《The Proposal》The Deal


The sun peeks over the horizon, which brings a stunning view of Gangnam from an apartment window, but whoever lives there isn't watching. A thumping noise echos through the walls and amongst all the expensive furniture that sits in this high rise home, Park Jimin is running on a treadmill, with the TV on mute in the background and reading a manuscript which is balanced on the top of the machine. He sprints as the clock on his treadmill goes to zero, and then hits a button to stop it from running.

On the other side of the city, an alarm clock blares out and a hand comes up to shut it up. It ends up falling off the bed side cabinet and crashing to the carpeted floor with one last shout. Min Yoongi sits up and looks around to figure out where he is. He is covered in pink satin sheets, and spots multiple framed pictures of the same male model on the walls. He grunts and tiredly swings his legs over the edge of the bed and looks down at the clock laying right side up on the floor. Once his eyes focus on the digital red numbers, he curses and jumps out of bed almost falling over from the sudden movement. Unfortunately for him, he is very hung over.

"Where are my clothes?" He looks around in panic, trying to locate all of his missing clothing.

A blob beneath the sheet next to him answers. "In the kitchen. I think. Can I make you some coffee?"

Yoongi turns to look at the man and smirks to himself feeling slightly proud that he had managed to score a night with him. Soobin is the same model that is printed on the walls, and is really, really hot.

"Sorry, I gotta go. I'm late." Yoongi hurries out of the room, trying to find his own way to the kitchen and spots his socks on a butchers block next to an empty wine bottle. His shoes are in the sink, and he finds his pants on the floor and hurriedly puts them on. "Have you seen my belt?" He calls loud into the open door to the bedroom.

Soobin looks around and sees the belt tied to his headboard. "In here." He unties the complicated knot and Yoongi comes back in the room half dressed.

He swallows a little throw-up. "Baby, I just can't do this anymore." Yoongi hurriedly gets dressed as he talks. "You're just too much for me. And I'm just another guy too wrapped up in his job."

Soobin frowns watching Yoongi frantically run around his bedroom. "Fine. Whatever. Just go."

Yoongi pauses for a second and sits down on the edge of the mattress and locks eyes with Soobin. "Let's not end it like that. It's been an amazing three and a half weeks. Thank you. And you should know that you have the nicest ass I've ever been with."

Soobin can't fight the smile off his face, and feels oddly satisfied by the way Yoongi compliments him. "You mean it?"

"I do. It's magnificent."

"I work really hard on it."

"I know you do."

Soobin smiles and begins to seductively pull the sheets off his naked body, but Yoongi shakes his head 'no' and smiles sweetly. "I really gotta go."

Back inside Jimin's apartment everything's a lot more calm. He pulls his slim arms through the sleeves of a black suit jacket, and walks over to his floor length mirror to make sure it looks perfect and neat. He smiles a satisfactory smile at his reflection before walking away to head into his kitchen. He pours out a bowl of Oats and soy milk and leans back against the marbled kitchen counter still reading the manuscript. His eyes remain glued to the reading as he rinses out his bowl and puts it in the dishwasher. His apartment is very quiet.


He leaves his apartment and heads over to the elevator, pressing the button to go down while he unlocks his mobile phone. The lift doors open and Jimin strides towards the exit and a uniformed Doorman pulls and holds the large glass entrance open so Jimin can walk through. Before Jimin reaches the door however, his cellphone rings as he clicks the answer button and places it up against his left ear.

"I knew you would call!" Jimin starts speaking down the phone. "Now come on, tell me what I want to hear. Give it to me."

Outside on the busy streets of Seoul a cab blares it's horn at Yoongi as he runs across the street. His suit is rumpled and he swiftly checks his watch.

Yoongi then bursts into a Starbucks and freezes when he sees the massive queue standing in line to the counter. It's always like this in the morning rush, but normally he's awake and out the door earlier.

His mind is whirring with ideas on what to do, and is just about to give up when he hears a female voice call his name. "Yoongi-ssi."

Yoongi looks up and spots the blonde head of the girl who usually takes his order. Her name tag says Ja but Yoongi doesn't need to read it, remembering her name for all the times she's served him. She holds two white coffee cups in her hands, and Yoongi smiles gratefully as he pushes past the line and hurries towards the counter.

"You're running late today."

