《The Proposal》Naked Accidents


The Coco bar is a classic Filipino bar, decorated with lots of green plants and strings of neon lights. But tonight most of the patrons are women, with a few men sat by the bar or on the outside chairs. Everybody there is cheering for an oiled, toned, and bearded man in a tiny thong who gyrates to the beat of Prince's 'Sexy Motherfucker'. On stage with the dancer, Jimin tries not to look miserable in his novelty.

"Work it Heath!" Yoongi's mother, Du calls out.

Gab-Do is there too, watching the show in amusement. "Is that a salmon down your pants?"

The room laughs as Heath works his crotch millimeters away from Jimin's face.

Jimin remains straight faced however. "Definitely not a salmon."

The audience encourage Heath on as he moves Jimin's hands to his wiggling ass and gives him a feel. Jimin can't help but give an embarrassed smile. Finally, the song ends and Heath goes into the splits. Thrilled, the room gives him a standing ovation. Jimin plays along and gives Heath a kiss on the cheek, ready to get off the stage, but the exotic dancer stops him by grabbing his hand.

"Ah, ah, ah. I was just the warm up." Heath sits Jimin down, and blindfolds him with a scarf.

"What's going on?"

"Just sit there dear." Grandman Areum encourages.

The MC talks through a microphone, and Jimin jumps at the sudden loud voice not knowing it was coming as he couldn't see a thing. "Don't be shy people, tip well and often, show Heath how much you appreciate his assets! And now... Rosito!"

The room goes silent as a middle aged man comes to the stage. He has a pot belly, threadbare thong and a thin mustache. Rosito's dance has a Latin theme to it, and he's very good at it.

Jimin is oblivious. "What's that smell?" Jimin finally takes off his blindfold, and finds Rosito about an inch away from his face. He screams falling out of his chair, frightening the new dancer. After the initial scare Rosito composes himself and wags his finger at Jimin's naughty behaviour.

"You are a naughty devil." Rosito gets to work on another part of the stage, and when he turns, Jimin jumps off the platform and joins the audience.

"Good lord."

"Rosito was the only male dancer on the island for years. No one has the heart to tell him to hang it up." Areum explains to a startled Jimin.

"Want me to do it?"

"Thank you dear, but let's keep it our secret."

Back at the Min estate, there is about twenty men gathered, wearing short sleeves and hitting golf balls into the ocean. Green pontoon rafts bob in the water, made up to look like golf greens. Golf balls are stacked in pyramid formations at every hitting area. Yoongi comes down from the house to join the group and sees his father joking with Mr. Mendoza - a good natured, sixty year old man - as they hit balls.

"...Yeah, Du found these eco-balls that dissolve in the water." Gook explains to the older man.

"How does she come up with this shit?"

"She just does. I stopped trying to figure out how."

Gook and Mr. Mendoza sees Yoongi coming their way. Mr. Mendoza yells at Yoongi like the old family friend he is, joking. "I'm mad at you, son!"

Yoongi smiles as he comes over to them. "Why's that, Mr. Mendoza?"


"You fly down here and don't call me?"

"Sorry about that."

"What good is me owning an airline if I can't give you free tickets?"

"You're right. Don't know what I was thinking..."

"Damn, straight. Don't let it happen again!" He hands Yoongi a golf club. "Here, you take over. This game is for pussies, I'm getting a drink." Mr. Mendoza leaves, and Yoongi and his father are left alone with one another for the first time. Things are awkward between father and son, and Yoongi begins hitting balls to avoid conversation.

Gook finally makes small talk. "Mendoza's stepping down in January. He's, uh, handing things over to Manny."

Yoongi gives his dad a look. He knows where this is going. "That's great for them."

"So. How's work with you?"

"Good. Busy. You know."

"I do. I do. Hey, did I tell you that we're opening a little office in Japan?"


"We're not just a mum and pop operation anymore. We're going global."


Gook stops hitting golf balls for a second. He's been thinking about this moment for a long time. "I could really use your help."

"Dad. Please. I'm in Seoul. Jimin's in Seoul. We have jobs."

"I know. I know. It's just..."

Yoongi's tone turns challenging. "It's just what?"

"You're only a secretary."

This pisses Yoongi off immediately. "Again with the secretary thing! I've told you, I'm an assistant!"

"Just because you call yourself an 'assistant' doesn't mean you're not really just a secretary."

"Well if I'm 'just a secretary', why would you want me down here anyway? Sounds like you're doing great without me."

"It's not like that and you know it."

"Then how is it? Explain it to me?"

Gook looks around to see if anyone is listening. "Last week, a man stuck his finger up my butt..."

"This man was a doctor?"

"...and it got me thinking about you."

