《The Proposal》Meeting The Family


Yoongi and Jimin sit in First Class in a commercial jet as it takes off and leaves South Korea behind. The pair have their laptops on their laps, Jimin typing away rapidly and Yoongi working on his work a little more leisurely.

Yoongi looks up away from the bright screen in front of him. "Um. Shouldn't we talk about what we're going to say to my parents?"

Jimin doesn't look up, annoyed with the question. "Are you done with the press release?"


Jimin speaks with a patronizing tone in his voice. "Well let's finish big people business before mummy and daddy talk. Okay?"

Dejected, Yoongi goes back to work.

As they they change from a plane to a bus in Manila, Jimin walks quickly and talks on the phone. Still the assistant, Yoongi lags behind, weighed down by both their bags. Up ahead at the gate, a gate attendant announces final boarding to Sagada.

Jimin gets off his phone. "So what do I need to know up there? Bullet points?"

"I told them we've been dating for six months. We've kept it a secret from everyone..." Under his breath he mumbles, "...and that you're a naughty minx in the sack."

Yoongi and Jimin make it to the attendant at the coach gate.

Jimin is not amused by Yoongi's attempt at humor, and with a venomous tone he says, "Don't make me hate you." He then hands his coach ticket to the attendant and breezes through.

The attendant turns to Yoongi, surprised and gives him a look. "Bringing him home to meet my folks. He's flustered." He lies, struggling to find his coach ticket as he's tangled in the luggage. The impatient attendant is getting frustrated and Yoongi tries to ease her down. "I've got it here. Sorry. Guess I'm a little flustered too. Haven't been home for awhile, hope they like him!"

The gate attendant smiles, having heard it all. "I don't care, sir."

Yoongi finds his coach ticket and hands it over. "Okay then. You're a sweet lady. Thanks." Yoongi hustles to the coach as they shut the doors.

Jimin takes his seat and sits next to a well dressed handsome man who is reading a book. He notices the title and the stranger catches his stare.

Jimin explains. "I'm sorry, I hate it when people stare at what I'm reading. It's just... I worked on that book."

"You wrote it?"

"Edited it. It was one of my favourites."

"Well you did a good job. It's great."

"You don't see many guys with that book. You, uh, read a lot of love stories about Roman concubines?"

"My ex-girlfriend gave it to me. I travel a lot for work. I'll read anything..."

Jimin stares at him suspiciously. "Ex-girlfriend, huh?"

Smiling, the handsome man flushes, embarrassed. "Okay, you got me. I'm a closet romantic. But let's keep that between us."

Jimin smiles and makes the 'my lips are sealed' motion. Just then, Yoongi lumbers onto the coach with the bags. "There you are. Give me my laptop."

Yoongi untangled the bags and gives Jimin his computer bag. He notices the book in the strangers hands and comments, "Hey, he's reading..."

"I know, Yoongi."

Yoongi turns around and puts the bags in the overhead compartment.

Then handsome man turns to Jimin. "Did you two want to sit together?"

"Sit together with who?"

The handsome man nods at Yoongi. "Your boyfriend?"

Jimin points to Yoongi indignantly. "You mean him?" The stranger nods and Jimin tries to set the record straight. "No. No. No. He's my assistant."


The man raises an eyebrow. "You're bringing your assistant all the way to Sagada?"

Yoongi smiles, happy that Jimin has to answer. "Oh, you can tell him the truth."

Jimin frowns. "Well, he's... indispensable." The stranger isn't buying it. "And married. His wife just lent him to me for the weekend, she likes to share, and Yoongi doesn't like to be tied down. Isn't that right, Yoongi? Aren't you my indispensable closeted gay lover?" Jimin shoots Yoongi a nasty look.

He has to go along. "That's me." Yoongi turns to close the overhead compartment.

"You're awfully nice to bring him first class." The man states.

Jimin nods his head and agrees. It sucks to be Yoongi.

After the long eight hour bus journey, the passengers can finally see the natural beauty of North Philippines from out the window. Sagada is a small town known for it's rice terraces and hanging coffins. All the houses are small and colourful and the rest of the area is taken up by large mountains.

Jimin and the handsome stranger chat like old friends while they walk off the coach. Yoongi follows behind with all the bags. As they all walk out of the station they see a big banner that reads 'Congratulations Yoongi and Jimin!!' with wedding bells and a graphic showing the journey from Seoul to Sagada. The banner is being held up by a group of 30 people with excited looks on their faces.