Yoongi reaches out to take the coffee cups, heart slowing down a bit while he catches his breath back. "Ja, you're the best."

"If you think I'm good at this, you should use that coffee cup sometime."

As he runs out the door, Yoongi glances at his cup and smiles at Ja's name and phone number written in Sharpie. "See ya tomorrow."

He hurries down the street, running as fast as he can with the two hot cups in his hands, and quickly squeezes through the closing glass door of his work building. He rushes over to the elevator and notices as the doors ahead of him are beginning to close.

Mercifully, a hand reaches out and stops the doors, and Yoongi manages to make it into the small lift. Inside it is packed, and the co-workers surrounding him look sleepy.

One particularly frustrated co-worker confronts Yoongi. "How long is he gonna make us come in by seven?"

"He doesn't exactly consult with me on these things." Yoongi fires back, not liking the attitude of this man.

"Well this sucks ass."

Yoongi smirks. "Welcome to my nightmare."

The doors close as Jimin crosses the street and talks on the phone. "You've been thinking about our talk because I'm right. Everyone does publicity. Hang Kang, Ko Un, Hwang Sokyong. Hell, Yi Munyol practically whores himself. Know what they have in common? A Pulitzer."

He stops speaking for a moment to listen to the reply through the line before continuing to speak.

"Yes, I know you haven't done it in twenty years, but that's how long it's been since you've written a book this good."

Yoongi bursts out of the elevator and passes a clock reading 6:56 AM and a sign that announces 'Eduplanet LTD'. He hauls ass through a sea of cubicles, and along the way, grumpy employees begrudgingly nod their good mornings. At his desk, he pulls a tie out of a drawer and puts it on without looking in a mirror. Noticing his wrinkled suit, he pulls out a spray bottle from the same draw, and sprays it all over his body, and then his head to help mat down his scruffy fringe. Satisfied, he hurries into a nearby corner office.


Jimin walks into the lobby and continues talking on the phone. Employees avoid him and pile into the elevator. "I'm not pushing so you'll sell more books. I'm pushing because it'll be a crime if the world doesn't hear that you wrote a genius piece of literature. Do the publicity."

Jimin waits for an answer and smiles when he hears 'yes', then continues to speak. "You're making the right decision! Great news. Going into an elevator, think I'm going to lose you..." Jimin hangs up. Never give them a chance to change their mind.

Yoongi races to Jimin's computer and turns it on. He picks up papers strewn about the room, and then goes back to the computer and opens multiple websites and programs.

Jimin exits the elevator and receives an enthusiastic, "Good morning!" From the receptionist. He quickly walks by and gives only the slightest nod.

He walks through the cubicles and nods hello to his staff as he passes, who all look busy on the phone. When he turns the corner, they stop their 'conversations' in mid sentence and hang up.

Yoongi stares at the printer as a sheet of paper comes out. A clock above the door reads 7:00 AM. The paper clears the printer and Yoongi grabs it quickly.

Jimin opens the door to his office, and finds Yoongi standing at attention with papers in one hand and coffee in the other. His office looks perfect.

"You've got a conference call in thirty, a staff meeting at nine, and your immigration lawyer sent some papers for you to sign." Yoongi reels off.

And without greeting, Jimin walks by him over to his desk. "Cancel the call, move the meeting to eight, and I got Feng to do publicity."

Yoongi's eyebrows raise at his bosses words. "Nice job."

"When I want your praise, I'll ask for it. Is Bonghwa here?"

"I'm sure. You want him on the phone?"

Jimin shakes his head. "We're going to his office. Grab your pad."

Yoongi calmly backs out of the office and once he's out of Jimin's sight he runs to his computer and speedily types out a message that sends instantly to the office. 'The Banshee is headed to Bonghwa's office.'

As the message pops up on computers, the quiet office jumps to life as everyone in a cubicle picks up their phone and resumes their imaginary conversations.

Jimin comes out to Yoongi's desk. He notices his coffee cup with Ja's number on it and takes special notice of the hearts that dot around her name. "That's cute. You gonna call her today?"

"What?" Yoongi doesn't know what Jimin is talking about, until the younger nods at the paper cup. He then turns embarrassed.

"Are you bored here? Do you need little distractions like that to get you through the day?"

Yoongi stands frozen, not sure on how to reply. "Uh..."

