《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 46


'I want to tell you so many things, precious. But I will only reveal them when you wake up.' Aditya said next to Avni.

Avni could hear Aditya's voice but she was confused that if she was dead, how could she hear him.

'Everything will be alright son. Just give her time.' Avni could hear another voice which resembled her father-in-law's voice.

After that, again darkness...

Sometime later, she heard the voice again, 'We are waiting for you my doll. When you'll come back I'll prepare for you your favorite cake.' This time it was her mother's voice.

From where does she keep hearing these voices? She was confused so much.

After a while, she felt a hand enclosing her own. The heat radiating from the touch brought the feeling of familiar warmth inside her. She could never forget his touch.

It was too impossible to be a dream when his touch felt like that.

Slowly, the darkness was being replaced with the white light and she wondered whether she was going to heaven.

Again, she heard a beeping sound and this time she was capable of understanding that she, infact, was alive.

She slowly opened her eyes and was able to see only the white light and a fan on the ceiling.

When her vision became clear, the first person who came into view was the most wonderful man of her life, her husband.

Aditya was lying beside her bed sitting in a chair, still holding her hand. It seemed like he was tired and fell asleep.

She smiled looking at him. He appeared tired but handsome nevertheless.

She tried to move her hand which became numb by keeping in the same position for too long. Due to her movement, Aditya woke up and looked at her with all the happiness in the world.

He said, 'You are awake my precious! How are you love?' Two endearments at the same time, the butterflies in Avni's stomach did a somersault hearing those words from his lovely deep voice.

He kissed her forehead when Avni asked him, 'How long have I been here? And what happened after Eva stabbed me?'

Aditya's eyes darkened on hearing Eva's name.

'I will tell you everything later on when you are healthy. For now, you need rest.' Aditya told her.

Avni controlled the urge to roll her eyes at him. Talk about overprotectiveness and Aditya will score the highest, she thought.


She said, 'Adi, I had been resting here for God knows how long. I will rest when I get back home. For now, please tell me what happened and how long have I been unconscious?'

Aditya sighed and said, 'Alright then! It has been one and a half day since you have been unconscious.

When Eva..' It appeared as if it pained him to even say her name. He continued, '...stabbed you, I thought I lost you. When I checked your pulse, I realized you were unconscious. So, I quickly called the ambulance.

Then I rushed towards Eva and threw her knife away or else I would have killed her with it.'

'She tried to free herself but as I had told you that day that cops were to arrive, it was a matter of few minutes when the siren of the police could be heard. Eva tried to get away but then I had firmly placed her in a position so she couldn't escape.'

'After that, we brought you to the hospital and now you are here.' He raised her hand and placed a kiss at the back of her hand.

'So, when am I leaving the hospital? I hate to be here.' Avni said with a pout on her face.

Aditya chuckled and said, 'Soon. May be in about two hours exactly.' Avni's face lightened and Aditya continued, 'I had already talked to the doctor. He told me we can take you home after you gain consciousness.'

He pointed towards the part where she was stabbed and said, 'The injury you got there, was fixed and you might not feel the pain right now due to the meds but soon when the effect wears off, you're going to have a lot of pain.'

'Thank you for reminding me Adi. I almost forgot that I was stabbed by that crazy woman.' Avni muttered.

'But precious, you don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it too. It took a lot of effort from my side to explain it to the doctor. He wasn't happy about the idea.' Aditya told her.

'Adi if doctor suggests that I should stay here then I should. Don't you think it will be best if I stay here?' Avni asked.

'Oh really! Just now you were too eager to leave but now you want to stay?' Aditya snapped.


It was strange how it changed from talking lovingly to arguing.

'Don't get angry Adi.' Avni tried talking calmly. 'I was just asking it. I know how bad you want to take me back home but I thought it would be best if I stay here.'

'You are not staying here and that is final. I've already talked to the doctor. At least you should trust that Avni. You should know by now that I will not let any harm come to you. It's about time that you start trusting your husband.' Saying this he stood up and exited the room.

Avni knew there was no use arguing with him now. But she wasn't the one who would let it go like that. He should understand where does he need to act stubborn where he does not.

After Aditya went out all her family gathered inside. First came in Baani who hugged her tightly and said, 'We are so happy that you are alright.'

One by one each member came forward and expressed their love for her. At that moment, she felt so lucky and thankful to God for giving her such a wonderful family.

Aditya entered inside the room with hands in his pockets, his eyes giving her a warning of not to speak a word in front of the family.

Avni challenged him with her own glare but thought it better to not give away anything for the moment.

Aditya smiled at everyone and said, 'I see everyone of you have already met her.'

'Yeah we don't need your permission Adi. You are not our boss.' Baani said showing him her tongue. Aditya glared at her but said nothing.

Avni chuckled at their exchange. She loved this relationship between the siblings. It always reminded her of her own brother who was now standing beside her with the same look on his face as if he was thinking the same thing.

She never felt so content in her life as she was feeling right now with her whole family with her.

Aditya brought her out of her thoughts when he said, 'I have signed the discharge papers. Let's get you home.'

Avni thought it better not to argue in front of everybody present so she nodded at him.

She promised her mother that she'll visit her as soon as she gets better. She tried to get up when she felt the stabbing pain at the left side of her stomach.

It seemed the effect of medicines was wearing off. Before she could tell about it to anyone, Aditya saw her and lifted her off the floor in a bridal style.

'Adi, put me down. What are you doing?' Avni asked slightly flushed at his public display of affection.

'I am taking care of my wife. You are in pain and I don't want you to be in pain. So, keep quiet and don't make me madder than I already am.' He whispered the last part so only she could hear.

Avni huffed and didn't say anything after that. She was giving him a hard look but he didn't seem to care about anything.

He has the nerve to be mad at me when I should be the one who should be mad. She thought to herself.

Aditya settled her at the back seat with Baani and sat in front along with his father.

He was frustrated with the fact that Avni still didn't trust him. But then, he hadn't given her a reason. It was because of him that she had to suffer and was in the hospital.

He wanted to do so much better and he was trying so hard to do so but she wasn't letting him do anything.

He never liked anyone denying his will. He was always used to getting his way through everything. He tried to do the same with Avni but in the process he forgot that Avni wasn't just anyone. That was the reason he was nervous about his decision for not listening to her.

He loved her and wanted to do what was best for her but in the process he was afraid that he will have to face the outcome.

Throughout the ride, Avni was giving him the cold stare whenever he looked at her in the mirror.

That scared the hell out of him. But then, he wasn't the one to back off that easily. If she was playing with him, he was ready to face her with whatever she was going to offer.

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