Yoongi's mum, Du is front and center. She's a sweet lady who cooked Yoongi a hot breakfast every morning until he left the house.

Grandma Areum also waits. She's lived a long time and doesn't have a lot of time to screw around.

When they see Yoongi, they scream. Jimin's face drops.

"There he is!! Where's Jimin?"

Yoongi blanches white. Jimin looks back with eyes that say 'What the hell is going on?'

The handsome man beside Jimin notices the banner and smiles. "That's sweet."

Yoongi goes over to the group and Jimin keeps walking. "What are you guys doing here? What's with the sign?"

"So you're 'just dating', huh? I can't believe you didn't tell us!" His mum chastises.

"Didn't tell you what?"

This time Grandma Areum speaks up. "We're not saying anything until you let us meet Jimin. Now, where's our boy?"

Yoongi looks around. Jimin keeps his head down and tries his best to avoid eye contact. "Uh. Jimin? You need to come over here. Like now. Honey."

The handsome man sees Yoongi with the banner people, calling for Jimin to come over. Jimin winces knowing the man had connected the dots and that Jimin had lied to him. "I have to go now."

The man frowns. "What kind of sick shit is this?"

Jimin nods. This would be a tough one to explain. "Have a great life." He walks toward the group and Yoongi puts out his hand and silently pleads for Jimin to hold it. At the last second, Jimin takes it.

"Everyone, this is Jimin."

Areum smiles. "It's nice to meet you. Now, do you prefer being called Jimin, or the Dragon Lord? We've heard it both ways."

Everyone laughs and Du scolds her mother. "Mum!"

"It's not like he hasn't told him that he used to call him the Dragon Lord. They're getting married."

Yoongi tries to stay casual, ignoring the heated glare being sent his way from his boss. "Now, ah, where did you hear that? The whole 'getting married' thing?"


"Oh, the man from the government." Du begins to explain. "Guk- something. He said he was checking up on you two. Said it was technicality, because Jimin was from America."

"What, ah, did you tell him?"

"Well for one thing, that you were in a lot of trouble for not telling us that you two were getting married!"

"No. Really. What did you say?" Yoongi pleads.

His mum sighs. "Just that you were coming down here this weekend. That we hadn't seen you in a while, and that we'd heard about Jimin for years, but that we'd never met him." Du turns to Jimin and takes both of his hands. "The way that Yoongi talked about you? I'll admit, I didn't see this coming."

"Me neither." Jimin replies.

Du picks up some of the bags and starts walking toward the exit. Everyone else follows her lead. "So why all the silly secrecy?"

"It wasn't a secret. We didn't tell anyone."

"Well, is your family just anyone?"

"No, I didn't mean..."

"I should be mad at you two. But, but... I'm just so excited!"

Jimin catches up to the group as they walk ahead. "Uh, is everyone coming to our hotel?"

Grandma Areum turns to him. "Oh, we cancelled you reservation. You're part of the family now. Family doesn't stay at a hotel. Also, we've got another little surprise for you two."

"Surprise? Another surprise?" Jimin is having a hard time dealing with this one.

Yoongi looks back at Jimin. "He's not good with surprises."

"I'm really not good with surprises."

Du stops, Sagada coach station is very small, so they are already outside by all the cars parked in the loading zone. Du and Areum excitedly look at each other. "Well you two...

"...you're getting married this weekend!" Areum finishes.

Both Jimin and Yoongi speak at the same time. "What?"

Areum continues to talk. "The whole kit and caboodle."

Jimin gives both these women a look that says 'what are you talking about?'

Du smiles. "When Guk told us you were getting married... we also found out that both of you parents passed Jimin."

"God rest their souls." Areum interrupts.

"And since you don't have any family..."

"Or friends..." Areum interrupts again.

"...We decided to give you a wedding. just like ours." Du finishes.

Grandma Areum smiles. "Engagement party tonight..."

"...and the wedding tomorrow at midnight." Du and Areum wait to see what Jimin thinks.

"Are you witches?"

Areum laughs. "Just quaint. During the solstice it's good luck. It's a Filipino thing."

"We've planned everything."

Jimin isn't sold, so Grandma Areum goes for the clincher. "I'm old, Jimin. I don't have much time left. Yoongi lives so far away, and I never see him. Now I find out he's getting married, and I have a chance to see my one grandchild's wedding day. It's a dream come true. Please let me see Yoongi get married before I die. Please."