"You have another late night out?" Jimin starts walking and Yoongi quickly catches up, worried because he doesn't know where Jimin's going with this. "I'm firing on all cylinders and you've got hearts on your coffee cup, wicked bed head, and a wrinkled suit that you wore yesterday."

Yoongi flushes. "Oh. Well, it won't be wrinkled for long."

"You'll magically unwrinkle?"


"You have magic pants?"

"No. I've sprayed them with stuff that will take care of the wrinkles."

"Does this work on more than just your pants?"

"Anything that's wrinkled."

"Buy me some."

"Will do." Yoongi makes a note.

Jimin stops to make his point. "I don't care what or who you do in your own time, but when you walk through that door you represent me, and I will not have your personal life affect you at work. If you want me to think of promoting you to editor, I need you sharp, focused and professional. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Great. Now you're just a prop in here, so don't say a word."

Yoongi pulls the door open for Jimin and makes a face as he walks through. The pair enter Bonghwa's office, which is decorated with beautiful antiques and first edition books. But unlike Jimin's office, this one isn't in the corner. Jimin nods at Yoongi to shut the door and then turns to face Bonghwa. Bonghwa wears a prim bow tie, circular tortoise shell glasses, and the air of superiority.

"Hey, Bonghwa."

"Ah. Our fearless leader and his liege."

Jimin smiles. "I'm letting you go, Bonghwa."

The man pauses, taking his glasses off oh his face and stares at Jimin is shock. "Pardon?"

"You're fired."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"This isn't working out."

"You can't..."

"I asked you repeatedly to get Feng to do publicity. You said it was impossible."

"It is. He doesn't do publicity."

"I just talked to him. He's in."


"No more buts, Bonghwa. I've been chief for a month and a half, and this is the third time you've dropped the ball. You didn't even call to ask him. All you had to do was pick up the phone. That's it. Now I'll give you two months to find a new job, and then you can say you resigned. I won't tell a soul, my lips are sealed." Jimin nods at Yoongi and the assistant opens the door.

Jimin and Yoongi walk a few steps out and away from the office. Jimin looks straight ahead and whispers to Yoongi. "What's he doing?"

Yoongi turns around and takes a peek. Bonghwa gets out of his chair and comes to his door. "He's up and about to pop."

"Oh Bonghwa, don't do it..."

Then all of a sudden Bonghwa's loud voice echos out into the quiet office. "You poisonous bitch! You can't fire me!"

The office stops, and everyone lifts their heads up to watch the scene in front of them, excited by it.

Jimin turns around with a disappointed look on his face. He is deadly calm. "What are you doing? I gave you a civilized way out of this?"

"This is because I'm your competition. Because I threaten you!"

"Oh, Bonghwa. You could never threaten me. I'm firing you because you're lazy, entitled and incompetent. I'm firing you because you don't work hard and spend more time here cheating on your wife than working. So if you know what's good for you, you'll shut up, take off that ridiculous bow tie, find a bar and get drunk. Because if you say one more word, Yoongi here is going to call security and have you thrown out on your ass. Are we perfectly clear?" Bonghwa nods. "Good. Now I've got work to do, so if you'll excuse me."

Jimin and Yoongi walk away and speak in hushed tones.

"We need to call the authors and explain what happened." Jimin speaks. "And get Feng's publicity schedule figured out pronto."

Yoongi nods his head. "No problem. I'll just cancel my trip this weekend."

"I gave you the weekend off?"

"It was my Grandma's ninetieth birthday. But no big deal. You were right before, I need to stay focused. Professional."

Yoongi now sits at his desk with the office phone pressed against his ear, explaining to his mum why he can't come home this weekend. He sounds like an annoyed teenager. "Well tell gammy that I'm sorry." He pauses while he listens to his mum down the line. "Mum, he's making me work this weekend. It's not like I volunteered." He waits to speak again. "I'm sure dad is pissed."

Jimin comes out of his office and over to Yoongi's desk.

Yoongi tries to wrap the conversation up as quickly as possible. "I have to go. Yeah. No, I'm not going to do that! No. Sorta. Mum! No. Bye." Yoongi hangs up the phone and turns to look up at where Jimin stands. "Sorry about that. Damage control."

"She tell you to quit?"

"No. No."

Jimin stares at him unimpressed, knowing that Yoongi is lying.

