and Ben Cacab are the only two real options down here... and I'll kick that bitch's ass."

Yoongi gives him a polite smile. He's not really in the mood to joke, and Gab-Do notices. "So no jokes yet? Too soon?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little... confused."

"That kiss didn't seem 'confused'."

Yoongi takes a second to collect himself. "You're amazing, Gab. And I've thought about being with you for a long time. A long time. When you said those things at the school? I've dreamed about hearing you say those things. But as crazy as this seems. I know now... that we're just not meant to be." Gab-Do pulls back like he's been punched. "Thing is... when I said goodbye to Jimin? I felt sick. For the three years we worked together, I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. But now that he's gone? I'm just really... sad. I want him with me. What is that?"

The question hangs in the air.

"I don't know."

"I think I have to find out."

"Find out what?"

"If he feels the same way."

Gab-Do begins to tear up, but won't let himself cry. "Well. Okay then. What's a boy gonna do?" His voice cracks. "I guess you want who you want." Gab-Do gives a melancholy smile.

"I'm so sorry." Yoongi pauses. "But, I gotta go."


Yoongi gets up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really. Go." Gab-Do nods his approval and Yoongi runs off to the party.

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