There's a long pause. Yoongi doesn't know what Jimin is going to say. Jimin doesn't even know what he's is going to say. Finally, he goes to speak, but can only get out two big thumbs up. The crowd cheers.

A procession of cars makes it's way through town. Du and Areum sit in the front of a truck, all smiles. Jimin and Yoongi sit as far away from each other as possible in the backseat of the extended cab.

Jimin tries to get Yoongi's attention, but he's looking out the window. Finally he pinches him and Yoongi jumps. He gives Jimin a 'what did you do that for' look.

"The Dragon Lord!?" Jimin mouths, and Yoongi just shrugs.

Jimin doesn't have long to dwell on it however and Grandma Areum starts talking. "To tell you the truth, we had a lot of the plans made already for my birthday. Just a few changes here and there, and we made this weekend a wedding."

Jimin stares at Yoongi. "I'm a lucky man." Jimin does his best to smile.

The cars park in a lot in the middle of nowhere, near a small dock. Everyone gets out of the cars and starts walking to the ocean.

Jimin is confused. "I'm not getting out of this car until you tell me where we're going."

"Come on, it'll be okay. I promise." Yoongi points to a small island about a mile away.

Yoongi climbs out of the vehicle and Jimin slowly follows after, apprehensively looking over to the water. He manages to catch up to Yoongi and smacks him on the arm. "You know I can't swim."

Yoongi stares at Jimin like he's stupid then walks away. "Hence the boat."

Everyone rides on a 75 foot yacht. Lots of polished wood and chrome. Someone passes out beers on board, and the mood is festive.

Jimin takes a look around at the surreal scene. "Who are you people?"

Yoongi lets Jimin wonder.

The ship docks and Jimin gets his first glimpse of the Min Estate. It sits above the rest of the wooden island and is as tasteful as a 15 bedroom Filipino mansion can be.

Yoongi's father, Gook waits on the dock. He is a large, intimidating man with pure white hair and a wrinkled face. Once his family come closer to him, he skips past his wife and step mother, even his son who he hasn't seen in three years and instead heads straight towards Jimin. "So you must be Jimin. We've heard a lot about you. All of it bad."

Jimin tentatively walks off the yacht in his none practical dress shoes.

"I mean, I almost shit myself when I hears he was marrying the devil man."

"I thought I was the dragon lord?"

"Either way."

Yoongi steps off the boat and towards his father. "Hey dad." He shakes his father's hand. It's a little stiff.

"Welcome home. Good to see ya."

"You too."

"Been a while."

"Yeah. You'd think you could make it to the coach station to mark the occasion." Yoongi frowns.

Grandma Areum interrupts. "Help him with the bags, Gook." She then turns to Yoongi and Jimin. "Let's get you two settled." As Yoongi and Jimin move towards the house, Areum shoots Gook a look that says 'be nice'.

The house is decked out in sheik Filipino decor. Somehow, it makes wicker furniture and tribal ornaments look good. Everything is very homey and Jimin is a little awe struck.

"We'll show you around later." Areum smirks, looking at Jimin's face as he takes it all in.

"Uh huh."

Out of nowhere, a small Aspin puppy startles Jimin and jumps up on him.

"Baldev! Down! No!" Du pulls the dog off Jimin and pushes him toward the kitchen.

Jimin tries to take it in stride and make small talk. "What a great name. Baldev is is Hindi yes?."

"Oh. Well, this Baldev's got epididymitis." Du makes two big circles with her pointer fingers to illustrate how Baldev really got his name.

Not understanding, Jimin looks over at Baldev as he walks away, and by his shocked reaction, it's clear he now understands that this puppy Aspin is an anatomic marvel.

"No one on the island wanted him when he was born." Du begins to explain. "We figured he deserved a home."

All of a sudden, Yoongi's father appears carrying some of the luggage. "And don't let him outside, or the eagles will snatch him."

"C'mon dad..." Yoongi scolds.

"I mean it. They come out of that rehabilitation center mean. And hungry."

Yoongi turns to Jimin. "Don't listen to him, Jimin."

They then follow Du upstairs and she opens a door for Yoongi and Jimin. "You'll be sleeping here." The room is beautiful, right out of a magazine. "Bathroom is there, all the towels are in the cupboard by the bed. Just let me know if you need anything."

Jimin smiles and looks around the nicely decorated room. "Thank you. Where's Yoongi's room?"

