《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 45


Fareed had no choice, after Aditya raised the gun towards him, but to let Avni go.

As soon as Fareed released Avni, she rushed towards Aditya but then a sound of gunshot being fired resonated and everything went still.

Fareed dropped down to the ground with a thump bleeding and dead.

Avni looked at him in shock and then followed the source of the gunshot. Eva stood there with glinting eyes in front of her.

Avni looked at Aditya who was looking at Eva with disgust.

Eva pointed the gun towards Avni and walked towards her slowly.

'You! Get away from him', Eva told Avni making her stand away from Aditya.

She walked towards the dead body of Fareed and said, 'He was such a moron! I told him his plan wouldn't work but he didn't listen to me. Now see what happened.'

Avni folded her hands in front of her chest and said, 'You are crazy Eva.'

'Shut up bitch! He deserved to die after interfering with my plan. I told him whatever the situation, he was not allowed to hand you over to Adi.' Eva was shouting now.

'Now, Aditya will be mine forever.' She placed her gun on Avni's forehead and said, 'Any last wish?' Avni's gaze landed on Aditya. She thought this is the end. She looked at the face of her husband.

He was such a lovely man with long lashes, she never told him that. Finally , she spoke ,'I want to speak with Adi for the last time.'

Eva smirked at her and said, 'Fine you can speak but only for 2 minutes. Whatever you have to say, make it quick.'

She lowered her gun but not enough to let Avni do anything to escape.

Avni walked towards Aditya and stood in front of him. She looked into his eyes and said, 'Adi, before anything happens, I want you to know that I love you. I never thought I would feel like this ever in my life but you made it possible.


I love everything about you. Your jealousy, your anger, your touch and your eyes.

Your eyes Adi.. When you look at me with those eyes, it does something to me. It feels like nothing exists in my life but only you. For that moment, I forget everything and nothing matters to me but you. Only you. I love you so much that I haven't loved anyone like I love you.' She held Aditya's hand and placed a kiss over his knuckles.

Aditya's eyes became glassy with her words. His throat constricted with the emotions he was feeling inside. He wanted to tell her that he loved her too but it would have meant that he was telling her goodbye. He was not ready to let her go yet.

He rather captured her in his arms and held her in his tight embrace. God knows how much he had missed her. Her presence, her smell, her warmth.

Eva cleared her throat and said, 'Enough of you two. Your time is over.'

At that moment, Aditya whispered in Avni's ears so only she could hear him.

'Don't worry precious. Play along. Soon the cops will be here.' Then he let her go and Eva got hold of Avni again.

She pointed the gun at Avni. 'That's it. Now, goodbye Avni.' Eva said when Aditya said interrupting her action, 'Eva, my darling!' Eva stopped and with wide open eyes looked at Aditya.

'What did you just call me?' Eva said not believing what she heard was right.

'Oh c'mon Eva, I don't think you heard it wrong. You know I've always loved you.' Aditya said slowly walking towards her.

'But you told me to leave you that day. How could I believe you now?' Eva told Aditya.


'You have to believe me sweetheart. I was blinded before. I never realized it before. But seeing your love today, I've understood what mistake I had made before.'

'Really Adi! I am so happy right now. After she dies, there will be no one to separate us.' Eva spoke pointing the gun towards Avni again.

'Eva love, you don't have to do this. There is no need for you to get your hands dirty. I am not going back to her. Put the gun down and give it to me.' Aditya said reaching towards her.

Eva gripping the gun tightly, moved back and said, 'No! I am not giving it to you. Whatever you say, she has to die.'

Then again she pointed the gun and was about to pull the trigger when Aditya reached towards her and threw the gun away.

Eva looked at him with anger and hurt and said, 'I knew it. It was all fake words. You were playing me.'

'It's not that Eva, I didn't want you to kill anyone.' Aditya explained and hugged Eva. At her back, he motioned Avni to run.

Avni nodded and started to run back when Eva said, ' Don't you dare run away Avni. I am not finished with you.'

Eva backed off from Aditya and said, ' Not yet, Adi do you think that I am a fool? You were allowing Avni to escape by playing me.'

She took out the knife from her pocket that she had been hiding and reached towards Avni.

Before Aditya could reach towards her, she pierced the knife into Avni's body.

'No!', Aditya shouted and got hold of Eva. She was laughing to herself, lost in her crazy world.

'What did you do!?' He shook Eva who just freed herself from his grip and went back to stand near Aditya's car.

Avni fell down by the pain searing through her body. She wanted to end it. So, this is the end, she thought and fell down but instead of the hard surface of the ground she was welcomed by Aditya's arms.

She was thankful that in the last moments of her life, her husband was with her holding her to him.

She looked into Aditya's glassy eyes that was filled with grief and said, 'I love you Adi.'

That was the last thing she said when darkness consumed her.

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