《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 44


The sun was setting down with a picturesque view of the orange yellow sky. The cold wind started blowing in the atmosphere giving the message for the onset of winter.

The weather was changing so fast like his own life, Aditya thought while driving.

He was agitated inside and was speeding the car. He never in his life drove so fast, not even when he was a spoiled one in college.

But then, he never needed to before. He was wondering how Avni was staying. He wanted to hold her and get to her as fast as possible but looking at the traffic, he was doubtful that he would reach at a faster pace.

He put the car in reverse and took a different road where there wasn't much traffic.


'Now, you are here Avni. So, I think it's time for you to understand that Aditya is all mine.' Eva said excitedly.

Avni felt a sudden bitterness towards Eva. She hated that she was tied here in front of her.

Avni spoke bitterly, 'Eva open your eyes and get this inside the thick skull of yours that Aditya will never accept you. He is a married man now. So, stop living in an illusion.'

'Oh! He will not remain married for too long.' Eva said putting her hands at her sides.

'What do you mean?' Avni asked dreading the answer.

'I mean that you will give him divorce or else you know the rules. You are going to your beloved Sandhya.' Eva said smirking and Avni's eyes widened which she quickly recovered from.

Half of her ropes were cut now, only few minutes more and she will be free, Avni thought.

'What are you talking about Eva? We talked about it that we won't kill her.' Fareed spoke and Avni felt relieved.

'I think we should talk about it first. Come with me.' Eva told Fareed and they both exited out the room.

As soon as they went out, Avni started working through the ropes more furiously. In a matter of a minute she cut the rope and freed herself.

Now, the only thing she had to do was find the way to escape.


She couldn't hear the sound of Eva or Fareed outside the room. So, that meant they went further. She very slowly began opening the door when she heard footsteps.

She cursed under her breath and stood behind the door. She held the blade in her hand securely preparing herself for what was to come next.

The door opened and to her relief, there was only the one guard and not Eva and Fareed. It would be easier to defend herself from one as compared to two.

She stopped breathing for a second. The guard's eyes widened when he discovered the chair empty where Avni was tied. He turned quickly and ran outside without a single glance where Avni stood hiding.

Avni released a sigh of relief and quickly ran. It would not take long for the others to be back.

On her way she found a tank filled with something. She reached towards it and found that it was oil. She spilled it on the floor and thought it better to continue towards the other way from where guard had entered.

She knew it would be the way where she could escape. She was feeling lucky that they didn't put too many guards else it would be impossible for her to get away.

She was about to move when a gunshot fired and she stood rooted to where she was.

'Well, trying to go somewhere?', Fareed said pointing the gun towards Avni.

'No, I thought of moving around the place', Avni replied innocently. If it were some other situation, she would be laughing at her bad joke but here she was in front of the man pointing a gun towards her.

'You know, you are quite amusing princess. If Eva didn't want to deal with you, I would have kept you for myself.' Fareed said and Avni felt disgusted with mere his words.

'Go to hell!' Avni cursed at him but he just laughed at her and said, 'Come now, it's time for you to come with me.'

'Where are you taking me?' Avni asked with fear. She was trying not to let her voice tremble at the situation, in front of her captor.

'I am taking you for the display in front of your husband. Eva told me after I get those papers, it wouldn't be necessary for me to hand you over to your husband', Fareed said walking towards her.


'Where is Eva?' Avni questioned and Fareed frowned at her.

He said, 'You ask too many questions princess. Come now. It's time and if you open your mouth in front of Aditya, I am going to put all the bullets in your head. Am I clear?'

Avni nodded without uttering a single word. He came forward and keeping the gun at her head held her arm and started walking towards the exit.

Avni had no choice but to obey the man. After all, he had the upper arm here. But, she was still holding the blade. The only thing she needed was the right time to use it.

For now, she would pretend to be helpless, she thought.

After a few minutes of walking, they were away from the main building. Now, they had entered into a sort of garden where the main building was hidden behind the trees all around.

Avni wondered who owned the place for it appeared as if it wasn't used for a long time.

Avni's breath hitched and she felt elated when she spotted Aditya's Maserati. She felt like a child who is too happy to find her favorite lost toy.

Aditya came into view when he stopped his car and came out. Avni noted the change in him in the few days that had passed.

His hair looked ruffled as if he had been moving his fingers through them in frustration. His eyes looked tired deprived of sleep and the growth of his stubble appeared to be thick.

Still, he managed to look handsome. Looking at him now, felt like she was seeing him after many weeks. But it was only few days since she left home.

It felt like Avni could breathe again. She felt relieved with mere Aditya's presence. She wanted to apologize to him for running away, for not trusting him enough.

Aditya was too angry at Fareed for kidnapping Avni. He wanted to end his life then and there.

He knew he could not do that until Avni is safe. So, he thought it better to control himself.

He looked at Avni and that made him release a sigh of relief. She was alright, he could tell and for that he was thankful to God.

Though she looked pale, but they hadn't done anything to hurt her. He was worried about her to the bone, the moment he found out about her being kidnapped.

He so desperately wanted to hold her and tell her that he loved her. Looking at her, he could tell that she felt the same for him.

His thoughts was interrupted by Fareed who said, 'Thank you for coming my friend! Now, I would like to get those papers.'

Fareed was holding Avni's arm in his hand and that bubbled up the anger inside Aditya. He closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself and then said, 'First I want you to release Avni.'

'That's not happening. You are going to give me the papers first or else I am going to blow her head off.' Fareed said pointing a gun towards Avni.

Aditya clenched his teeth and then said, 'Fine then. Take these papers.'

He raised his hand to offer him the papers and Fareed left Avni's arm which she felt relieved. She rubbed her arm where he was holding her.

Avni thought it a great opportunity to act at this moment as all of Fareed's attention was on the papers.

Avni pulled out the blade and with a lightening speed attacked at Fareed's hand that was holding the gun. The gun flew out of his hand towards Aditya and Avni tried to run away.

At the same time, Fareed didn't know what was happening but soon he came to his senses when he realized that Avni was running away.

He quickly grabbed her in a way she couldn't move ahead. Avni started shouting to leave her but Fareed's hold was too strong. She started crying with the pain and with all the adrenaline rush that was flowing inside her.

Aditya saw the gun and raised it towards Fareed. He said, ' Leave Avni or else I am going to shoot you.'

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