"I'm not sure this is coming out right."

"Just shut up for a second, okay? I want you to have what I built. But I'm running out of time to show you things."

"Stop being so dramatic."

"I'm not being..." His father pauses for a second. "I need you to stop dicking around up there and get serious."

"So this is all about what you want?"

"That's not what I said."

"And me in Seoul with Jimin? That isn't serious?"

"One day the man is the Antichrist, and the next he's the love of your life? How is that serious?"

"Things change, dad."

Gook sounds indignant. "Things change?"

"Things change."

"Things change?"

"Yes. Things change."

"Things change. That's your explanation? Know what I think? I think you banged your boss and fell in love, that's what I think. Some sorta daddy complex."

"Nice, dad. We gotta have these lovely moments more often. This is great." Yoongi drops his club and walks back to the house.

Jimin steps outside to have a moment to himself. He's on a patio overlooking the ocean. It is late, but the sun is hanging just over the horizon.

Gab-Do steps out of the pub, walking over to stand next to Jimin. "They can be a little overwhelming, but they're great people."

"What? I'm just working on my tan." Jimin notices Gab-Do's smile, and smiles back. "It's been a long day." Jimin looks inside and sees that the party is still raging.


"Around the solstice they don't watch the clock. Pretty much party until they fall over. I actually missed it when I was in Korea."

"Busan, right?"

"Yeah. Since college."

"And now you're back?"

"Six months now. Call me crazy, but I love it. Think I'm back for good."

"Really? I don't know. Don't you miss..."

"Malls? Starbucks? Escalators?"

Jimin laughs. He likes this man.

Gab-Do carries on talking. "Yeah. I miss it. Believe me, growing up I never thought I'd end up divorced and back here teaching at my old elementary school. That was always Yoongi's plan."

"For you to get divorced?"

Gab-Do smiles, remembering. "No. I was going to teach, he was going to run his dad's business. He was like a little old man. Had it all worked out."

"Are we talking about the same guy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Yoongi's such a player." Gab-Do looks confused so Jimin carries on talking. "I mean he was a total player. Before we started dating. Six months ago."

"Wow. That surprises me."

"That surprises you?"

"Did he ever tell you why we broke up?"

"We don't really talk much about stuff like that."

"Oh. Well I should shut up..."

"No, no. Please. I mean, we are getting married. I want to know these things."

Gab-Do looks down a little embarrassed. "He proposed to me. When we were seniors."

Jimin laughs. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... He proposed to you in high school?"

"He bough this sweet little ring, and got down on one knee. It was so cute."

"You must have..."

"...Freaked out? Oh you bet. I broke up with him on the spot."

"I would hope so."

"After getting rejected the first time, I can't imagine how hard it was for him to get the courage to ask you."

Jimin just smiles, feeling guilty about lying when Gab-Do is being so honest with him.

"Anyway." Gab-Do carries on talking. "The idea that my little old man could be a player... It's just not the Yoongi I knew. Good thing you're making an honest man of him again." Gab-Do toasts Jimin and knocks back the rest of his beer in one swig. He has a hard time finishing it off. "Well I'm empty. I'm going to go get another. I think I hear Rosito wrapping up, let's get back to the girls."

"I'll be right in." Jimin smiles and turns to the ocean. Gab-Do goes inside, then to himself, Jimin silently whispers. "We are awful people."

An axe slams down and splits a log in two with a loud thwack. Hands quickly place another log down and gets struck again. Yoongi is playing the role of executioner. He's still mad after talking to his dad, and is taking it out on the firewood. Rage Against the Machine plays on his iPod and he's in his own world. Behind him, Jimin and the girls return to the island on the family yacht. Their mood is light, and they chat amongst themselves.

Du's mood deflates when she sees her son. "Yoongi! Honey! Is everything okay?" She shouts.

With his back to them and the iPod on, Yoongi doesn't hear or see them.

Areum shakes her head. Something is up.

Gook pets Baldev as he watches sports on a sixty inch plasma television. The family arrives and Areum and Du step in front of the TV, blocking his view. Jimin watches from the door, not sure what is going on.

"Excuse me? I'm watching that." Gook complains.

"Why is Yoongi chopping wood?" Areum questions, angrily.

"And don't play dumb. What did you do?" Du interrogates.

Gook is uncomfortable answering in front of Jimin. "Nothing. I didn't do anything... will you please move."

The showdown intensifies so Jimin excuses himself. "I am so tired." Baldev growls when he hears Jimin's voice. He's still mad. Jimin just smiles. "Think I'm going to take a shower and clean off Rosito's bubble gum body oil. Thanks for a great night."

Areum and Ju smile graciously and wish him goodnight. Once he's gone, they turn their death stare back to Gook.

