《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 47


The ride back home was quiet with a slight banter between the brother and sister. It seemed that both of them couldn't help themselves.

Avni leaned back on the back seat and was fast asleep. It was after a few more minutes when they reached home that Aditya noticed Avni sound asleep. He had been right when he said she needed rest.

He told his father and Baani that he'll take Avni inside. They both nodded in unison and went inside.

Aditya opened the back door and let his gaze travel to the sleeping form of Avni. He removed the strand of hair covering a little part of her face. She was looking so peaceful in sleep but a frown was still plastered on her face.

He wondered if he was the reason for that frown on her beautiful face. He quickly shook the thought away and gathered her in his arms.

He took her inside and laid her down on the bed in his bedroom. He remembered the last time when they both were in that room.

The memories were painful for him. He could relive each part of that moment that had happened. He wanted to wash away those bitter memories. He wanted to replace them with the new ones. He decided he would do exactly that.

After settling her under the covers, he went to take a shower.

He needed the shower so much after everything that had happened. He was feeling relaxed with each drop of water flowing over his body.

He knew that Avni was angry that he didn't listen to her. But he couldn't keep her there in the hospital. Not because he didn't care but because he wanted to be near her. He wanted to stay with her as soon as possible. It was also because the atmosphere of the hospital reminded him of his mother's death.

He came out and found that Avni was still sleeping. He dressed quickly and thought to do that one thing he hadn't done, for like in years.

He smiled to himself looking over to the sleeping form of his wife when he lightly kissed her forehead before exiting the room and shutting the door silently behind him.


Avni woke up few minutes later and found that she was lying on the bed in her bedroom.

It was the same bed she had seen Eva the last time she was here. At that time, she had felt jealous and sad but it was all for nothing. It was all over and for that, she was thankful.

She came out of her thoughts when the door to the room opened and then came in, Aditya.

He looked somewhat better than before when she saw him in hospital. He must have taken a shower, she thought. His hair looked still wet and his eyes didn't look tired anymore.

When he fully entered inside, she saw him carrying a plate filled with food. It was when he grinned at her, she remembered that she was supposed to be mad at him.

She didn't return his grin and stayed with a neutral face. Aditya's face fell down a little which he quickly hid it with yet another smile.

He kept the plate at the bedside table and said, 'How are you feeling precious?'

Avni sat up and leaned back at the headboard. Then said, 'I am feeling good.'

'Are you hungry?' Aditya asked her and in response her stomach grumbled.

Avni cursed her stomach for letting Aditya know that she was in fact really hungry.

Aditya chuckled and said, 'Yeah I thought so. Here, precious eat this.' He placed the plate in front of her with a smile.

Avni looked at it and said, 'You didn't have to trouble anyone Adi. I am well capable of preparing the meal for myself.'

'Trust me my dear wife. I did not trouble anyone. In fact, I prepared it for you.' Aditya said proudly.

Avni looked at the food in front of her and then at Aditya. She couldn't believe he was the one who prepared it. She didn't know he knew cooking too.

He was full of surprises. She was mesmerized by her husband. Nobody could say looking at him that he was capable of being such a sweet man.

It was times like these when she couldn't control her love and feelings for this man.


How could she be mad at him when he was being so caring and loving. Her anger melted at the same moment when she came to know who prepared the food.

Still, she had to make him realize his mistake. But, that she will do later on. For now, she was going to enjoy her meal.

'Thank you. I didn't know that you can cook.' Avni told Aditya eating a spoonful of fried rice. She almost moaned from the taste of it.

She didn't know it was because she was famished or it was really delicious but when her tongue tasted the rice and its spices spread over her taste buds she couldn't control the moan coming from her mouth.

The people who say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, they are so wrong. The way to a woman's heart is also through her stomach.

'From the way you are making that sound, I take it that you liked it?' Aditya asked and Avni nodded.

'I didn't like it. I loved it. It's so delicious. How did you prepare it? I want to know. And why didn't you tell me you could cook!?' Avni asked him.

Aditya smiled at her and said, 'That's because I don't cook. I used to before when I was in college. But then, I got busy and there wasn't any reason for me to cook.'

'So, this time you prepared it specially for me then?' Avni asked shyly.

'Yes, you could say that. You are the reason why I am willing to change my ways about everything. You are the only goal in my life, precious.

To make you happy is my only aim and will always be. You are the light of my life Avni and I know, I should have told you this before but I am sorry that I kept it to myself for so long.

I love you my precious. I was in love with you for such a long time but was afraid of what if you didn't feel the same way about me. I know I am such a stupid....'

Avni stopped eating and pushed the plate aside. She interrupted him midway by throwing herself at him and capturing his lips by her own.

It started as a slow one which eventually became more passionate. The intensity increased between the two.

But then, Avni drew back holding the injured spot at her stomach. She must have strained the muscles of her stomach.

Both were breathing heavily but Aditya's expression quickly transformed into a concerned one when he saw her in pain.

He cursed under his breath. 'I am so sorry precious! It is all my fault. I should have resisted it.' He said apologetically.

Avni tried to hide the painful expression from her face and said, 'No Adi. It wasn't your fault. I was the one who started it. You have nothing to be sorry about.'

'I think I have strained my stitches here a bit. I'll be alright. You are here that matters the most.' Avni tried to lighten his mood.

'I am sorry precious. Not for kissing you but for not listening to you in the hospital. I was being stubborn but it was only because I wanted you close to me and for some other reasons too.' Aditya explained her.

'I know why you wanted me here. I know that you don't get the nightmares when I am with you. That is the reason why I didn't argue much.' Avni said smiling holding his hand.

'God! I am one lucky man to have such a wonderful woman like you as my wife.' Aditya said kissing her knuckles.

And so was she to have Aditya as her husband she thought. From that day, Aditya made sure to take care of Avni more than usual. In a few weeks time, she was as healthy as before.

The life could not get better than it already was. Both were happy in their sweet moments together, ready to make and live the life they had dreamed, together, forever.

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