《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 48


When it is said that after every darkness, comes the light, there is so much of truth in it. After all the bad things comes the good ones. In every sad story, there is a hope of happiness in the future.

And the future seemed so bright today that Avni had never imagined it in her dreams.

The morning sunlight was scattered in the sky, giving it a yellowish orange hue. The sun rays were shining on her face adding more glow to her already glowing face.

She was standing at the balcony of her room with a contented smile on her face with the thoughts of her future and thanking God for it.

Aditya woke up and saw Avni standing with an angelic smile. The wind was caressing her face and blowing her hair making her appear too damn beautiful...

As beautiful as a goddess.

Only she could look this beautiful in these early hours, he thought.

He got up from the bed and placed his hands on her pregnant belly. Avni smiled looking into his eyes and placed her own hands on top of his.

She leaned into him and sighed. That moment, meant the world to both of them.

Aditya kissed her cheek and said, 'Good morning precious. How are you today? Is our man in there fine?'

As if in response, they both felt a kick from inside her belly and both chuckled.

'He is going to be a strong man.' Aditya said in a gentle voice. Avni nodded and said, 'Yeah. Just like his father.'

'Just like his parents, precious.' He corrected her and she looked at him fondly and then pecked him over his jaw.

Just then, a small form entered inside the room. Aditya and Avni both smiled looking at the young girl.


'Good morning Lipi', Aditya said to their daughter.

They had adopted her officially during the winters just around Christmas. Lipi seemed too happy; so did Avni.

They got too attached to each other from that moment. When Lipi was informed that she was going to have a brother with her in few months, she was beyond elated at the news.

And there wasn't a day, when she didn't talk to her baby brother.

She was as curious as Avni and Aditya for the baby to come into the world.

Today, was no different. She replied to Aditya adoringly, 'Good morning Pa! I wanted to know how my baby brother is. So, I came here to check up on him.'

Both Aditya and Avni chuckled at the young girl's enthusiasm. She started calling Aditya Pa as soon as she stepped her foot inside the house after her adoption.

Lipi came forward and placed her hand on Avni's belly. She said, 'I want you to come soon. When you will come out, I will teach you all the great things.'

Avni caressed Lipi's cheeks and placed a kiss on her forehead by lowering herself.

Avni and Lipi had become like a real mother and daughter. Their relationship was growing stronger with each passing day.

Aditya lowered himself at Lipi's level and hugged her. He loved the child like his own blood, there was no doubt in that.

Lipi yawned widely and Aditya chuckled and said, 'I assume you ran here as soon as you left the bed. Now, come on, you need to brush your teeth first thing in the morning.'

Like father like daughter, Avni smiled thoughtfully. Her eyes were shining with love and happiness.

She sighed contentedly and thought about the last few months. Aditya had been so supportive throughout her pregnancy.


Her mood swings, her anxiety, he had been there all along to help her and when she told him that she wanted to talk to Rohit, he understood her and arranged for their meeting.

It was about time that she make amends with him. She talked to Rohit about everything regarding her marriage and apologized to him.

She was nervous first, whether he would ever forgive her but Aditya was there all along. Aditya kissed and told her to have faith in herself.

When Rohit saw how much Aditya loved Avni, and the fact that she was pregnant, was enough for him to forgive Avni.

While leaving, he wished her a happy life ahead. She was grateful for him for understanding and forgiving her.

It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her chest.

'Precious, I would suggest you to stop thinking so much and have breakfast with us.' Aditya said walking towards her breaking her train of thoughts.

He reached forward and held her hand, kissing the back of her hand dearly. Avni smiled and said, 'I was thinking that how lucky I am to have such a lovely family. I was thanking my stars.'

'You don't have to thank your stars for anything. The only person you need to thank is me and I have quite a few ideas as to how you could thank me.' Aditya said winking at her.

Avni rolled her eyes at him and said, 'What should I do with the ego of yours, which is as great as a mountain!'

'As I said, precious. I have quite a few ideas.' Aditya said pulling her towards him and holding her waist.

Avni lowered her head and leaned over his chest to hide the blush, she was sure could be seen on her face.

Aditya chuckled because he knew the effect he had on her.

It was amazing how, even after a year of their marriage, nothing had changed. Aditya still had the same effect on her and Avni held the same power over him.

It was a matter of two weeks, when Avni had her baby boy coming into the world with beautiful brown eyes, just like his father and a beautiful nose and lips like his mother.

He was a beautiful baby where there was no doubt, will grow into a gorgeous man.

Avni and Aditya along with Lipi welcomed the baby boy in their home and in a few days time, he had everyone wrapped around his fingers. They named the boy, Dhruv.

There was an environment of merriment in the whole family and it was like a dream come true for Avni.

Aditya and Avni knew that like everything else, these happy moments will pass too. But, they both were ready to conquer every hurdle that was to come in their way as long as they were together.

There was no doubt in either of their minds that their love would always remain the same but was to become stronger everyday. That was because they both were meant to be together.

Both were destined to fall in love with each other even when it was the unwanted proposal for them.

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