Yoongi caves in. "Um. Yes? But as I've explained to them, after three years together, you're the only person on the planet who can make me editor, so that's the way it is." His desk phone rings and he picks it up, doing his job before turning back to his boss. "Your 10:55 is here. Mr. Guk?"

"Who is this guy?"

"He said you knew each other. You weren't sure so you told me to set a meeting. We rescheduled on him four times."

"Go get him. But he's out of here in five minutes, we've got work to do." Jimin leaves and goes back into his office.

Yoongi mumbles to himself. "I'll charge up the cattle prod."

Inside Jimin's office, Jimin reads as Mr. Guk sits down. He's an intense man in a bad suit. He sits in silence until Jimin looks up.

"Jimin. Good to see you. I know how busy you are. Congrats on the promotion. Read about it in P-W."

"Yeah. Well, those announcements are silly, aren't they? Like everyone who needs to know doesn't already." Jimin has been trying to figure out how he knows this man, but now gives up. "I have to admit, I can't place where we know each other from."

Guk smiles. He didn't expect him to remember. "Three years ago? We worked together."

"Don't have it..."

"Remember 'Dandelion's Desire?'"

Jimin gets excited. "Oh my God, you read that manuscript with me? That book is legend. Without a doubt the worst ever written."

"You think?"

"It was a fever dream! 900 offensive and pointless pages, with like 30 characters, who all has some weird disability. The paraplegic pornographer, and the stuttering scientist? Oh! And there was the asthmatic alien chapter - written entirely in his alien language."

"I believe there was a glossary..."

Jimin laughs, caught up in the memory. "Did you see the pass letter I wrote him?"

Guk starts quoting. "'Your grammar is impeccable, but please do not confuse superior form with writing ability. Save your skills for the office newsletter, you sir, are no writer.'"

There's a pause and then Jimin speaks, matter of fact. "You wrote the book."

"I did."

"You're Donyul Dickens?"

"One of my nom de plumes."

Guk stands up and starts pacing but Jimin stays seated, at a loss. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. You obviously were spending a lot of time writing, I just thought you should channel all that passion into something else."

Guk smiles as he pulls a badge from his coat pocket. "Mr. Park, I'm with the Korean Citizenship and Immigration Services, and I'm deporting you back to America."

"Excuse me? What? This is a mistake. I've lived here since 2005. I'm applying for citizenship."

"You need citizenship now? After the big promotion?"

"Yes. And all the papers are in."

Guk pulls out a stack of papers and throws them down. "Well, my office is going to reject your paperwork on Monday, while we investigate whether your behavior is well disposed to the good order and happiness of South Korea. We must protect our sovereignty."

"I'm a threat to the sovereignty of South Korea?"

"Yes, and unfortunately my investigation will take a while, so you'll be deported while your case winds through the system." He speaks as if he doesn't know. "Will it affect you at work if you aren't allowed to enter South Korea for the next two to three years?"

"'Affect me at work?' I'll lose my job!"

Mr. Guk speaks with mock sympathy. "Ahhhh. That's a shame. Too bad we can't work something out."

Jimin stops looking at his file. It all becomes clear. "Oh, no. No, no, no. I won't do it."

"Do what, Mr. Park?"

"Publish your book."

Guk smiles. He's quick. "I've edited it down. It's better."

"Well then, get it published at another house."

"They all just don't get me."


"Well, not all. Two hundred fifty, two hundred sixty-one. Ish."

"I'll be fired and laughed out of the industry if I publish that book."

"I'm at the end of my rope, Mr. Park. I'm an author. Not some bureaucrat who brings a lunchable to work everyday and lives in his brother's garage. You're the last stop, and I'm desperate."

"I will never publish your book. Ever."

"There's no need to make this difficult. I don't turn in your file until Monday..."

"This is blackmail. I'll go to your boss."

"I've spent two years preparing for this day. Don't you think I've thought of that?"

Now Jimin is pacing, while Mr. Guk happily looks on. Suddenly the door opens and Yoongi bursts in, acting like there is an 'emergency' so Jimin can end the meeting. "Excuse me, Mr. Park, risk management needs you right away."

The sight of Yoongi inspired Jimin. He turns to Guk with a wicked grin on his face. "You know what, Donyul? I'm not going anywhere! We're getting married!"

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