《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 43


Aditya collected the papers Fareed had asked for and drove out. He was determined to reach and rescue Avni. He drove to the location as fast as he could.

He wanted to make sure that he don't waste a single second. He decided that he wouldn't let Fareed escape. He would get hold of him and make him pay for his deed.

On the other hand, Avni was locked up and after trying to escape and then failing for six to seven times, she was still hopeful that she will make it this time.

She was sure that this time, she will be successful in escaping because she had the weapon she needed for the purpose.

Two days back, when she asked for a doctor they refused her plea but after acting about her increasing illness, they couldn't ignore her.

That day, she slipped a small blade from doctor's case without anybody knowing. The doctor of course knew, but looking at her pale and thin body he understood that she needed it and kept quiet.

After that day, she had been planning and staying quiet so she could find a way to escape.

Today would be the day when she could be successful. She was sitting still, only her hands working behind over the ropes that were tied too tight at her back.

She had to be discreet and steady in her work. Only then, she would be able open them.

She was sweating now and too tired. Her breathing was coming out to be slow and deep. She was trying to calm down but she wanted to free herself as soon as possible.

Then, she heard the sound of footsteps coming to her room and she had no choice but to cease her action.

A few seconds later, Fareed entered and said, 'It's time for you princess. I have a good news for you.'

Avni frowned at his statement confused as to what he was trying to say.

He continued, 'The good news is that your husband has agreed to my terms and you will be free as soon as we meet.'

'What are you talking about? I can't understand a word you are speaking.' Avni said.

'It's very simple you see. I wanted some papers from Aditya which he agreed to give me in exchange for his beloved wife.' Fareed explained when his cell phone started ringing.


Hearing Fareed's words, Avni sat there dumbstruck. She didn't know what to make out of his words.

It didn't take her long to recognize her captor. It was none other than Fareed. She was sure of that fact now.

But, Aditya had to return those papers to him? She knew how important those papers were. And he was abandoning them for her sake!

She was confused as to why he would do such a thing if he didn't love her. He never said he loved her but she had felt it every time he looked at her. She was hoping he would say that to her someday.

That was the only hope she had but that hope was completely shattered when she saw him with Eva.

She got so blinded by her jealousy that she didn't even think rationally. Her Adi would never do such a thing. She realized it now when she was thinking about that day.

Aditya was coming out of the bathroom but he was not with Eva. He was looking confused to see Eva and not her. She was so enraged at the time that she did not think properly.

She was so naive to leave him. If she hadn't left that day, she would be lying in her husband's arms now.

And that Eva.

She betrayed her in the worst possible way. She considered her as a friend but she spoiled her friendship. The thought itself brought out the rage inside her. She was angry with herself for making the most stupid decision.

But then, Aditya never came after her which made her sad.

Fareed entered again and gave her his lopsided grin which she hated so much.

He then lowered himself to her level and said, 'You know you have a visitor princess. Would you like to meet that visitor?'

Avni looked at him with anger and said, 'Go to hell!'

Fareed's eyes darkened which he quickly recovered and then devilishly chuckled.

'We'll see that, princess. For now, I think the only person who will be close to hell is going to be you. You know, after you meet your lovely visitor.' Fareed spoke with excitement in his voice.

'I don't want to meet anybody.' Avni said sternly while working through her ropes.

'I never asked you what you want. I am telling you, regardless of what you want, you have to meet that person.' Fareed said and Avni scoffed at him.


'Come in!' Fareed called out and from behind the door emerged the woman who gave the taste of betrayal to Avni.

'Hello darling!' Eva said with a teasing smile on her face. Avni wanted to wipe that stupid smile from her face in that instant. If she wasn't tied, she would have done just that.

The only thing she could do was speak. So, she spat at her, 'Hello bitch!'

Eva's face changed from smiling to angry which made Avni smirk and she said, 'What? You didn't like your new name?' Avni was never the one to cuss but looking at these people, it brought a certain hatred inside her which she never felt for anyone before.

Eva said, 'Remember where you are and the only person who's a bitch is you.'

Avni sighed and said, 'Why are you here Eva?'

'I just wanted to checkout how you're doing. Is that too much to ask from one's friend?' Eva said dramatically.

'Oh c'mon Eva. We both know that is not what you are here for.' Avni said.

'Actually, I am enjoying watching you tied down all helpless. Don't worry you won't be for too long. I have plans for you.' Eva said and Avni felt uneasy for the first time looking into her eyes, which was filled with craziness.

'What sort of plans? Stop playing games Eva.' Avni said frustrated. She was still moving her blade over the ropes but it was too thick and taking too long to cut.

'What! I am playing games?' Eva started laughing in the craziest way and then said, 'It was you who was playing Avni. You tried to act all innocent all time in order to get to Aditya. He was mine. He was always mine no matter how far I made him go. Living across another country never bothered him. He still loved me.

When I rejected him first, I felt too bad. I was blinded at the time but when I realized what a big mistake I made, I tried to contact him.

It was then, I found out he had a girlfriend. But, it did not take too long for her to go away from his life and it was a relief for me when I heard about her being dead. It was because I knew I have a chance with him again.

I took his phone number from my mother's cell phone without her knowing anything about it. She has been always too good to everyone but she never was when it came to her own daughter.

So, I took the contact and called Aditya but he never answered. Again to my despair, a few days later, I was being informed that he was coming back to meet my mother along with his wife.'

Avni felt a little sympathy towards this crazy being but that was only for a short moment.

Eva paused, took a deep breath as if coming back to the present and said, 'When I met you, I hated you instantly. Everyone kept saying you are sweet and beautiful. But, I never liked you. You never deserved my Adi.'

'Eva stop living in the delusion for God's sake. Aditya loved you but he stopped it the day you married and left him. He, now is married to me so please forget about him and move on. You will get a better person for yourself.' Avni tried to be reasonable.

'Shut up! Do you think you can play me? Aditya is mine and the only thing that is stopping him is you. I tried so many times to warn you but you little witch, always stuck with him.

I tried to create doubts in your mind appointing Sandhya so that you stay away from him. But, she was starting to act so goody goody. So, I took care of her.'

Avni's eyes widened. 'What did you do to her?' Avni asked.

'Nothing, I didn't have to do anything. He did it.' Eva said pointing towards Fareed who just grinned.

'So, you...you mean..you..' Avni was not able to continue which Eva finished for her. 'Yeah killed her. What choice did we have. If we hadn't killed her, you wouldn't be here today.'

The hair at Avni's back stood up. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She never knew these people were capable of killing another person.

That meant she was in deep trouble. She so desperately wanted this all to end but she didn't know how.

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