"Oh, we took down his 'shrine' years ago. And don't worry, I'm under no illusion that you two haven't slept in the same bed before. Yoongi can sleep here too."

"Oh, let's not upset Grandma Areum." Jimin tries his hardest to get out of it.

But Du just smiles. "It was her idea. Anything to make her grandson happy."

Jimin glances behind Du to where Yoongi stands, but he just shrugs his shoulders being no help what-so-ever.

So Jimin plasters on a fake smile, and pretends he is okay with this situation. "Great. You know, I've gotten used to his breathing at night."

"I thought so dear." Du leaves and shuts the door.

Jimin reverts back to his old self. "I'm about 15 seconds from killing myself."

"Calm down." Yoongi rolls his eyes at Jimin's over reaction.

"What is going on here?"

"Hell if I know."

"You had no idea they knew about us getting married?"

"You think I'd bring you here if I did?"

"Well, we just gotta tell them."

Yoongi looks at Jimin incredulously. "Tell them what?"

"Tell them the truth. About us."

Yoongi shakes his head, not believing what he's hearing. "Wrong answer. No way."

"What do you mean no way? This is crazy?"

"No, crazy was lying to the federal officer."

"Well I don't like this."

"Well I'm not making my Gammy an accomplice to a Class C felony! For one second could you not be so selfish?"


"Yeah, you know, that thing you do where you only worry about yourself every second of every day?"

"How is it selfish to tell the truth?"

Yoongi sighs, his patience wearing thin. "Look. We're awful, awful people. In the last forty eight hours, we've lied to... everyone. We need to protect the people downstairs. We can't ask these good, decent, not awful people to lie for us. Let's keep the darkside to ourselves."

Jimin takes a second to make up his mind. "Fine. But if we do this, you need to stop lying to me."

"What have I lied to you about?"

"Why did you tell me you were poor?"

"I never said that."

"Well, you never told me you were rich."

"When does that come up?"

"I don't know, how about, 'Hi, my name is Yoongi, I'm an Filipino titan of industry.'"

Yoongi scoffs. "Okay, first of all I'm not Filipino, I'm Korean. My family just lives here because they like it. And second of all, maybe I didn't tell you because you would have fired me if you knew."

Jimin frowns. "No I wouldn't."

"Come on! You're always yammering on about your scrappy childhood, and how you fought for those dance scholarships, and how the rich kids made fun of you in prep school for working in the kitchen. You're totally anti-rich."

"I'm not anti-rich."

"Oh yes you are! And you know what makes it worse? You have money!"

"I earned..."

"...every penny I have. Blah, blah, blah. You need new material."

Jimin growls. "Hey. Watch it. You're still my assistant."

"You were going to promote me anyway."

"Sure of that?"

"Nope. Not at all."

Jimin takes a look at himself in the mirror. "Well, come on. If we're going to do this, we might as well put on a show."

Downstairs, the engagement party is in full swing. The starched wait staff stands out in the crowd, because the raucous party-goers are all dressed in loose fitting clothing, with the older people wearing traditional clothing.

Most of the women have bob-length hair or have it tied back into a braided bun on the back of their heads, and almost all the men have shaggy hair and beards. Like the house, the party is first-class. The plants look green, and champagne is served on silver trays, and the buffet overflows with salmon and king crab.

Jimin works the crowd like a pro and holds court with some well wishers, Yoongi's parents, and Baldev. "I went to Union college in upstate Seoul. It's a small liberal arts school that no one has ever heard of." Yoongi comes to the group and hands Jimin a drink. Jimin looks down at in and then looks back up at Yoongi. "Lime?"

"Be right back." Yoongi leaves to fetch lime wedges.

Yoongi's father elbows his wife in the side, "What was that?"

Somebody in the crowd talks, turning Jimin's attention to them. "How long have you been with your company?"

"Since I graduated college."

Yoongi comes back with the lime and Jimin takes it but doesn't say thank you. "He's been there since he was nineteen."

"Nineteen? Wow. That's how long?" Gook asks, shocked.

Jimin shakes his head. "Oh, who's counting..."

Gook, could let it go, but wants to push him. "No. How many years is that? Exactly."

Jimin gives Gook the slightest look. "Well, let me see. That would be five or six years. Exactly."

"I was never good with big numbers. That makes you... twenty three now?"

"Just turned twenty four. Born on October 13th. I'm a Libra." Gook and Jimin give each other a smile, and the Jimin turns to Yoongi. "I need some protein."

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