He looks genuinely unnerved. "Stop looking at me like that!"

Yoongi continues to listen to his iPod, and has worked up quite a sweat. He stacks the last log, takes off his soaked through shirt, and gets a whiff of himself. Ew. He stinks.

Jimin walks into the private bathroom attached to his room and shuts the door, moving over to turn on the shower.

Gook defends himself to Du and Areum with great conviction. Yoongi walks right by the fighting trio, but doesn't notice anyone. He continues to listen to his iPod and his attention is focused on the controls, as he looks for the playlist 'Songs I Shouldn't Like'.

In the bathroom Jimin turns off the shower, pulls back the curtain and reaches for a towel. All he finds is a miniature unabsorbent decorative hand towel. Shit.

Yoongi enters the room smiling as he listens to a western cheesy pop song, that he doesn't understand the words to.

Jimin's ears perk up as he hears the bedroom door open. The bathroom is a disaster because he has dripped water everywhere looking for a towel. "Yoongi, is that you?"

Yoongi opens the armoire next to the bed and pulls out an incredibly absorbent Egyptian cotton towel.

Jimin cracks the bathroom door open to see what the sound was. Yoongi isn't there, but he sees the armoire open and the towels waiting for him. How did he miss that? "Yoongi, are you..." Then out of nowhere, Baldev (he followed Yoongi in) startles Jimin.

He barks rapidly and Jimin ends up slipping on the wet floor and falls on his ass. His foot kicks the door open as he retreats from the vengeful puppy.

Yoongi is oblivious to everything as he hangs his wet clothes over a rail on the deck attached to the room. He makes sure that no one is in the yard, pulls down his shorts, and hangs them up as well.

In the bathroom, naked, wet, and starting to get a little pissed off, Jimin manages to pull himself up by the toilet. He wants a towel badly, but Baldev guards the doorway. He tries reason. "I'm sorry about the eagle. But I saved you." Baldev won't listen to reason and barks angrily. Jimin grabs the ceramic top of the toilet tank to protect himself.

Yoongi calmly turns around inside the bedroom and sees that the bathroom door is open. That's weird.

Jimin holds the top of the toilet tank like a baseball bat, ready to strike. Baldev will not be intimidated, and continues to growl and not let him out of the bathroom. Jimin knows that he can't hit a dog, and looks for another way out. Then he spots the bathroom mat.

In the bedroom, Yoongi saunters towards the bathroom, wearing only his iPod.

Baldev puts a paw onto the bath mat, and Jimin slowly puts back the toilet top. The dog gets to the center of the bath mat, and Jimin pulls hard, sliding the bath mat and Baldev to the back of the bathroom. With Baldev out of the way, he runs out, closes the door behind him and...

Smack! Jimin crashes into Yoongi and they fall to the floor. It takes a second for them to realize that they are holding each other buck naked.

They both scream loudly, and the two quickly separate and frantically try to cover themselves up. A rapid fire back and forth ensues.

"Why are you naked?" Jimin starts.

"Why are you wet?"

"Don't look at me!"

"You tackled me!"

"It was the dog!"

"You're blaming the dog again?"

Jimin growls, angry. "Will you just hand me a towel!"

Yoongi looks for a towel, but forgets he's also naked. When he looks under the bed, Jimin shrieks and covers his eyes...

"You're flashing everything!"

Yoongi quickly changes positions and out of desperation, he pulls the entire comforter off the bed. He throws it Jimin's way, and Jimin hurriedly wraps himself in it.

"You can cover up any time!" Jimin shouts back.

Yoongi cups his privates and backs up to his clothes by the window.

"Explain yourself!" Jimin shouts again.

"I didn't know you were home! I was outside chopping wood!"

"You didn't hear me?"

"I had earphones in!" Yoongi then frowns, confused. "Why did you jump me?" He reaches his clothes and pulls on his shorts.

"I didn't jump you." Yoongi gives Jimin an off look. "I didn't mean to jump you. I didn't know you were here."

"You didn't see me?"

"I was running from the dog!"

Yoongi looks at Jimin suspiciously. "Wait. Were you trying to seduce me?"

"Oh please! Don't flatter yourself."


"Go take a shower. You stink."

"Fine. But don't come sneaking in there. You're still my boss. That'd be sexual harassment." Yoongi goes to the bathroom and shuts the door.

Jimin takes a breath, but is startled when the door suddenly opens back up again. Yoongi has Baldev cradled in his arms and scratches his neck. He gently puts him down outside their room. "There you go, buddy. Go on and play before he makes a coat out of you." Yoongi shuts the door and goes back into the bathroom. Without looking back, Yoongi gets the final word. "Puppy hater."

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